Thursday, 30 May 2013 14:22

The Christopher Columbus Approach to Treating Cancer

Special guest, Lorene Benoit, presents a comprehensive natural program for understanding, preventing and working with cancer.
According to Lorene Benoit, the world is round and cancer can be treated naturally.

Not surprisingly, conventional medicine does not agree.

Most mainstream doctors believe that alternative cancer treatments can only help with feelings of anxiety and possibly control cancer therapy side effects.

Mayo Clinic actually states, “Alternative cancer treatments won't play any role in curing your cancer, but they may help you cope with signs and symptoms caused by cancer and cancer treatments.”

What do you believe… can natural therapies do more than just help cancer patients cope?

Benoit, author, consultant and natural health teacher for more than 30 years, shares her opinion as she presents a comprehensive natural program for understanding, preventing and working with cancer.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 3
  • Audio File: healthy_talk/1322ht4c.mp3
  • Book Title: The Pawpaw Program
  • Guest Bio: Lorene Benoit is a Natural Health Consultant and Educator. She founded Benoit & Associates Health Education Services in 1989. Her qualifications are Bachelor of Education in Biology and Physical Education, Masters of Holistic Healing, Certified Herbal Consultant, Iridologist, Contact Reflex Analyst, plus certifications for Live Blood Analysis, Western and Chinese herbs, Nutrition, Massage and Energy Healing.

    She has taught throughout North America, from five to 500 people, both practitioners and clients, from workshops to her annual four day Herbal Intensive every summer on her herbal acreage on Vancouver Island. She was the Canadian Instructor for Tree of Light Institute US, for both Masters of Holistic Health and Certified Herbal Consultant programs for 10 years in Canada.

    She has authored for health publications since mid-80s, plus written booklets on Muscle Testing, Vaccinations and Chinese Herbs. Benoit has been featured and interviewed on radio and TV programs on a variety of topics. Her passion is teaching health in everyday language! This book was written to offer help to anyone dealing with cancer, as well as to help understand causes and incorporate preventative lifestyle changes. For practitioners, this book is a must to save time and help clients understand what causes cancer and how to work with natural solutions for cancer.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Dr. Michael Smith, MD