Getting together as a family when a cherished loved one was lost during the year and won’t be there, can feel daunting.
What's the scoop on flu shots this season?
Published in Healthy Children
Tuesday, 05 December 2017 00:00

Flu Shots: The Scoop for the Season

What's the scoop on flu shots this season?
Published in Healthy Children
Friday, 06 January 2017 00:00

Two Causes of Illness

Learn about the two things that cause illness and how to remedy them.
Published in Wellness for Life
Monday, 06 June 2016 10:00

How to Survive a Superbug

A "superbug" can be super scary.
Published in The Wizard of Eyes
What are the most common injuries during the holiday season?
What are the top dirtiest items in an office that can lead to the spread of germs and the flu?
Published in Health Radio
Monday, 26 October 2015 11:06

Climate Change & Waterborne Illness

What does climate change have to do with waterborne illnesses?
Published in Health Radio
Monday, 28 September 2015 11:06

The Flu + You: Campaign for People Over 65

Only 13 percent of seniors are extremely confident in their knowledge of possible flu complications.
Published in Health Radio
Listen in as Pam and Michelle answer your personal health questions.
Published in HER
Thursday, 27 August 2015 11:46

Conquering Superbugs with Dog Kisses

What's the science behind a dog's microbiome and how does that help defeat superbugs?
Published in Health Radio
The summer months can actually make certain illnesses feel worse.
Published in Health Radio
The summer months can actually make certain illnesses feel worse.
Published in GTL
Learn how you can protect yourself in one of the germiest places.
Published in Mindful Medicine
If your doctors are unsure what's causing your illness, you may want to consider taking matters into your own hands.
Published in HER
Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself and your health when you're not receiving proper care.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Wednesday, 17 September 2014 11:11

Protect Yourself from Colds & Flu this Winter

Sneezing, sniffling and other symptoms of colds and flu are just around the corner. But, what if you could avoid sickness altogether?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Is there a way your negative diagnosis can positively change your life?
Published in Mindful Medicine
It is important for parents to evaluate their child’s symptoms and distinguish minor everyday concerns from more serious conditions.
Published in Healthy Children
Did you know that your odds of dying from drowning are higher than the odds of meeting your mate on a blind date?
Friday, 14 March 2014 10:00

Antibiotic Overuse Can Put You at Risk

Are you over-medicating yourself every time you get a simple cough? Know when you should and should not use antibiotics.
Learn to meet the challenges of your illness and minimize the aggravation of the current healthcare maze.
Wednesday, 11 December 2013 11:22

Eat to Live, Do Not Live to Eat

Learn how you can eat healthy-yet-delicious foods that will allow you to lose weight and keep it off permanently.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Thursday, 28 November 2013 13:22

Thinning Hair? Don't Despair... Reverse It

Thinning hair? Don't despair. Hair loss caused by diseases, such as thyroid disease, can be reversed with treatment of the underlying condition.
Published in HER
Saturday, 26 October 2013 16:25

Are You at Risk for Lyme Disease?

Lyme disease is a debilitating condition that affects more than 300,000 people each year. But a vaccine may be just around the corner.
Thursday, 24 October 2013 12:45

Disease Doesn’t Have to Run in the Family

Do you know what diseases run in your family? Fortunately, genetics doesn't have to predict your risk of getting one of them.
Thursday, 24 October 2013 12:33

Are You Disease-Proof?

Are you disease-proof? What if you were able to reduce your risk of disease by a whopping 80 percent?
Are you ready to take Dr. Ginger's 30-Day Change-Your-Life Nutrition Detox Challenge?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 18 September 2013 11:33

Do Your Thoughts Affect Your Health?

The way you think can directly affect healing and health. Learn more about Mind-Body Medicine, and how you can benefit.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Friday, 13 September 2013 10:45

Brain-Eating Amoeba: Rare but Deadly

It sounds like something out of a science fiction horror movie, but these parasites are real and almost uniformly deadly.
Friday, 13 September 2013 10:33

Ovarian Cancer: The Silent Killer

Ovarian cancer is projected to kill more than 14,000 women this year. But if you don't have a family history, how do you know if you're at risk?
Thursday, 12 September 2013 14:33

Staying Healthy as a Caregiver

If you're caring for a loved one you may unknowingly be putting your own health at risk.
Wednesday, 31 July 2013 11:11

Can Alternative Medicine Help You Heal?

Is alternative medicine right for you? Learn some of the healing benefits of a natural approach to health.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 24 July 2013 11:11

Foods that Promote Self-Healing

You are what you eat. Learn which foods can help promote self-healing.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Friday, 07 June 2013 10:45

Our Nation's Mental Health Crisis

Our nation's mental health system is on the brink of disaster! Is there hope for the future?
If you or your kids will be spending long periods of time in the sun, then you better know the signs of heat stroke.
Saturday, 13 April 2013 16:25

Coping with a Terminal Illness

After being diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) it is therapeutic to know how to cope and still live with the a joyful spirit.
Saturday, 13 April 2013 16:00

A Year of Living with Joy

After being diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) it is important to know how to cope and still live with the a joyful spirit.
Monday, 07 January 2013 12:22

Myths of Modern Medicine Exposed

Are the false medical beliefs, that even many doctors believe, causing poor healthcare?
Published in Staying Well