Tuesday, 24 November 2020 00:00

Screening for Bullying, and How To Prevent It

One of the worries all parents have is that their kids might get bullied at school, on the sports field, or now even online. Bullying is an even bigger problem now as it takes on many forms and can happen really all the time on social media. 

Published in Healthy Children
Should your child watch 13 Reasons Why?
Published in Healthy Children
Thursday, 05 October 2017 00:00

Fat Bias: Prejudice Starts Early

Unconscious biases against heavier people start at a young age.
Published in HER

While the start of a new school year comes with excitement for kids, it also comes with stress. 

It’s common for kids to feel overwhelmed this time of year, especially as they navigate the challenges that crop up with a new school year. This stress can manifest itself in stomachaches, headaches, loss of appetite, and even depression. 

Here are five common top back to school stressors and how parents can help their kids to bust them.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Should your child watch 13 Reasons Why?
Published in Healthy Children
How to recognize adult bullying, how to know if you are a bully, and what to do if you’re bullied with author/therapist Holly Brown.
Published in Which Way is Life
In the past few years, advances in technology have had major impacts on the physical and mental health of children and teens.
Tuesday, 19 April 2016 12:00

Social Media: Keeping Kids Safe & Healthy

Social media is a great tool for connecting with old friends and staying in touch, but it can have some detrimental effects on our and our kids’ mental well-being.
Published in Sharecare Radio
Approximately 30 percent of bullied teens say that they have felt sad for the past year; 22 percent of these teens say that they have considered suicide.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 14 October 2015 12:45

Teaching Kindness to Kids

How can you best teach kids kindness and respect for others, as well as kindness and respect for themselves?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Monday, 12 October 2015 11:34

Recognizing Bully Behavior in Your Child

How do you know if your kid is being bullied?
Published in Health Radio
Tuesday, 06 October 2015 12:00

Ask Dr. Darria: Bullying

In this week's "Ask Dr. Darria" segment, Dr. Darria answers listeners' questions on the topic of bullying.
Published in Sharecare Radio
Have you armed your kids with the proper advice they need to stay safe?
Published in Wellness for Life
You cant make everyone happy, nor force them to like you. How do you begin to accept this fact?
Published in HER
Wednesday, 17 September 2014 12:22

Bullying: Help Your Child Avoid Being a Target

Are there strategies you can teach your child to help them NOT be the subject of the local bully?
Published in Healthy Children
Saturday, 05 July 2014 16:25

Parenting in the Tech Age

It's a brave new world out there for parents; one filled with cyberbullying, selfies and online gaming. So, how do parents know when to let kids stay in sync with the tech world -- and when to unplug?
Wednesday, 07 May 2014 12:11

Bullied Children May Resort to Violence

?According to a new study, large numbers of U.S. high school students who are bullied take weapons to school. Scary, but true.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 18 September 2013 12:33

How Can You Tell If Your Child is Being Bullied

Bullying Happens. Is your child being bullied? Or are they the bully?
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 28 August 2013 11:22

Building Teen Esteem to Fight Bullying

Do you know a teen that is bullied or maybe is a bully? Learn how you can do something about it.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 14 August 2013 12:11

Helping Your Child Adjust to Being the New Kid

Being the new kid at school can be scary. Learn how you can help your child adjust to his or her new surroundings.
Published in Healthy Children
Females still earn less than males holding the same job. Will we ever be able to eliminate the gender pay gap?
Published in Staying Well
Monday, 08 July 2013 12:11

Adult Bullying: A Real Problem

Even though you may have put the memories of bullies behind you, they may still be present in your adult life.
Published in Staying Well
Wednesday, 19 June 2013 12:11

The Sibling Bully: Pain at Home

Were you ever picked on by a sibling? Seems normal right? Actually, there is an important difference between normal sibling play and the next level of bullying.
Published in Healthy Children
Five out of 30 high school students were victims of electronic bullying in the past year. Is your kid being bullied or one of the bullies?
Published in Healthy Children
Are male eating disorders a silent epidemic? Many men, including Mark Cuban's brother, suffer. Research says he is not alone.
Published in Staying Well
Do Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual youth experience more bullying? Does life get better for them?  Is teaching acceptance the solution?
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 17 October 2012 12:20

What If Your Child Is The Bully?

What would you do if you found out your child was the school bully?
Published in Healthy Children
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