As we move through the uncertainty of the COVID-19 era, friendship is especially helpful -- possibly in more ways than one.
Published in HER
For families with children at home, whether small children, school-aged kids, or even young adults home from college, these coronavirus times are especially challenging
Published in Healthy Children
Dr. Roger Hall, author of Staying Happy Being Productive, shares tips for easing some of the irrational fears and worries impacting us during the pandemic.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Dr. Rosenberg discusses how to manage the vulnerability we're all feeling during the pandemic.
Published in Wellness for Life
The COVID-19 pandemic is a challenging time to stay on top of your health and weight. How can you make sure you don't come out of these weeks ten (or more) pounds heavier?
Published in HER
Thursday, 23 April 2020 00:00

Immunity from Coronavirus and Beyond

Dr. Friedman covers some basic "Germ 101," as well as immune-boosting foods and supplements -- and the truth about face masks and gloves.
Tuesday, 21 April 2020 08:00

Covid 19 and Obesity

While children may not fully understand what's going on regarding coronavirus, they can still pick up on the fear and anxiety circulating within the their environment.
Published in Healthy Children
What have the hippies ever done for us? Matthew Ingram explores the relationship between the summer of love and wellness, medicine, and health -- and what that means for us now in the era of COVID-19.
Published in HER
It's critical for the health of your family, your community, and the world for us to remain steadfast with social distancing and self-isolation.
Published in Healthy Children
How long will the pandemic last? How long will its effects linger? The answers are unknown, which only adds to the levels of stress.
Published in HER
For families with children at home, whether small children, school-aged kids, or even young adults home from college, these coronavirus times are especially challenging
Published in Healthy Children
Friday, 03 April 2020 08:00

COVID-19 Facts

Published in Capital Health
For those who aren't used to working remotely, and even those who are, there are certain factors to consider. Namely, posture.
Published in HER
Wednesday, 01 April 2020 00:00

Building Resiliency

Published in Outer Banks Hospital
Wednesday, 01 April 2020 00:00

COVID-19 Emergency Response

Published in City of Cedar Rapids
Spectrum Health’s senior director of strategic marketing Holly Sullivan describes how her organization is preparing for COVID-19 and how the strategic marketers are playing a key role in communicating critical information, partnering with others, and transforming processes to meet new demands.
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