Thursday, 04 October 2018 13:30

Dealing with Anorexia? 5 Ways to Help Yourself During Recovery

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Beating anorexia is a process rather than a single act. 

When you’re ready to tackle your eating disorder, recognize that you’ll be actively working on the problem every day. Recovery is possible, but it takes time. 

These five tips will help you help yourself and be successful.
Tuesday, 02 October 2018 16:59

Healthy Lung Month: 3 Incurable Lung Diseases to Be Aware Of

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Lung health and function are not easily ignored. Each day, the average human takes somewhere between 16,000 and 30,000 breaths. So many of us breathe effortlessly on a daily basis, but for others, it is a constant battle to make it through their day. 

October is the time to celebrate happy lungs and to understand issues for serious lung problems.
Saturday, 29 September 2018 21:15

Your Guide to This Flu Season: Don’ts & Do’s

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Flu does not discriminate. You may still catch it, even if you were diligent with your hand-washing, immune-boosting, and people-avoiding strategies. Five to 20 percent of the U.S. population comes down with flu each year, so there’s a good chance that you or a loved one may catch it. 

The key to dramatically cutting downtime from flu is to recognize, respond, and relax—and to know when to see your doctor if conditions worsen. I tell my patients that defense is the best offense against this virus. 

Here’s a day-by-day game plan, including what not to do and what to do, so you can recover quickly and get back to your daily demands.
Wednesday, 26 September 2018 19:33

How An Eco-Friendly Home Can Boost Your Health

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An estimated 3.8 million people die prematurely each year due to illnesses related to household air pollution. Three billion people cook using open fires or stoves that use fuels like coal and wood to produce heat, which pollute the air. But, many other everyday household items also contribute to poor air quality, such as cleaning products, air fresheners and paints. 

All of this is detrimental to one’s health, both short-term and long-term. In fact, environmental factors have been found to have a greater impact on the immune system than a person’s genetics.

Choose eco-friendly products to have a greener home that will benefit both your health and the planet.
Wednesday, 26 September 2018 19:08

Post Summer Blues? 5 Things to Do to Boost Your Mood this Fall

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For many people the end of summertime means back to school and back to the grind. Companies launch into their fourth quarter which means the summer slack off season is done and it’s time to get serious as we close out the end of the year. 

Between the dip in temperatures, shorter days, work and family demands, it’s no wonder people feel sad to part with summer. 

We connected with Dr. Sanam Hafeez, Neuropsychologist and Teaching Faculty at Columbia University in New York City to explain why people get the post summer blues. We also offer some things to do to boost the mood as we say goodbye to summer and hello to fall.
Thursday, 20 September 2018 14:37

Black Market Plastic Surgery: The Price You Pay for a "Bargain"

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Seeking fuller lips, a larger derriere and bigger breasts, but unable to afford expensive plastic surgery procedures? 

Many women in the U.S. are increasingly turning to the black market to alter their appearance. With the use of tools such as industrial silicone, which is only available at home improvement stores, many women in several states have died after people without medical training injected their buttocks with the silicone.

Of those who survive the procedure, many are left with disfigured appearances and serious medical issues.
Wednesday, 12 September 2018 11:24

How My Chronic Pain Revealed My Chronic Addiction

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For as long as I can remember, I was plagued with chronic urinary tract and kidney infections. Growing up in a small town, my mom and I would venture into the local family practitioner’s office almost weekly. The doctor would write me a prescription for an antibiotic and send us on our way, without any answers. Essentially we were treating the symptoms but never curing the ailment. 

Much like the addiction that was soon to come, I remember the pain eroding my quality of life. I’d spend hours crying, running into the bathroom, and begging for relief. One day, I went for my routine office visit and I was greeted by a fill-in doctor. Anxiously annoyed, I updated the doctor on my medical history. He quickly realized that my frequent visits warranted further investigation.

Finally, someone validated my pain.
Saturday, 01 September 2018 14:03

Natural Treatment Options for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

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Have you been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)? If so, then you are well aware of how complex the disorder is. 

It’s estimated that somewhere around 18 percent of women receive this diagnosis. 

The formation of small ovarian cysts cause a plethora of health problems--from infertility and pelvic pain to missing or extremely heavy menstrual cycles.

In some cases, there is nothing that can be done to prevent PCOS. That's because one reason women are affected is simply because of genetics. One study showed that 24 percent of women with PCOS also had a mother with the condition. The same study showed that 32 percent had a sister that was diagnosed with PCOS. There are other reasons PCOS occurs, including a hormonal imbalance or improper diet. 

The good news is, there are a variety of treatment options out there.
Saturday, 01 September 2018 13:49

7 Reasons Why Copper Is Good for Your Health

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Copper is a micronutrient essential for multiple functions in the body. It benefits your health overall, including maintaining beauty, promoting general wellness, treatment of wounds, and even helps in maintaining metabolic processes. 

Even though it is required in trace quantities, copper provides tremendous health benefits. Read on to know more.
Saturday, 01 September 2018 13:30

Warning: Parents Can Trickle Down Stress to Their Children

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According to the National Institute of Mental Health, anxiety disorders are affecting one in eight children, and that could put them at risk of poor school performance, sleep disturbances and maintaining relationships with peers. 

A child’s nervous system typically can’t handle the fast-paced culture we live in today, which has played a big role in the spike of anxiety in children.

In 2009, then Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the Donda West Plastic Surgery Law, requiring health checks be conducted prior to all major plastic surgery procedures in the state. 

This was following the death of rapper Kanye West’s mother. It was later determined that her heart attack was spawned by a combination of numerous postoperative complications and pre-existing coronary artery disease. 

Today, women especially peruse Instagram and covet a perfect pout, perky derriere and firm breasts seen on Insta models. Just because you may desire cosmetic surgery does not mean you are physically or mentally fit for it NOW.
Friday, 17 August 2018 12:15

Belly Bloating: Doc Shares What to Eat & What to Avoid

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Regardless of weight or body type, it’s common to see some belly bloat. The foods we choose, how we’re digesting and simply the air we’re swallowing, can all add up to feeling and looking bloated. 

To help us keep our bellies as bloat free as possible, is Dr. Niket Sonpal, Adjunct Assistant Professor at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine, Board Certified in Internal Medicine specializing in gastroenterology, digestive health and nutrition, who shares what to eat and what to avoid and why.
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