Does your back bother you most of the time?
A weak back could signal a weak core. You can actually help eliminate back pain by getting awesome core strength.
The best way to do that?
Pilates and/or yoga can keep the back doctor away.
With so many different types of yoga and Pilates out there, which exercises can actually help strengthen your back and give you full range of motion once again?
Dr. Michele Olson joins Melanie Cole, MS, to discuss yoga and Pilates as a way to keep your back pain at bay.
A weak back could signal a weak core. You can actually help eliminate back pain by getting awesome core strength.
The best way to do that?
Pilates and/or yoga can keep the back doctor away.
With so many different types of yoga and Pilates out there, which exercises can actually help strengthen your back and give you full range of motion once again?
Dr. Michele Olson joins Melanie Cole, MS, to discuss yoga and Pilates as a way to keep your back pain at bay.