Thursday, 15 June 2023 00:00

Adrenal Transformation Protocol

Do you feel overwhelmed and tired no matter how much sleep you get? Experience brain fog at work or just having a hard time concentrating? If so, you may be suffering from adrenal dysfunction. Join us today is returning guest and a listener favorite, Dr. Isabella Wentz, author of the number one best selling book, Adrenal Transformation Protocol.
Long-term stress can result in mental and physical exhaustion, as well as adrenal burnout.
Published in Wellness for Life
Thursday, 03 October 2019 00:00

How to Achieve Healthy and Sustained Energy

It's estimated that 43% of Americans are too tired to think clearly at work, make informed decisions, and be productive.
Are you exhausted all the time? You might need to get your adrenals checked.
Published in Health Radio
Tuesday, 17 November 2015 03:11

Tired of Being Tired?

Kathleen Barnes, guest from the “Food is Medicine” series, has answers to these questions and more:

Do you wake up feeling like you’ve never been asleep? Do you lie awake at night?

Do you feel fuzzy-headed and are prone to headaches, muscle aches, and general pains?

These symptoms are part of a basket of maladies that might be chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). They could also describe hypothyroidism or adrenal fatigue.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
Adrenal insufficiency is an endocrine disorder that occurs when the adrenal glands do not produce enough of certain hormones.
Published in HER