Your gut microbiome has a great deal to do with your weight, specifically belly fat.
Thursday, 09 February 2017 00:00

Beat Belly Fat with Travis Stork, MD

Your gut microbiome has a great deal to do with your weight, specifically belly fat.
Listen in as Pam and Michelle answer your personal health questions.
Published in HER
Thursday, 04 June 2015 12:44

Nature's Secrets: Flat Sexy Belly

Each week, host Dr. Susanne Bennett shares with her listeners Nature's Secrets to a healthier body.
Published in Wellness for Life
Friday, 10 April 2015 10:11

Can Red Wine Really Burn Fat?

Belly fat can be one of the most stubborn places to lose weight.
Crunches, planks and sit-ups: you've tried them all, but do they actually work on that belly fat?
Published in GTL
Crunches, planks and sit-ups: you've tried them all, but do they actually work on that belly fat?
Published in Train Your Body
No, beer is not the secret to losing weight. One ingredient may certainly help, however.
Wednesday, 15 January 2014 11:22

Men Don't Diet, They Refuel

Has your man lost his sex drive or energy level? Dr. John La Puma provides a great program that can help lose the "man boobs" and get him back to his old self in no time.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Tuesday, 23 April 2013 12:11

Boost Your Metabolism with these Foods

Can you actually speed up your metabolism with food? Yes! Achieve ultimate weight loss by choosing foods that burn more fat.
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 23 April 2013 12:00

Will Clean Eating Eliminate Belly Fat?

What is clean eating? Is it a passing fad or truly the best way to eat? Try these tips to eliminate stubborn belly fat.
Published in Train Your Body
Thursday, 13 December 2012 12:45

Guilt-free Holiday Eating

Looking forward to the holiday goodies but afraid to overindulge? Did you know you can actually eat the foods you love and still lose weight?
Stay slim during the holidays by following these suprisingly simple tips.
Thursday, 13 December 2012 12:22

The Dangers of Belly Fat

Millions of American's are overweight, but did you know that belly fat alone can cause serious health issues?