Monday, 29 August 2016 12:00

5 Farmer’s Market’s Myths

Shopping for fresh foods at your local farmers' market is a fantastic way to get on the path to greater health. However, there are some myths about shopping locally.
Published in CLEAN Food Network
Whole foods encompass foods that come straight from the Earth in their most unprocessed, unrefined state. What about soul foods?
Published in CLEAN Food Network
Is it possible your pet is eating a healthier diet than you?
Published in CLEAN Food Network
Want to turn your favorite comfort foods from forbidden to healthy in seconds?
Published in Clean Food Network
Monday, 29 August 2016 12:00

Farm to Fork: Why What You Eat Matters

Farmers' markets often offer foods that have been sustainably raised and harvested, as well as heirloom varieties you might not find in your supermarket.
Published in Clean Food Network
Monday, 29 August 2016 12:00

5 Farmer’s Market’s Myths

Shopping for fresh foods at your local farmers' market is a fantastic way to get on the path to greater health. However, there are some myths about shopping locally.
Published in Clean Food Network
Whole foods encompass foods that come straight from the Earth in their most unprocessed, unrefined state. What about soul foods?
Published in Clean Food Network
Is it possible your pet is eating a healthier diet than you?
Published in Clean Food Network
Wednesday, 24 August 2016 12:11

Fool-Proof Weight Loss: Answer Is in Your Gut

If your gut ecology is optimal, your overall health and wellness will follow, including weight loss.
Published in Naturally Savvy
When you make the decision to start eating clean, you must start to think about what you put into your body and be more mindful of the choices you make.
Published in CLEAN Food Network
Monday, 22 August 2016 12:00

8 Tenets of Clean Eating

Clean eating encompasses more than just the foods you put into your body.
Published in CLEAN Food Network
Monday, 22 August 2016 12:00

Eating for Beauty & Health

The philosophy of naturopathic medicine is to use the most natural methods to achieve optimal health and beauty.
Published in CLEAN Food Network
Monday, 22 August 2016 12:00

Green Blender: Ready-to-Go Smoothies

Smoothies are a great way to get tons of nutrients in an on-the-go snack.
Published in CLEAN Food Network
When you make the decision to start eating clean, you must start to think about what you put into your body and be more mindful of the choices you make.
Published in Clean Food Network
Monday, 22 August 2016 12:00

8 Tenets of Clean Eating

Clean eating encompasses more than just the foods you put into your body.
Published in Clean Food Network
Monday, 22 August 2016 12:00

Eating for Beauty & Health

The philosophy of naturopathic medicine is to use the most natural methods to achieve optimal health and beauty.
Published in Clean Food Network
Monday, 22 August 2016 12:00

Green Blender: Ready-to-Go Smoothies

Smoothies are a great way to get tons of nutrients in an on-the-go snack.
Published in Clean Food Network
Saturday, 20 August 2016 14:25

Hidden Danger of Fake Foods

Stop wasting your good money on bad (and potentially dangerous) food.
Thursday, 18 August 2016 12:00

Discover the Foods Proven to Prevent Disease

The vast majority of premature deaths can be prevented through simple changes in diet and lifestyle.
Wednesday, 17 August 2016 13:35

Culinary CPR: Grilled Swordfish

Chef Luca Paris joins Dr. Mike to discuss his latest savory recipe.
Do you really know what's in your grocery cart?
Wednesday, 17 August 2016 13:00

Something's Fishy: Seafood Lies

How do you know you're actually getting the fish you want?
Monday, 15 August 2016 12:00

How Much Protein Do You Really Need?

How much protein should you really be getting on a daily basis?
Published in CLEAN Food Network
Monday, 15 August 2016 12:00

Dairy-Free Milk Alternatives

A dairy sensitivity doesn't mean you have to give up the concept of milk altogether.
Published in CLEAN Food Network
Monday, 15 August 2016 12:00

How Smoothies Can Change Your Life

If you're looking to get more fruits and vegetables into your diet, smoothies can be a wonderful option.
Published in CLEAN Food Network
A healthy microbiome can change the genetic profiles associated with coronary artery disease.
Published in CLEAN Food Network
Monday, 15 August 2016 12:00

Root Cause of Inflammation

Are you are suffering from a chronic illness but not getting the results you want from conventional care alone?
Published in CLEAN Food Network
Monday, 15 August 2016 12:00

How Much Protein Do You Really Need?

How much protein should you really be getting on a daily basis?
Published in Clean Food Network
Monday, 15 August 2016 12:00

How Smoothies Can Change Your Life

If you're looking to get more fruits and vegetables into your diet, smoothies can be a wonderful option.
Published in Clean Food Network
Monday, 15 August 2016 12:00

Root Cause of Inflammation

Are you are suffering from a chronic illness but not getting the results you want from conventional care alone?
Published in Clean Food Network
Monday, 15 August 2016 12:00

Dairy-Free Milk Alternatives

A dairy sensitivity doesn't mean you have to give up the concept of milk altogether.
Published in Clean Food Network
A healthy microbiome can change the genetic profiles associated with coronary artery disease.
Published in Clean Food Network
Wednesday, 10 August 2016 12:33

More than Marijuana: The Cannabis Cure

Cannabis has been used as a medicinal agent for hundreds of years.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 10 August 2016 12:00

Carol Alt: Best Raw Chocolates

What better food to contain antioxidants than chocolate?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Tuesday, 09 August 2016 13:00

Was It Something I Ate?

Do you suffer from seemingly random gastrointestinal problems, skin outbreaks, headaches, joint pain, or mood swings?
Published in Talk Healthy Today
So, you’ve found out which foods are your enemy. Now what?
Published in Talk Healthy Today
Certain nutrients can boost immunity, and you can find them in travel-friendly sizes.
Published in CLEAN Food Network
Monday, 08 August 2016 12:00

Real Food vs. Fake Food

Is that really lobster in your lobster roll?
Published in CLEAN Food Network
Monday, 08 August 2016 12:00

Healing Benefits of the GAPS Diet

From ADHD and autism to asthma and thyroid disorders, the GAPS Diet may be your answer.
Published in CLEAN Food Network
Almond milk has a huge fan base, but there are many other "alternative" milks that can be created from foods like soy, seeds, grains and coconut.
Published in CLEAN Food Network
Monday, 08 August 2016 12:00

Food-Beauty Connection

What if you could improve your physical appearance simply by tweaking the types of foods you eat?
Published in CLEAN Food Network
Certain nutrients can boost immunity, and you can find them in travel-friendly sizes.
Published in Clean Food Network
Monday, 08 August 2016 12:00

Real Food vs. Fake Food

Is that really lobster in your lobster roll?
Published in Clean Food Network
Monday, 08 August 2016 12:00

Healing Benefits of the GAPS Diet

From ADHD and autism to asthma and thyroid disorders, the GAPS Diet may be your answer.
Published in Clean Food Network
Almond milk has a huge fan base, but there are many other "alternative" milks that can be created from foods like soy, seeds, grains and coconut.
Published in Clean Food Network
Monday, 08 August 2016 12:00

Food-Beauty Connection

What if you could improve your physical appearance simply by tweaking the types of foods you eat?
Published in Clean Food Network
Friday, 05 August 2016 12:11

Reduce Inflammation Naturally

Take control of inflammation with natural techniques.
Published in Wellness for Life

The sunny, long days of summer combined with the thought of frozen treats can awaken the child-like excitement inside each one of us.

Popsicles are magnificent portable summer snacks for all ages. You can buy them, of course, but it’s arguably more fun (and healthier) to make them at home. It involves a little patience while waiting for them to freeze, but that’s what swimming pools or slip and slides are for.

We scavenged through several food blogs to find the top ten recipes... hopefully you will find a new favorite.

Not only will these recipes satisfy your summer cravings, but also provide some nutrients and benefits you may not expect. A few are rich in fiber, while others give you a protein boost and are naturally filled with vitamins and minerals.

The best part of popsicle making is that it takes hardly any skills whatsoever. If you can mix and pour, you are an expert. More importantly, if you can taste and critique it, you’ve just upgraded to a popsicle connoisseur.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Chef Luca Paris joins Dr. Mike to discuss his latest savory recipe.
Wednesday, 03 August 2016 13:12

Sheepish Expressions: Artisan Cheeses

Learn more about how sheep's cheese is made.
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