Wednesday, 14 October 2015 12:45

Teaching Kindness to Kids

How can you best teach kids kindness and respect for others, as well as kindness and respect for themselves?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Monday, 12 October 2015 11:34

Recognizing Bully Behavior in Your Child

How do you know if your kid is being bullied?
Published in Health Radio
Wednesday, 07 October 2015 11:06

AAP’s Advice on Screen Time & Other Media

Today, more than 30 percent of U.S. children first play with a mobile device when they're still in diapers.
Published in Healthy Children
Friday, 02 October 2015 13:00

Raising Emotional Children

How you raise an emotional child and why emotions are natural and important.
Published in Rewired Radio
Friday, 18 September 2015 09:00

Your Child Has Head Lice: What Should You Do?

According to a recent report, at least 25 states have lice populations that don't respond to common OTC treatments.
What are behaviors that can lead to addiction, and at what age do they start?
Published in Health Radio
What are ways parents can boost their child's potential?
Published in Health Radio
Monday, 24 August 2015 11:18

Back-to-School Tips for Working Moms

With school in session, your mornings might be a little more chaotic than they used to be.
Published in Health Radio
Even though temper tantrums are part of child development, that doesn't make them any less frustrating.
Published in Healthy Children
What can you expect while you're expecting a baby?
Published in Health Radio
Friday, 14 August 2015 12:00

Breastfeeding Myths & Facts

What are some of the myths surrounding breastfeeding?
Published in Wellness for Life
Friday, 14 August 2015 12:00

Tips for Breastfeeding Success

What are some tips for new moms to feel at ease nursing their little ones?
Published in Wellness for Life
Wednesday, 12 August 2015 12:45

A Mother’s Perspective on Mental Illness

Ignoring the public health crisis of mental illness hurts all of us.
Published in Naturally Savvy
There's nothing worse than a baby who just won't sleep.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Have you armed your kids with the proper advice they need to stay safe?
Published in Wellness for Life
Friday, 17 July 2015 12:00

The Ever-Present Generation Gap

As a parent, how can you make the “generation gap” not feel like the grand canyon?
Published in Wellness for Life
Deciding not to have children is a decision couples need to make together.
Published in Health Radio
How can you be an effective parent when your kids have complete control of the digital world?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Saturday, 04 July 2015 16:25

Modern Fathers: Being Dad in 2015

Today's dads are dealing with more than age-old questions. They're grappling with the latest baby gadgets, being more involved at home, and shifting traditional family roles.
Just asking one simple question can save your child's life.
Published in Healthy Children
When choosing a summer camp, you need to know which one is right for your child.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 15 April 2015 12:33

Making the Best of Your Child's Summer Break

It's summertime, and you want to make the most of your children's time off.
Published in Healthy Children
What are schools and communities doing to bring healthy play to children?
Do you go to garage sales? What items are OK for you to buy for your kids? Are there some things you just shouldn't get second hand?
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 04 March 2015 09:42

Bringing Home Baby

Wednesday, 25 February 2015 12:11

What Can You Do When Your Baby Won't Stop Crying?

Crying serves several useful purposes for your baby. But, sometimes the crying won't stop. It's unnerving at the very least, so what's a parent to do?
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 25 February 2015 12:00

Is Your Child Ready for the Potty?

Using the toilet is one of the first and most significant skills your kids must learn. But, do can you teach them, or are they simply not ready until a certain age?
Published in Healthy Children

I recently read a blog about how childless women – particularly married childless women in their 30s – often take a lot of shit for not having kids.

I was like, “Whoa... this woman has something to say.”

And, I was right.

I get it all the time. People will ask me, “Do you have kids?” This question typically follows my reveal that I live in L.A. most of the time and my husband lives in Minnesota. My answer is always, “No kids; just cats.”

That’s me, trying to put light on the conversation that undoubtedly will turn to sympathy. Or judgment. Or confusion. Or all three of the above.

Or any number of thoughts.

I recently had a women, no joke, say to me: “That makes me so sad. That you won’t ever have children.”

WTF? When did my uterus become an issue of your concern?

Published in RadioMD Blog
How can you break through the digital noise and make a connection with your child?
Published in HER
Learn how to help your children make (and keep) healthy New Year's Resolutions.
Published in Sharecare Radio
You and your children can help so many people by volunteering during the holiday season.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 19 November 2014 11:22

4 Reasons to Choose Discipline Over Punishment

Being a parent can be tough. From tantrums that come out of nowhere to naughty behaviors, how can you balance discipline with punishment?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Saturday, 15 November 2014 16:25

Fun with Food: Your Guide to Mealtime Ease

One of the best ways to get kids to do something that's good for them is to turn it into a game.
Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years.
Published in HER
Wednesday, 12 November 2014 12:45

Should Teens Have Cosmetic Surgery?

From nose jobs to breast enhancements, you and your teen are talking about cosmetic surgery. Is this detrimental or helpful to your teen's self esteem?
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 12 November 2014 12:33

TV & Movie Ratings: A Helpful Guide for Parents

When you think of movie and TV ratings, parents tend to trust the letters. But has society changed so much that we are desensitized to violence and/or sex?
Published in Healthy Children
Has your teen decided what he or she would like to work toward as a career?
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 12 November 2014 12:11

The Virtual Invasion of Technology into Childhood

Is our technological age good or bad for your children's future?
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 12 November 2014 12:00

21st Century Business Plan for Parents

From toddler to teen, keeping your children on course to be successful in life requires a bit of planning and direction.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 05 November 2014 12:00

Talk, Sing & Read to Your Baby (Dads Too!)

Research has shown the importance of reading, talking and singing in infant and toddler language development.
Published in Healthy Children
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