Monday, 26 August 2013 12:00

Are You Almost Anorexic?

One in 10 teenage girls and 1 in 20 adults display symptoms of an eating disorder, but never get help. Why? And might someone you love be at risk?
Published in Staying Well
Every year dozens of children die or are seriously injured from being left in a hot vehicle.
Friday, 02 August 2013 10:00

Keep Your Family Safe While Traveling

How prepared are you in regards to safety while traveling? Would you know what to do if you suffered an accident?
The research is pretty clear: conventional home air fresheners are not a safe option. Fortunately, alternatives exist that are much safer and just as effective.
Wednesday, 31 July 2013 12:11

Healthy Kid-Approved Snacks

Learn some of the healthiest options when it comes to feeding your kids snacks.
Published in Healthy Children
Could giving babies formula in the hospital help moms be more successful at long-term breastfeeding?
Published in Healthy Children
With long work hours and increasing costs for child care, how can you even afford to be a working mom?
Published in Staying Well
Monday, 01 July 2013 12:33

No Age Limit on Morning-After Pill

Since the pill is not 100% effective and does carry some risks, what are the guidelines, side effects and exceptions for emergency contraceptives?
Published in Staying Well
Don't let your summer fun turn into a trip to the ER. Learn how to play it safe with fireworks while still having a blast.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 26 June 2013 12:00

It's Time to Go! Toilet Training 101

Using the toilet is one of the most significant skills your child must learn. But potty training can be a real struggle. How can you make it easier?
Published in Healthy Children
Eliminate unnecessary stress, squabbles and other challenges of daily life and become a more nurturing family unit.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 26 June 2013 11:11

Natural Living Tips: Become Toxin Free

Learn how you can live virtually toxin free!
Published in Naturally Savvy
Friday, 21 June 2013 10:11

Saving Your Kid from a Trip to the ER

A marble up the nose means a trip to the ER. How can you prevent this and more dangerous situations from happening in the first place?
As a parent, you have certain instincts when it comes to your kid's health. But what are some of the warning signs you might be missing?
These days, kids are influenced so much - and often temped to do the wrong thing. How can you teach your kids to make the right choices?
Educating yourself on sunscreen ingredients is imperative to protect your children from potentially harmful additives.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 19 June 2013 12:11

The Sibling Bully: Pain at Home

Were you ever picked on by a sibling? Seems normal right? Actually, there is an important difference between normal sibling play and the next level of bullying.
Published in Healthy Children
Kids learn from what they live with. So if you're a healthy eater, chances are they are too. But is it a good or bad idea for them to share that viewpoint with their peers?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 19 June 2013 11:33

Avoiding GMOs in Baby Formula

How can you make sure the infant formula you choose doesn't contain GMOs?
Published in Naturally Savvy
The Brain Balance Achievement Centers are revolutionizing the approach to preventing, diagnosing and treating autism.
Bacteria and other germs may be lurking at some of your fun Summer hot spots. Learn your potential risks.
Bug bites, bee stings and certain plants like poison ivy can cause extreme irritation and are potentially dangerous.
Thursday, 06 June 2013 14:45

Managing ADHD without Drugs

Recognizing the role that hormone imbalances play in the development of ADHD may lead to exciting new treatment options.
Learning these ten principles for managing ADHD may help you to maintain a pleasant relationship with your child.
Thursday, 06 June 2013 14:11

5 Ways Parents Reinforce ADHD Symptoms

Learn about a groundbreaking program for parents seeking to reduce their child's ADHD symptoms.
Monday, 20 May 2013 12:00

When Should You Play Doctor?

Are at-home medical tests safe and accurate? What might you be missing?
Published in Staying Well
What if you had an accident with your children in the car because you were busy texting? Please, keep your precious cargo safe.
Published in Healthy Children
Parents may be influenced by family, friends, and social networks when making decisions about vaccinating their children.
Published in Healthy Children
Parents: do you know what your teen is doing after prom? Will drinking and/or drugs be involved?
Published in Healthy Children
Emergency physicians see the victims of child abuse all too often. Learn the warning signs.
Friday, 12 April 2013 10:22

Prevent the Neglect & Abuse of Children

Why would anyone deliberately hurt an innocent child? The emotionally charged topic of child abuse is discussed.
Bigger plates = more food? Smaller dishware is one of the answers to childhood obesity.
Published in Healthy Children
Friday, 29 March 2013 10:00

Real Talk About Underage Drinking

Real talk about a real problem - underage drinking.
TheAAP supports civil marriage for same-gender couples – as well as full adoption and foster care rights for all parents.
Published in Healthy Children
Keep your family safe this summer by following these tips for water safety from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Published in Healthy Children
Adolescents diagnosed with type 1 diabetes need to transition from pediatric to adult diabetes care as they move into early adulthood. Help your child pave the way with our expert.
Published in Healthy Children
Monday, 25 March 2013 15:05

What Would Our Lives Be Without Worry?

I have been told I am a  "woman on the go." 

What exactly does that mean? Woman on the go. I know lots of women, and none of us considers ourselves on-the-go...
I mean, sure, we go places. We take our kids to endless activities in the hopes of finding one that they love and will stick with.
We are all busy, working one, and sometimes 2 jobs.
Wishing we had the sex lives we read we're supposed to be having in the magazines. (Ha!)
Trying not to worry all the time about bills, and which one of us is going to have a bad mamogram. 
When I think of the time we  spend worrying about money, illness, children, and so many other things. I wonder how much more productive I could be if I didn’t worry so much.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Friday, 15 March 2013 10:45

Should Sugary Drinks be Banned?

Sugary drinks are not good for us, but should they be banned?
Friday, 15 March 2013 10:11

Spring Break Dos & Don'ts

Teenagers feel they are invincible, and of couse this is not true.  Listen for solutions to help our kids make the right decisions while traveling or on Spring Break.
Friday, 15 March 2013 10:00

Spring Break Health Tips

Spring Break can bring severe health risks, including binge drinking, drugs and more. Learn what may be waiting for your child on their next Spring Break.
If you had to bring your child to the ER, would you know what to bring with you?
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 13 February 2013 12:00

Planning for Summer Camp Already? You Bet!

Is your little camper really ready for the sleep away experience? And how can you help them prepare to be away from you for the first time?
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 23 January 2013 12:00

Marijuana & Your Kids: Will They Try it?

Have you talked to your children about Marijuana? Whether in the context of your truthful past use or as part of a medical marijuana debate?
Published in Healthy Children
Although single parenthood may be a dramatic change from the life you once had or imagined, it can be a workable, rewarding family situation.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 16 January 2013 12:22

New Year's Resolutions for Kids of All Ages!

Can you help your children keep their New Year's resolutions: to be more active, healthier, more organized and better behaved? We're sure of it!
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 16 January 2013 12:11

Children, Adolescents, and Advertising

The ads aimed at your kids, online and everywhere else, can be pervasive and obnoxious. Can this impact your child in negative ways?
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 16 January 2013 12:00

Is Your Child Affected By Media Violence?

Does violence on TV and in movies affect your child in negative ways? Does it make them behave more aggressively? Our experts say yes. 
Published in Healthy Children
Great tips for happy nights with your children that will bring happy mornings, using the power of imagination and laughter.
Listen as our expert helps you to provide basic information to help your children understand the tragedy in Connecticut, without providing unnecessary details.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 28 November 2012 12:45

How To Stimulate Your Baby's Brain Development

Can you do anything to help stimulate your baby's brain development? Do baby videos help? Can talking to your infant help them to learn faster?
Published in Healthy Children
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