
Modern Day Stress: Are You Wired, Tired or Both?

Featuring: Sarah Corey, AADP
The warning signs of chronic stress can be hard to pick up on when you're constantly surrounded by it.

The REAL Consequences of High Blood Sugar

When your blood sugar is up or down, it can cause a range of unwanted health problems.

Triclosan Hazard: Should You Change Your Toothpaste?

Featuring: Laura Geer, PhD, MHS
Triclosan is found in many of your home and personal care products. But studies have found this chemical is potentially hazardous.

It’s Time to Heal: Remember to Be Your Own Primary Caregiver

Aren't you the primary caregiver of your own body?

Sugar Addiction: How to Have Your Cake & Eat It Too

Featuring: Jacob Teitelbaum, MD
Too much sugar can cause serious health hazards. Is there a way to moderate your sugar intake so you don't overindulge?

Dangers of Going Gluten-Free

Featuring: Sarah Corey, AADP
Most gluten-free foods lack essential vitamins and minerals and have large quantities of unhealthy additives.

Juicing: Save Money by Doing It at Home

Featuring: Ray Doustdar, CEO Buiced INC
If you're buying juice every day, it may have burned a hole in your wallet.

Cancer Free: An Essential & Non-Toxic Way to Heal

Featuring: Bill Henderson, Health and Wellness Reporter
Many cancer treatments cause physical and mental side effects that can slow the healing process.

Why Do Soooo Many People Have Food Allergies?

Featuring: Doug Ingoldsby, Founder of ALL ONE
Are food allergies a recent phenomenon? Or are we finally noticing those who have been suffering quietly for decades?

Powerful Detox Benefits of Probitoics

Probiotics may be known for their gut healing powers, but do you know about their detox benefits?
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