
Encore Episode: Mental Health: More than Medications

Featuring: Christina Bjorndal, ND
Many factors contribute to depression.

Why Anxiety Is a Symptom, Not a Diagnosis

Featuring: David Hanscom, MD
Anxiety is not a diagnosis, but rather a measure of your body’s stress chemicals.

How Deuterium Depletion Prevents Chronic Diseases

Featuring: Petra Dorfsman, ND, CNS, IFMCP
Learn how drinking water can cause chronic diseases.

What Can Women Really Expect During Menopause?

Featuring: Mache Seibel, MD
Here's what you can expect to happen during menopause.

Encore Episode: Taking an Active Role in Your Care

Featuring: Jade Wimberley, ND
Take the reins of your healthcare.

Nutrition: How Your Needs Change as You Age

Featuring: Nicole Avena, PhD
Learn which nutrients you need at various stages in your life and how to get them.

The Connection Between Mental Health and Cancer Treatment

Featuring: Tom Incledon, PhD
When it comes to cancer treatment, your mind may be a bigger player than you'd think.

Eat to Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself

Featuring: William Li, MD
Learn which foods can help reduce your risk of developing certain types of cancer, slow down the aging process, and beat various diseases.

How to Stop Dieting and Start Thriving

Featuring: Harvey Slater
A diet is something you're on for life, so it's essential to enjoy the foods you choose to eat. Learn how to stop dieting and start thriving.

Encore Episode: GBM Alternative Treatments

Featuring: Julia Schopick, Author & Patient Advocate
Quality and duration of life can be improved with alternative treatments.
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