What foods should you consider eating to help prevent getting the flu?
Published in Health Radio
Wednesday, 11 November 2015 10:33

Ask Dr. Mike: Best Foods for Weight Loss

Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
As the son of Hollywood producer Aaron Spelling, Randy Spelling has lived his entire life in the spotlight.
Published in Rewired Radio
Friday, 06 November 2015 13:00

How Can a Life Coach Help You?

Sometimes in life you need help, understanding, and support to stay on a path that is fulfilling, inspiring, and healthy.
Published in Rewired Radio
What are some of the typical signs of poor digestive health?
Published in Health Radio
Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
Friday, 30 October 2015 14:25

Risky Food-Drug Combos

Something as simple as grapefruit can actually harm your health if you're taking some very common drugs.
Friday, 30 October 2015 13:00

Creating the Foundation for Change

Creating a foundation for change is one of the most important things you can do for yourself.
Published in Rewired Radio
Friday, 30 October 2015 13:00

PALETA: Nutrition with a Mission

PALETA is home to Southern California's first certified green kitchen.
Published in Rewired Radio
Friday, 30 October 2015 13:00

Nutrition & Disease Prevention

Licensed nutritionist, chef, and cancer survivor, Kelly Boyer, shares how vital nutrition is to your overall health and wellness.
Published in Rewired Radio
At the age of 21, Kelly Boyer was diagnosed with late-stage terminal cancer. How did she overcome the odds?
Published in Rewired Radio
What are some surprising facts about food labels?
Published in Health Radio
Friday, 23 October 2015 13:00

?Balance Yourself with Nutrition

Re-balancing nutrition can have a positive impact for people battling addiction and for those looking to prevent and manage illnesses.
Published in Rewired Radio
Thursday, 22 October 2015 00:46

7 Food Habits for a Healthy Life

There are so many “healthy” eating diets, trends, tricks and new food miracles hyped in the media that it can be quite stressful to follow. Some of them encourage complete opposite food groups, like fat and sugar. Some have emphasis on a specific food group, and others offer one solution to fix all your problems. 

At the end of the day, the most important thing is to notice what they all have in common: eat foods that will promote health and cut out the junk.
Published in RadioMD Blog
If you're suffering from chronic pain, medication might seem to be your only answer. Fortunately, it doesn't have to be.
Published in Wellness for Life
Monday, 12 October 2015 10:22

Best & Worst Foods for Optimal Sight

Are carrots really the best food for eye health, per the old wive's tale?
Published in The Wizard of Eyes
Friday, 09 October 2015 12:00

Fueling the Growing Athlete

If your children are involved in organized sports, do you know how to best keep them fueled up?
Published in Eat Right Radio
What can we do, as a society, to bring change to public policy and raise government awareness regarding over-consumption of sugar?
Published in HER
Hasn't sugar been used in food for years? So, why has all the attention recently been focusing on how bad sugar is?
Published in HER
Tuesday, 06 October 2015 12:00

National Kale Day

National Kale Day founder, Dr. Drew Ramsey, shares the origin of National Kale Day, why he champions this vegetable, and how and why to include more brain foods like kale in your diet.
Published in Sharecare Radio
How does alcohol blow your diet?
Published in Train Your Body
Saturday, 03 October 2015 14:25

Living with Food Allergies

For TV celebrity chef and restaurant owner Amanda Freitag, life is like a box of mystery ingredients in a cooking competition... you have to be prepared for anything.
The health and nutritional work of Dr. Weston A. Price is still being carried on today through the Weston A. Price Foundation.
Published in Wellness for Life
Once your gut is damaged, the health of your whole body enters a downward slide towards disease.
Published in Wellness for Life
Tailgating doesn't have to be unhealthy.
Published in Health Radio
Friday, 25 September 2015 11:34

Why Is Airplane Food So Bad?

According to a study, eating food while on an airplane influences how it tastes.
Published in Health Radio
Thursday, 24 September 2015 13:11

Weight Check-In: Tips for a Healthy Autumn

Why do Fall foods seem heavier? Are they actually heavier than summer produce?
Published in HER
Thursday, 17 September 2015 11:00

Chew on This with Kim Barnouin

Dr. Friedman and fill-in co-host, Melanie Cole, discuss Gatorade myths, weight loss woes, and benefits of sleeping in the nude.
With a childhood obesity epidemic in full force, how can we, collectively as a nation, encourage both adults and children to eat well?
Published in Wellness for Life
The debate continues on whether or not restricting fat or carbs actually works.
Thursday, 10 September 2015 13:00

Training For a Race? Here's What You Should Eat

What are the food groups you need more of during race training?
Published in HER
Thursday, 03 September 2015 13:33

Science Proves Why Diets Don’t Work

If diets don't work, what does?
Published in HER
Why do so many people try to skip meals?
Published in Health Radio
Wednesday, 26 August 2015 12:23

Top 5 Micronutrients Your Body is Missing

Until now, little attention has been paid to micronutrients, which are the vitamins, minerals and amino acids that your body needs to function.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 26 August 2015 11:45

This Season's Dynamic Duo: Tumeric & Magnesium

The nutrients of turmeric and magnesium collectively help create a healthy response to both stress and inflammation.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Could your growing waistline and lack of pep be due to missing micronutrients in your diet?
Learn how you can heal and reverse your osteoporosis with the help of micronutrients.
Published in Wellness for Life
Cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, even obesity can all be linked back to micronutrient deficiency.
Published in Wellness for Life
Thursday, 20 August 2015 23:00

Zucchini on My Mind

I recently noticed a variety of zucchini recipes popping up on my social media newsfeeds. It could be because they are in abundant supply this time of year, but I believe it is also related to the fact that we are all searching for interesting new ways to cook and eat our veggies!

Zucchini is powerful enough to stand on its own as a side dish. It has enough flavor and texture to absorb herbs and spices, making it a versatile vegetable to cook. Nutritionally speaking, zucchini is a favorite for those watching their waistlines. At only 30 calories for each medium-sized zucchini containing no saturated fat or cholesterol, it's a very low-calorie food. Its skin is a good source of fiber, which not only helps with digestion, but also keeps you satiated. Plus, zucchini is a valuable source of folate, vitamin A, and antioxidant-rich vitamin C.

Enough reasons to stock up on this summer vegetable, right?
Published in RadioMD Blog
Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
Tuesday, 18 August 2015 12:00

Re-Think Your Kid’s Drink

Drinks can provide an excessive amount of calories in a daily diet, especially for kids.
Published in Eat Right Radio
Tuesday, 18 August 2015 11:46

The True Definition of Diet

Why does the word "diet" have a negative connotation?
Published in Mindful Medicine
Sunday, 16 August 2015 20:26

Overfed Yet Undernourished

Does being overfed and still undernourished sound like an oxymoron to you?

If so, you are not alone.

You could be overfed with nourishing food which is one step better, but sadly, many feed themselves more calories than needed with man-made nutrient-empty food. This past 4th of July holiday, I was once again discouraged with what I saw and heard from a community of well-educated American parents.

While walking through a grocery store, I couldn't help but notice baskets being filled with stacks of pure white deli potato salad, deli-made BBQ chicken wings, bags and bags of chips, stacks of packaged hot dogs and processed cheese slices, pounds of hamburger meat, bleached white buns, boxes of cookies and crackers, dyed popsicles, sodas, colorful energy drinks, ice cream, bags of candy, a few stalks of corn (yeah!) and some iceberg lettuce.

One cart was completely packed with cases of soda. (I should have taken a photo; I bet you've seen this with your own eyes.)

You say, "Okay, it's a holiday, so what?" I say, this grocery spree is repeated throughout the year.
Published in RadioMD Blog
New studies show that a person’s diet can actually be a greater factor in alcohol and drug abuse.
Published in Wellness for Life
Certain foods contained in the Standard American Diet (SAD) can actually stimulate natural opiate receptors in the brain and may lead to addictive behaviors.
Published in Wellness for Life
Wednesday, 05 August 2015 12:45

Miracle of Micronutrients

According to a recent study by the USDA, 96 percent of Americans are deficient in at least one micronutrient.
Published in Naturally Savvy
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