Juicing for a Summer Body

Wednesday, 04 June 2014
Do you know which juicer is best for your lifestyle?
What if you could cure your illness in a safe, effective and natural way?
Typical takeout food is high in fat, calories and sodium. Is it possible to order takeout and not end up in a food coma?
The reality of women on statins may be far less pretty than the pictures painted in advertisements.
If you're considering giving up your child for adoption, what effect might that have on you down the road?
People often think that a septoplasty is a cop-out for wanting a cosmetic nose job.
What chemicals should be avoided and what beauty treatments should you stay away from during pregnancy?
More people are leaning towards natural pain relievers. What are the key herbs you should keep in your medicine cabinet?
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is marked by severe tiredness that is not relieved by rest. CFS can also cause other health issues.

The Healing Powers of Comfrey

Wednesday, 28 May 2014
Comfrey is one of the most controversial natural herbs, primarily because of its strong healing powers and potentially harmful compounds if misused.
So you've broken your daily habit of eating right and going to the gym...can you get back into your routine?
There are over 1,000 published cases of radical remission. For every published case, however, 100 go unnoticed.
Have you been following the MERS-CoV and e-cigarette news? You might want to start.

Why You Should Be Juicing

Wednesday, 30 April 2014
Are you aware of all the health benefits juicing provides?
As you age, collagen slowly breaks down and your skin’s ability to replace the lost collagen diminishes.

Ease Anxiety Through Nature

Wednesday, 30 April 2014
Spending time in nature takes you out of your anxious mind and reconnects you to your physical presence.
If you consider your pet a part of your family, it should follow, then, that healthy eating and living for your family includes your pets.
Sleep is so essential for optimal health. Unfortunately, many individuals simply aren't getting the sleep they need on a regular basis.
Upwards of 66% of women experience hair loss. Fortunately, there are ways to promote regrowth and even make your hair stronger and thicker.
The aging process can be rough on your skin. Did you know there's a natural and healthy way to help prevent wrinkles?

How to Cure Incontinence in Men

Wednesday, 21 May 2014
Even though incontinence is far more common in women, men face the same condition and are even less likely to talk about it.
If your insulin and cortisol aren't in control, nothing else in your body will be either.
Can you live a healthy lifestyle with just diet OR exercise?
Are you feeling lousy, achy and experience digestive problems after eating a gluten-filled meal?
You want your doctor to know who you are as a person, not just another patient.
Orthopedic trauma surgeons encounter anything from small injuries like falls to major injuries like gunshot wounds while working in the ER.
Brachytherapy treatment involves placing a radioactive seed with a high dose of radiation into the prostate gland.
There's never been a more optimistic time for finding the cure for AIDS.

Binge Eating: 4 Dangerous Myths

Thursday, 15 May 2014
Do you really know how dangerous binge eating can be to your health?

4 Ways to STOP Binge Eating

Thursday, 15 May 2014
When you eat, do you feel out of control and powerless to stop?
Tattoos are meant to be permanent, so removing them is difficult. Is complete tattoo removal even possible?
We all share many common fears, but do you know how to get over them?

How to Say YES to Change

Thursday, 15 May 2014
Changes, whether big or small, create anxiety and fear of the unknown.

Can You Prevent Alzheimer's?

Thursday, 15 May 2014
Uncovering the underlying mechanisms in Alzheimer's dementia provides insight into ways of preventing this devastating disease.
Nutrient dense foods contain few calories but are high in vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and protein. Are you getting enough?
What cumulative effect are GMO foods having on your health?
So far, there have been over 500 reported cases of MERS and 145 deaths. How can you protect yourself and your loved ones?

Lyme Disease in Children

Monday, 12 May 2014
According to the Centers for Disease Control, 300,000 Americans contract Lyme disease each year. Some of them are kids.
Even if colon cancer doesn't run in your family, it's still important to get a colonoscopy.
As of March 2014, 25 state governments have not expanded Medicaid through the Affordable Care Act (ACA). How does this effect the HIV/AIDS population?

Is Your Pet Making You Sick?

Thursday, 08 May 2014
Don't worry, the pros of having a pet will always outweigh the risk of potentially getting sick.
The sexes are more different than just the obvious anatomical differences, even when it comes to food.
Did you ever consider that what you're fueling your body with could be the reason you're up and down all night?
According to the National Stroke Association, stroke is the fourth leading cause of death in America and the leading cause of adult disability.

Melatonin Improves Bone Health

Thursday, 08 May 2014
Age-related bone loss is a serious condition. The good news is that it can be prevented in most cases.
When looking around the beauty department, make sure you read the labels.
25 million adult Americans experience incontinence and 70-80% of those sufferers are women.
Vitamins are not just products taking up space in your health food stores, they are key essentials to living a healthy life.
Your attitude is a big part of happiness. Life is 10 percent of what happens to you, 90 percent how you react.

Why Your Child Can't Sleep

Monday, 12 May 2014
Physicians and psychologists estimate that as many as 30% of children may have a sleep disorder at some point during childhood.
An estimated 60,000 diabetics undergo amputations annually. What signs and symptoms do you need to look out for?
Stress can be found in children as much as in adults. How do you know when to step in and help?
It’s no secret that millions are affected by the unhealthy results of being overweight, but few people recognize the strain it puts on close relationships.
Learn ways to teach your children how to have healthy relationships with food and themselves.
Dolls have alluring, yet unrealistic body shapes. What message is this sending to your child?
Obesity can trigger psychological disorders including mental illness, depression, distorted body image and low self-esteem.
Joint pain can happen for several reasons and can range from mild to completely unbearable, leaving you unable to perform simple daily activities.
There are several clues your body gives off when your liver is shutting down and is in need of a transplant.
Depending on the shoes you wear, the exercises you do could play a role in your risk for eventual foot or ankle surgery.
Your smile is an important part of first impressions. If you have cracked, missing, chipped or yellowed teeth, you might consider dentures or veneers.
Braces aren't just for kids! But what adult wants to have a metal mouth?
Hormonally, life during and after menopause can be tricky. But is hormone replacement therapy really the solution?
Bursting with health benefits, bone marrow contains minerals such as calcium and magnesium and can help heal your gut lining.
Bladder infections are uncomfortable to experience and discuss. Did you know most bladder infections can be treated naturally?

Do You Know Your Vitamin ABC's?

Wednesday, 23 April 2014
Vitamins drive every single cell in your body so you can live optimally. Are you getting enough?
Regenerative medicine is revolutionizing health management, offering potential solutions for a myriad of diseases and conditions.

Surviving Cancer Against All Odds

Thursday, 24 April 2014
If you're given a zero percent chance of survival, could you still beat cancer?

Your Food is Making You Sick

Thursday, 24 April 2014
If you're constantly tired, cranky and sluggish, maybe it's time to change your fuel.
Newer tests and treatment options are proving quite promising for men with prostate cancer.

Common GI Issues in Women

Monday, 21 April 2014
Are you constantly feeling tired, nauseous or bloated? You may have gastrointestinal (GI) issues.
Minimally invasive surgery has similar results to traditional techniques with less blood loss, pain, muscle damage and a shorter recovery time.
Diabetes is on the rise among African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asians and Pacific Islanders. Why is that?
The first weeks post-hysterectomy can be truly challenging.

Is Social Media Unhealthy?

Thursday, 17 April 2014

The way you communicate with your significant other, best friend, colleagues and family is changing. Might you need a social media detox?

Alzheimer's disease is a U.S. health crisis affecting more than 5 million Americans. New figures show women are bearing the brunt of the damage.
Many people who have been sexually abused feel that a major piece of their spirit has been robbed. Learn how you can get it back.
Learn the important steps for finding your mission in life... a life filled with passion and purpose.
Food sensitivities are very common and have a more serious impact on your health than previously thought.
Learn some healthy home tips for relieving allergy symptoms.
Arthritis is a painful, debilitating condition. What if there was a way to ease your symptoms naturally?

New Approach to Prevent Arthritis

Thursday, 17 April 2014
According to the Arthritis Foundation, arthritis affects roughly 46 million adults and 300,000 children in America alone.

10 Tips to Help Kids Eat Healthier

Thursday, 17 April 2014
What might change if you taught your kids the importance of food, where it comes from and why you need certain food groups to fuel your body?

Lose Sleep, Lose Brain Cells?

Thursday, 10 April 2014
Low on sleep? You could be losing brain cells because of it, according to the results of a new study.
The M.I.N.D. protocol is a disease treatment strategy that targets the proposed causes of Alzheimer's disease.
New discoveries in the causes of Alzheimer's disease is opening the door for exciting new treatment options.
Swishing a small amount of oil in your mouth for several minutes may improve your overall health.
According to the CDC, an estimated 42.1 million people smoke tobacco cigarettes. Are e-cigarettes any better for you?

When Sinusitis Becomes Chronic

Wednesday, 09 April 2014
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 28.5 million adults are diagnosed with sinusitis yearly.
Protein improves your metabolism, strengthens your organs and lean muscle, controls your cortisol levels, and even detoxifies your system.
Does replacing a meal with a supplement help your diet and overall health? Or might advertising claims be misleading you?

Creating a Natural First Aid Kit

Wednesday, 09 April 2014
Do you have any user-friendly remedies to turn to if you or a loved one becomes sick or injured?
Pregnancy should be a beautiful, happy time in your life; but it can also trigger disordered eating habits.
What can you be doing in order to make sure you’re gaining the right amount of weight during pregnancy?

9 Essential Health Tests for Women

Thursday, 03 April 2014
You’re not a little kid anymore... your body changes with age and it’s essential to know what to look out for during that process.
Even though the need for revenge can be understandable, it is not healthy. Is there a way to overcome these feelings without causing any harm?
Is it really natural to spend your life with just one person?

The Supplement Pyramid

Wednesday, 26 March 2014
Are you struggling to find the right supplements for your body?
When overproduced, candida can release harmful toxins into your body and cause several health issues.
The National Institutes of Health estimate more than 23.5 million Americans suffer from an autoimmune disease that is lifelong. Does alternative medicine help?

6 Foods for a Better Mood

Thursday, 27 March 2014
"Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food" - Hippocrates
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