Melanie Cole, MS

Melanie Cole, MS

Melanie Cole, MS, is the RadioMD Director of Operations. She has a Master of Science in Exercise Physiology/Kinesiology.
Bloody noses, chapped lips and dry skin are just some of the undesirable side effects that come with winter colds.
As many as 10 million antibiotic prescriptions are written each year for infections they are unlikely to help.

Identifying the Signs of Autism Earlier

Wednesday, 20 November 2013
The AAP recommends screening children for autism at 18 months, but research suggests subtle warning signs may be apparent even earlier.

Do You Have a Shy Child?

Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Although childhood shyness is commonplace, it concerns many parents. Should you be worried?

Is Your Family Prepared for a Fire?

Wednesday, 22 January 2014
Home fires are not uncommon and can spread shockingly quickly. By planning safety drills, you can potentially save your loved ones' lives.
If your kid is complaining about school, should you get involved? Or just "wait and watch"?

Instilling Gratitude in Children

Wednesday, 13 November 2013
How do you teach your children to be grateful for the things they have?
Travel with children in tow may sound like torture; but it doesn't have to be as challenging as you think.
Can you have you turkey, stuffing and sweet treats and watch your waistline? YES.

FDA Banning Trans Fats?

Tuesday, 12 November 2013
Are your favorite fried and junk foods about to change? And for the better?
Is the healthy food you put in your kid's lunchbox coming home uneaten? Learn how to pack foods they will love and not want to trade away.
Is your pre-teen starting to want to control his or her own medications?
The popularity of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) moves it to the top of the list for fitness trends. Have you tried it yet?

Worldwide Fitness Trends for 2014

Tuesday, 05 November 2013
The 2014 ACSM Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends continues to fascinate with its "trends vs. fads."
Cleaning your house: side effects may include a healthier heart, reduced colds and flu, and even weight loss.
The leaves are falling and snow is coming. Don't dread the chores, use them as your free personal trainer.

Pets & Music: Heart Health Boosters

Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Pets and music may not sound like they go together. Surprisingly, they both hold enormous benefits for your heart.
Did you know that there might be financial incentives to losing weight? That's right, you might actually be able to save money by dropping pounds.
Disciplining a teenager can be infuriating at times. However, you and your teen can both benefit from fair, consistent boundaries.
Disciplining a toddler can be challenging. It can also be rewarding for all involved if you get the strategies down.
For most men diagnosed with prostate cancer, there are many treatment options. How do you decide which one is best for you?.

What is Orthopedic Oncology?

Friday, 25 October 2013
Orthopedic oncology specializes in the treatment of bone cancer, sarcoma or cancer that has spread to the bone from other areas of the body.
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the U.S. Understanding risk factors and symptoms can help you make a more informed treatment decision.
Advances in breast cancer treatment have paved the way for treating many types of cancer.

Returning to Learning Post-Concussion

Wednesday, 30 October 2013
A concussion should not only take a student athlete off the playing field – it may also require a break from the classroom.
Websites selling human milk for infant consumption are gaining in popularity. Is it 100% safe? A recent study says far from it.
Do your kids constantly fight with each other? Learn how you can keep the calm in your house by encouraging sibling bonds.

Creating a Family Media Use Plan

Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Could your family's media use be damaging to their health? Get them back on track with a media use plan.

Managing Your Children's Media Use

Wednesday, 30 October 2013
From TV to smart phones, "24/7 media exposure" dominates the lives of U.S. children and families. What can you do to change the trend?
Do you know what diseases run in your family? Fortunately, genetics doesn't have to predict your risk of getting one of them.

Are You Disease-Proof?

Thursday, 24 October 2013
Are you disease-proof? What if you were able to reduce your risk of disease by a whopping 80 percent?

Side Effect: Skinny

Thursday, 24 October 2013
Denise Austin, internationally renowned guru and "America's favorite fitness expert," shares tips from her book, Side Effect: Skinny.

Are You an Adult Living with ADHD?

Thursday, 24 October 2013
Wendy Davis, star of Army Wives, shares her views and experiences as an adult living with ADHD.

Chew on This with Kim Barnouin

Thursday, 24 October 2013
Our two powerhouse nutritionists cover the latest health and wellness headlines in order to help YOU live better.
An osteoarthritis sufferer for 10 years, Olympian Dorothy Hamill shares tips on how OA sufferers may find relief.
Can even Olympic athletes suffer from painful arthritis? Yes... but they know secrets to reduce the pain.
Water exercise can be a tough, demanding workout. It is not just for seniors anymore.
Could following a specific type of training make a huge difference - not just in your health, but in your life as well?

Are You Addicted to Exercise?

Tuesday, 22 October 2013
Can something so good for you actually be addictive? Learn the signs that indicate you're exercising to the extreme.
If you have bad knees, you have likely heard that you should not do lunges or squats. Unfortunately, you may have been misinformed.

Is Hot Yoga Really All that "Hot"?

Tuesday, 22 October 2013
Is Hot Yoga really all that "hot"? Is it even safe to workout in those temperatures?
Do you have a personal trainer? Are you getting the results you want?
If you went to your local fitness equipment store, would you know the few really important items to purchase?
If you think your child is getting enough vitamin D by just drinking milk, you're probably wrong.

A Parent's Guide to Teen Parties

Wednesday, 23 October 2013
Having a party for your teen and want to be the "cool " parent? Don't sacrifice safety to get in your kid's good graces.
What are the best treatment options for your ADHD child?

From Formula to First Foods

Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Are you planning to feed your baby formula? There are a few basic things to know to sift through the many types available.
As a parent, what can you do to ensure a healthy start to the day for your child?
Ready to go out with your new baby? Learn how to ease your outing and make your baby more comfortable.

Baby Skin Care Basics

Wednesday, 23 October 2013
A baby's skin is so beautiful and soft; but it requires care just as yours does... maybe even more.

Keeping Your College Kid Healthy

Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Parenting college aged kids has its own special set of guidelines. Medical care on campus is definitely a part of that.
Parenting college aged kids is not easy. As they enter adulthood, it can be rewarding and challenging at the same time.
The government shutdown is a very scary thing for families that rely on government services and programs.
Many brand endorsements by athletes are for sports beverages, soft drinks and fast food. What message does this send?

Is Your Teen Abusing Cough Medicine?

Wednesday, 09 October 2013
Your teen might be looking for ways to get high you hadn't even thought of... and one might just be in your medicine cabinet.
What is the Colorado mindset for health, fitness and weight loss? Do you have it in you to follow this mindset?
What are some of the characteristics of people who lose weight? Could you be one of the success stories?

The Successful Student Athlete

Tuesday, 08 October 2013
Recent articles have inflamed parents to rally against sports and athletics in favor of academic performance. Is there a happy medium?
Athletics may be the key to successful academic performance, but should sports really take priority?
Don't let your children be subject to ads that may endanger their health.
Recent pertussis outbreaks may be putting your loved ones in danger. How can you protect yourself?

Exercising During & After Cancer

Tuesday, 01 October 2013
Is it safe to work out when you have cancer? Learn which exercises are beneficial and which ones may be harmful.
Exercise may seem impossible during cancer treatment, but it could speed your recovery.
Have you tried every diet known to mankind, only to slip back into your old habits? Perhaps a juice fast is the answer.

Does Your Child Hate School?

Wednesday, 09 October 2013
Does your child hate school? What can you do to turn that attitude around?

Halloween Safety Tips from the AAP

Wednesday, 09 October 2013
Halloween is a festive time of year, for kids and adults alike. But it is also a time when more kids end up in the emergency room. How can you keep your child safe?
If you are living and breathing in the 21st century, then you are most likely stressed out. So, how can you overcome?
Do you need to be a celebrity to eat like one? Good nutrition doesn't have to come in an expensive package.

Celebrity Secrets to Healthy Eating

Thursday, 19 September 2013
If you've ever wanted to look like a movie star, you don't want to miss this interview with Nancy Kennedy, Personal Trainer to the stars.

Chew on This with Kim Barnouin

Thursday, 19 September 2013
Our two powerhouse nutritionists cover the latest health and wellness headlines in order to help YOU live better.
Do you have a child with special health care needs? Are you getting the best care you can?
Are you part of a medical home? It can be the best health care you and your family have ever received.
Advances in breast cancer treatment have paved the way for treating many types of cancer—today, treatments are individualized to each patient's unique tumor and cancer type.

Navigating a Diagnosis of Lung Cancer

Wednesday, 02 October 2013
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the US. Understanding lung cancer risk factors and symptoms can help you make a more informed treatment decision.

What is Orthopedic Oncology?

Monday, 30 September 2013
Orthopedic oncology specializes in the treatment of men and women with bone cancer, sarcoma or cancer that has spread to the bone from other areas of the body.

Supplements for Women: Myths & Facts

Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Would you be able to tell the difference between a supplement you really need, and one that's just a rip-off?
Every fall, many children develop a runny nose, itchy, puffy eyes, and attacks of sneezing. Could they be suffering from fall allergies?
Bullying Happens. Is your child being bullied? Or are they the bully?

Are Your Kids Over-Scheduled?

Wednesday, 25 September 2013
Do you feel like you're always running from ballet lessons, to violin lessons, to soccer practice? Maybe your kids are over-scheduled.
Which matters more: diet or exercise? Maybe its both.
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