Infant Safe Sleep

Tuesday, 03 March 2020
Keep your infant safe while sleeping.

Something people need to understand is maternity leave is not a vacation. Motherhood is a MASSIVE, UNDERESTIMATED job within itself and a lot of companies do not offer paid leave, or leave in general.

I had six weeks paid maternity leave, but I took an additional four weeks off unpaid as I didn’t feel ready to come back to work yet. I did miss work, as it felt good to be needed or important to something outside of being a mom. When I did go back to work though, I felt like my life was chaos.

My husband and I have this beautiful baby boy, who despite all the challenges, we could not imagine our lives without. But, our relationship, the two of us, was challenged in a new and complex way. 

Having a baby with Chris made me love him on another level, but honestly the first year of Benny’s life was probably the worst year for our marriage. This isn’t uncommon.

My life after giving birth was shifting, and it was altering in ways I never would have expected.

Not only did I move and said goodbye to my carefree fun city life, I was also saying goodbye to my friends. I was the only one married, and now the only one with a baby in my group. I figured I wouldn’t see them as much but I didn’t expect to feel so different from them. 

They can’t relate to what I was (am) going through, and even though they listen at times to news about the baby, it’s like we’re speaking two different languages.

I was told my life was going to change, but I didn’t know exactly how it would change.

The months following the birth of my son Benny was the toughest period in my life. It’s a time that no one really talks about -- that fourth trimester. 

Yes, I heard a few stories about a few common challenges, the lack of sleep being the biggest one, but it was always laughed off like it wasn’t that big of a deal.

Let me be the one to tell you, it is.

It’s 3 a.m. and I can feel my eyes burn from exhaustion. 

I’ve already been up four times — feeding, burping, changing diapers. 

My son, Benjamin Allen, born five weeks early, is finally at home. We’re slowly adjusting to our new roles. 

His, new to the world. 

Me, a new mom.
Your liver is actually the key to a healthy metabolism.
Can the way you design your home really help with weight loss?

Poison Prevention

Friday, 11 March 2016
What are some common sources of poison within the home?
Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
Listen in as Pam and Michelle answer your personal health questions.
Do you really need protein supplements?
What changes have been made to U.S. Dietary Guidelines and how will these changes impact you?
Why are those without insurance utilizing alternative medicine?

Why You Should Eat Kale

Tuesday, 01 March 2016
What's so great about kale?

Safe Exercises for Lung Disease Patients

Wednesday, 24 February 2016
How does exercise help people with lung disease?

Stem Cell Therapy Takes on Lung Disease

Wednesday, 24 February 2016
What can stem cell therapy accomplish with lung disease?

Benefits of Female Ginseng

Wednesday, 24 February 2016
Find out what dong quai, also known as the female ginseng, can do for you.
How can you influence your skin with your diet?
Find out what vitamins a woman needs at every age.
How does oral health relate to heart disease?
What should you know about lung cancer in women?
Enjoy increased strength and other benefits by training with free weights.
How can you eat to thrive?
Learn what to watch for in autistic individuals when digestive problems are present.
Listen in as Pam and Michelle answer your personal health questions.

6 Hot Health Foods: Worth the Hype?

Thursday, 18 February 2016
Are these six hot healthy foods worth the hype?
How can vegetarians get enough protein?
How can you make the changes you desire in your life?

What Keeps Couples Happy Long Term?

Thursday, 18 February 2016
How can you maintain a healthy sex life for decades?
Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.

Why Do Women Ignore Heart Disease Risks?

Wednesday, 17 February 2016
Learn the three-pronged approach to women's heart health.

Winter Safety: Baby, It's Cold Outside!

Wednesday, 17 February 2016
How you can protect your child from the cold?

Good Dental Habits for Baby Teeth

Wednesday, 17 February 2016
What do you need to know about baby teeth?

Food: The Gut-Brain Connection

Wednesday, 17 February 2016
Changes in gut bacteria can influence your appetite.

Why You Eat What You Eat

Wednesday, 17 February 2016
How do genetics and emotions lead you to eat certain foods?
An apple a day may provide you with significant health benefits.
How can you be selfless and develop stronger relationships?
Why is colon cancer on the rise in young adults?

Zika Virus: Mosquito Safety

Friday, 12 February 2016
How can you practice mosquito safety so you can protect yourself from the Zika virus?

Feed Your Heart this February

Friday, 12 February 2016
Your heart wants these tasty foods.

Heart Health: Men vs. Women

Friday, 12 February 2016
What do you need to know about women's heart health?
Finding humor in daily life may help your heart.
What kinds of physical activity may help ease depression and cardiovascular risk?

Irregular Heartbeat Risks for Women

Friday, 12 February 2016
Why are women more at risk for a cardiac episode or death from atrial fibrillation than men?

Nervous Stomach vs. Iron Stomach

Thursday, 11 February 2016
What factors prevent a nervous stomach from being an iron stomach?
How can you find relief from back pain naturally?

Separating Fat from Fiction

Thursday, 11 February 2016
Does eating fat make you fat?

10 Myths on Heart Health

Thursday, 11 February 2016
Have you bought into these ten myths on heart health?
Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
The new Barbie embraces diversity and promotes positive body image.
It's important to take care of your skin before, during, and after your workouts.

Whooping Cough: Is Your Child at Risk?

Wednesday, 10 February 2016
What should you do if your child gets whooping cough?

Why BMI is Important to Monitor in Kids

Wednesday, 10 February 2016
Can monitoring your child's Body Mass Index (BMI) prevent obesity?
Listen in as Pam and Michelle answer your personal health questions.

Eating Disorders: The Hidden Epidemic

Thursday, 11 February 2016
Why are women still suffering from eating disorders later in life?
How can mindfulness help with weight loss and recovery from food addiction?

Sneaky Symptoms of Perimenopause

Thursday, 11 February 2016
What are the sneaky symptoms of perimenopause you should be keeping an eye out for?

When to Use a Nurse Practitioner

Thursday, 11 February 2016
How do you know when you need a nurse practitioner?

Resolution Pit-Stop

Tuesday, 09 February 2016
How can you stay on target with your 2016 fitness goals?

Training with Your Better Half

Tuesday, 09 February 2016
Should you work out with your partner?

Commit to a Knee-Centric Lifestyle

Wednesday, 10 February 2016
Change your habits and preserve your knees.

Ways to Keep Your Knees Strong & Healthy

Wednesday, 10 February 2016
How can you keep your knees strong and healthy?

5 Foods that Live Up to the Hype

Wednesday, 10 February 2016
What five foods live up to they hype for improved health?
Now that the latest open enrollment has ended, how do you get coverage if you're uninsured?
Now that the latest open enrollment has ended, how do you get coverage if you're uninsured?
Is there a way to lose weight quickly and safely?
Should you be worried about the Zika virus?
Listen in as Pam and Michelle answer your personal health questions.
In today's world, there is so much out of your control. What are the things you can take hold of?

5 Tips for Busy Travelers

Thursday, 04 February 2016
What are five tips for busy travelers?

Preventing & Treating Kidney Stones

Thursday, 04 February 2016
How can you prevent and treat kidney stones?
How can you decrease the effects of aging while you sleep?
How can you prepare healthy meals when you're short on time?
Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.

6 Tips for Safer Use of Space Heaters

Wednesday, 03 February 2016
If you use a space heater, make sure you follow these safety tips.

Preparing for Menopause

Wednesday, 03 February 2016
How can you prepare for menopause?
Positive parenting can help you deal with difficult children and challenging situations.
What is the Zika virus? More importantly, how can you protect yourself and your children from this virus?

How to Apologize Like an Adult

Tuesday, 02 February 2016
How do you give a genuine and appropriate apology?

10 Ways to Boost Your Self Esteem

Tuesday, 02 February 2016
How can you boost your self-esteem?
Cardiorespiratory fitness in young adults is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and death.
A recent study found that being overweight or obese throughout adulthood is associated with increased risk of sudden cardiac death.
Delicious smoothies are not only good for your waistline, but can also help ward off eye disease.

Health Benefits of Happiness

Monday, 01 February 2016
Happiness can affect your health. Learn to take control of your own happiness.
How can you celebrate love for yourself this Valentine's Day?
What are five tips on what caregivers can do to ease stress?

Vaccines for Traveling Abroad

Friday, 29 January 2016
How can you plan a safe and fun trip when traveling abroad?

How to Hire a Personal Trainer

Friday, 29 January 2016
What should you be looking for if you're considering hiring a personal trainer?
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