Thursday, 07 June 2018 22:40

PTSD Can Impact Anyone, Military or Not

Typically, when you hear PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), you may think of military veterans who experience vivid and often debilitating panic-inducing flashbacks of their time at war. 

With June 27th being National PTSD Awareness Day, a condition resulting in over 3 million cases in the U.S. annually, it's the perfect time to gain some clarity. 

Dr. Sanam Hafeez shares some common causes of post-traumatic stress disorder and how to cope.
Published in RadioMD Blog

The month of May is packed with several Mental Health Awareness themes of which “National Anxiety and Depression Awareness Week” is the biggest. 

Of these two conditions, anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States. According to the ADAA (Anxiety and Depression Association of America), anxiety disorders affect 40 million adults over the age of 18 or more than 18 percent of the population. 

Even though there are effective means of managing anxiety, only 36.9 percent of sufferers are actually doing something about it. In fact, it is not uncommon for those with an anxiety disorder to suffer from depression or someone with depression to suffer from anxiety.
Published in RadioMD Blog
With 24-hour news in the palm of our hands, it’s easy to get trapped in a cycle of anxiety.
Published in Rewired Radio
The human brain powers every single physical and emotional sensation you experience, which is why it’s so important to make sure you keep your brain functioning at peak level.
Published in Rewired Radio

Anxiety is a mental illness that disrupts daily life causing feelings of impending doom along with unwanted thoughts and unpleasant physical symptoms. 

Some people are more predisposed to anxiety than others. Did you know that there are “external” factors/habits in our daily lives that can increase anxiety? 

Dr. Sanam Hafeez shares surprising things that could be causing anxiety. You may see several on this list that are causing jitters in your own life.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Find out how stress affects your health and how to decrease its impact.
Published in Wellness for Life

Anxiety is defined as a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome. 

It's future thinking in a negative way. 

While it’s normal to have concerns from time to time, chronic anxiety leads to loss of appetite, insomnia, compromised immunity and other diseases. 

Dr. Sanam Hafeez, PsyD, shares five common anxiety triggers and offers insights and tips for what we can do to get back into ease.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Monday, 19 March 2018 00:00

The Power of Hypnosis

So many people battle anxiety, and may feel hopeless about moving through it.
Published in Rewired Radio
Wednesday, 21 February 2018 19:21

5 Medical Uses for Marijuana

Medical marijuana isn’t a new thing. In fact, historical texts show that ancient people used cannabis for holistic healing thousands of years ago. 

And, despite the fact that the Federal Government has been slow to show support for medical marijuana and related products like vape oils and cannabis pills, 29 states and the District of Columbia have legalized doctor-prescribed pot.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Emotions affect your health in so many ways, weakening various parts of your body and manifesting as physical symptoms.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Tuesday, 17 October 2017 00:00

21 Ways to a Happier Depression

How wonderful would it be to say goodbye to dreary shades of black and white and start seeing the world for the prism of color it is?
Published in Talk Healthy Today
Tuesday, 12 September 2017 00:00

Naturally Heal Anxiety & Other Health Concerns

Emotions affect your health in so many ways, weakening various parts of your body and manifesting as physical symptoms.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Friday, 08 September 2017 00:00

Stress Hormones, Depression & Anxiety

Find out how stress affects your health and how to decrease its impact.
Published in Wellness for Life
Ways to work through anxiety, depression and OCD with journalist and author Allison Kugel.
Published in Which Way is Life
Friday, 28 July 2017 00:00

Brain-Gut Connection to Depression

Can probiotics improve depression and anxiety?
Published in Wellness for Life
Monday, 26 June 2017 00:00

What Is Neurofeedback Therapy?

The human brain powers every single physical and emotional sensation you experience, which is why it’s so important to make sure you keep your brain functioning at peak level.
Published in Rewired Radio
Tuesday, 20 June 2017 00:00

Living with Anxiety

"Fear ambushes me." Those words, written by Andrea Petersen in her book, On Edge: A Journey Through Anxiety, resonate with many individuals.
Published in Naturally Savvy
A severe deterioration is happening in the collective health of our nation's children. But, drugs should be a last resort, not an automatic response.
Published in Naturally Savvy

Whether you work from home or go to an office daily; you are always working for someone else.

Your services, talents, skills and knowledge are being exchanged for money and that means meeting expectations. It also means dealing with daily triggers that frustrate you to no end. 

According to Dr. Sanam Hafeez, these triggers build up stress which may negatively impact our personal relationships physical health. 

Dr. Hafeez, a NYC based licensed clinical neuropsychologist, teaching faculty member at the prestigious Columbia University Teacher’s College and the founder and Clinical Director of Comprehensive Consultation Psychological Services, offers seven work-related anxiety triggers with tips on what we can do to deal with them.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Tuesday, 25 April 2017 00:00

Survival Guide for Uncertain Times

Life can unfold in many different ways. Maybe you're not supposed to know all the answers.
Published in Talk Healthy Today
The traditional approach to easing chronic pain is a failing solution. Medical marijuana is proving to be a viable alternative.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Tuesday, 22 November 2016 00:00

Managing Post-Election Stress

Are you suffering from post-election anxiety?
Published in Talk Healthy Today

It is anxiety that is the killer. 

We humans suffer most when not knowing all that needs to be known, especially when there is so much to fear. 

I choose, as do many dictionaries and as have countless great religious leaders and philosophers, to define “anxiety” as “fear of the unknown.”

I frequently relate a parable to my patients on this crucial subject. 

Let us travel back in time to the clan of the proverbial caveman. In one cave, somewhat safe from the elements and huddled about a fire, is a family fraught with anxiety toward the savage carnivores outside. These beasts only know this clan as prey. The clan shrinks under the weight of this presumed knowledge, convinced that the predators will most assuredly find and devour them. The clan huddles all the closer, shaken by every foreign sound and every dimming of the fire. They dare not move. They are not ready to battle for their next meal or to survive. 

That is the primordial example of paralysis by analysis; it is as old as man. That is anxiety.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Wednesday, 27 July 2016 12:11

How to Calm Your Anxious Child

It's estimated that 30 percent of all kids will be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder at some point in their young lives.
Published in Naturally Savvy
By learning how to conquer life's challenges, you develop power, vitality, influence and a greater connection to your authentic self.
Published in Naturally Savvy
When you experience a trauma, there is a chemical change in your DNA. This can impact the genes of many generations that follow.
Published in Wellness for Life
Friday, 15 July 2016 12:00

Health Impacts of Your Genetic Past

If you're experiencing unexplained fears, anxiety and depression, those emotions may be residue of trauma in your family history.
Published in Wellness for Life
Wednesday, 06 April 2016 23:00

Well, Hello Anxiety... Long Time No See

I see that homeless woman walking the streets near my home. She’s forever clutching her purse close to her breast, like it is the last semblance of who she once was.

Her jeans, dirtied by months -- probably years -- of wear with no washing, hang from her skin-and-bones body. Her hair, gray, frizzy and snarled, is in stark contrast of the past I envision… someone who never missed that appointment for touch-ups. Someone who left the salon feeling beautiful and refreshed.

She talks to herself, too. Not that we all don’t do that from time to time. But hers is a concerted conversation with who knows who. Maybe her previous self?

I have wondered how she got to this place. How she was a woman who had a full life, perhaps a family, possibly a career, and now she is just… this.

I think I might now know. Not necessarily her story, but stories of countless others who suffer from debilitating anxiety.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Saturday, 19 March 2016 14:25

Truth About Women & Depression

One in seven women starts her day with an antidepressant for depression, grief, panic attacks, insomnia or stress.
Friday, 18 March 2016 11:34

Spring Cleaning Your Social Media

Is it time for you to do some spring cleaning with your social media?
Published in Health Radio
Right now, the person next to you may be suffering from an invisible disability... and you wouldn't even know it.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 27 January 2016 10:22

Relieve Anxiety with Prebiotics

How are prebiotics different from probiotics?
Tuesday, 05 January 2016 10:46

6 Steps to Stop Worrying

What are the six tips you can use to stop worrying so much?
Published in Mindful Medicine
What's the link between body-focused behavior and perfectionism?
Published in HER
Friday, 04 December 2015 12:00

Link Between Stress & Infertility

New research is suggesting that something as simple as yoga may improve the success rates of IVF.
Published in Wellness for Life
Friday, 04 December 2015 12:00

Can Yoga Solve Your Fertility Problems?

Studies show an infertility diagnosis causes the same amount of stress, anxiety, and depression as an HIV or cancer diagnosis.
Published in Wellness for Life
Friday, 04 December 2015 11:06

Dog Medicine: How Dogs Improve Your Health

Does everyone have the ability to be moved by an animal?
Published in Health Radio
What exactly is defensive pessimism, and how does it work?
Published in HER
Friday, 06 November 2015 11:34

How to Handle Holiday Stress

Why is this time of year the most stressful?
Published in Health Radio
If you're feeling down, depressed, anxious, or have been having memory problems and brain fog, the cause could reside in your gut.
Published in Wellness for Life
Thursday, 08 October 2015 11:34

5 Signs It's Time to Quit Your Job

How can you tell the difference between a low period and whether it's time to quit?
Published in Health Radio
Tuesday, 29 September 2015 12:00

Quarter Life Crises: How Can You Cope?

Dr. Funmilayo Rachal discusses why people in their 20s and 30s go through stages of anxiety and depression, also known as the “quarter-life crisis.”
Published in Sharecare Radio
If you understand the stress, anxiety and depression affecting you, you're far more equipped to ease the symptoms.
Published in Wellness for Life
Learn tried-and-true techniques to help ease stress and anxiety.
Published in Wellness for Life
Friday, 18 September 2015 12:00

The Perfection Deception

What is so wrong with being perfect, or even just the concept of perfectionism?
Published in Wellness for Life
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