
Is Walking Really an Effective Workout?
Featured Speaker: Michele Stanten, ACE-Certified Fitness Instructor
Whether your goal is to be more active, lose weight or win a marathon, walking is a great place to start.
4 Health Problems That Can Feel Worse During Summer
Featured Speaker: Roshini Raj, MD
The summer months can actually make certain illnesses feel worse.
Blueberries Every Day Keep the Doctor Away
Featured Speaker: John P. Higgins, MD
Daily blueberry consumption may reduce blood pressure and arterial stiffness. How many blueberries do you need to eat to get these effects?
Strength Training: Your Secret to Getting Stronger & Losing Weight
Featured Speaker:
Strength training can make you stronger AND help you lose weight.
Engineering Physical Activity Into Your Day
Featured Speaker: Edward M. Phillips, MD
The truth is out: a sedentary lifestyle is bad for your health. How can you work enough physical activity into your day to get the benefits?
Probiotics + Gut Health
Featured Speaker: Felicia D. Stoler, MD
Biotics means life, so pro-biotics are good germs for the health of your body.
Top 10 Things You Want in Your Fridge
Featured Speaker:
When you open your fridge, do you see healthy foods or junk?
Your Kitchen: Is It Set Up for Healthy Eating?
Featured Speaker: Jim White, RD
The way your freezer, your pantry and your fridge are set up is really important in terms of making good, healthy choices.
Death With Dignity: Why Terminally Ill Patients Seek Aid in Dying
Featured Speaker: Judy Neall Epstein, Compassion & Choices Medical Director
Medical aid in dying is a controversial topic. Should terminally ill patients be allowed to decide their death?
Periodontal Disease: Do You Need Gum Graft Surgery?
Featured Speaker: Joan Otomo-Corgel, DDS, MPH
Gum graft surgery is a procedure where tissue is taken from the roof of your mouth and used to help treat your infected gums.
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