Each week, host Dr. Susanne Bennett shares her Nature's Secrets to a healthier body. This week: Can You Relieve Anxiety Naturally?
Published in Wellness for Life
Wednesday, 12 August 2015 10:11

Does Emotional Stress Cause Disease?

Constantly being emotionally "worked-up" can cause your heart rate to escalate and your body to shut down.
Thursday, 23 July 2015 23:00

From Adolescence to Adulthood: Stress

I swear. I have an epiphany about life in general, at least once a week. 

This is emerging adulthood, my friends. You will have revelations about things your parents tried to teach you when you were younger and are only now figuring it out for yourself. You will fail sometimes, but you will also succeed and feel fabulous about it. You will compare yourself to others constantly, and you will experience emotions you never thought were possible to experience. You will get jealous about other people’s happiness (technology and social media certainly do not help with this). 

This is all part of life. You just never thought this would happen to you

I do not claim to be an expert at anything, especially when it comes to living life. But, I have learned a few valuable lessons for those who are at the end of high school, attending college, just starting a new career, or getting married and having a family. 

One of the biggest lessons is how to deal with stress effectively.

Published in RadioMD Blog
Wednesday, 15 July 2015 12:00

Surrendering Stress to Regain Good Health

What are some some ways you can let go of the stress and anxiety in your life?
Published in Naturally Savvy
If you are highly sensitive, what should you do?
Published in Health Radio
Friday, 29 May 2015 12:33

Health Benefits of Meditation

If you're feeling stressed or full of anxiety, discover how meditation can ease your tension and improve your health.
Published in Wellness for Life
Friday, 29 May 2015 12:22

Meditation 101

If you've thought of meditation as a bit intimidating or time consuming, here's your introduction to meditation done easy.
Published in Wellness for Life
Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
When you or someone you love suffers from self-destructive behavior, it may seem impossible to get to the root cause.
Published in Wellness for Life
Thursday, 26 March 2015 12:22

Therapeutic Effects of Making a List

Did you know that there are therapeutic and calming effects to writing a list? Get out a pen and paper.
Thursday, 26 March 2015 10:22

Healing Emotional Wounds from Your Past

Learning to let go of emotional wounds can be difficult, but it's necessary to stay healthy.
Thursday, 26 March 2015 10:11

Mindfulness Meditation Made Easy

Mindfulness meditation involves your mind focusing only on the present.
Three out of 10 individuals who have spent civilian or military time in a war zone will develop PTSD.
Published in HER
Wednesday, 18 March 2015 11:00

Your Anxiety Toolkit

Whether you've ever had slight moments of anxiety or suffer from full-on panic attacks, dealing with anxiety can be frustrating and confusing.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Friday, 06 March 2015 12:22

Using Meditation to Get Off the Grid

Meditation has been used for years, but you might be surprised just how many benefits you can realize by using mediation.
Published in Wellness for Life
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Wednesday, 18 February 2015 11:11

Solving (and Resolving) the Riddle of Anxiety

If you look at anxiety and related disorders as a riddle, might you better be able to resolve them?
Published in Naturally Savvy
The stigma attached to mental health disorders can leave you suffering in silence.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Friday, 06 February 2015 12:00

Stress: Don't Let It Rule Your Life

Work, family and financial worries... this is all called stress and it's wreaking havoc on your body.
Published in Wellness for Life
How do you disconnect from the anxiety and stress of the external world, when you're constantly being bombarded?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
Anxiety disorders are treatable, but only one-third of those who are suffering receive proper treatment.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Thursday, 22 January 2015 13:22

10 Things You Need to Know About Your Thyroid

January is Thyroid Awareness Month. Do you know the important role your thyroid plays in your health?
Published in HER
Wednesday, 21 January 2015 11:33

How Fear-Based Thinking Affects Your Health

Your thoughts and what you say out loud can actually create your reality.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Thursday, 18 December 2014 13:33

Are Women More Prone to Anxiety?

Women are twice as likely to have an anxiety disorder than men.
Published in HER
Wednesday, 19 November 2014 11:45

Traditional Chinese Medicine for Stress

Stressed to the max? Traditional Chinese Medicine may be your answer.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 12 November 2014 14:33

Are You Self-Medicating with Alcohol?

What if drinking alcohol is not simply a social act, but rather an attempt to self-medicate for pain?
Published in Mindful Medicine
Wednesday, 29 October 2014 11:45

Battling Autoimmune Disease by Going Paleo

People with autoimmune diseases often suffer in frustration and despair. What if you could essentially cure your disease with a simple change in diet?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 22 October 2014 11:11

Natural Ways to Treat ADHD

What if you could harness some of your ADD "symptoms" to create a happy, fully functional life?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 15 October 2014 11:22

Good Mood Foods

Did you know that certain foods are extremely effective in boosting your mood and can even fight mood disorders like depression and anxiety?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 24 September 2014 11:33

Fix Your Mood with Food

You may change your diet to help yourself feel better, physically. But can you also use food to address emotional issues?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Today, Dr. Holly Lucille welcomes Sarah Corey as a guest blogger. For more of Sarah's very useful information on stress and your health, listen as Sarah and Dr. Holly discuss "Are You Creating Stress in Your Life?"


We are constantly surrounded by stress. Just being alive is a stress on our bodies.

Pile on the unreasonably high levels of chronic stress many of us are under in our daily lives and this can start to reek havoc on our bodies. Science indicates that
stress affects four major systems in the body, our digestion, our immune systems, our hormones, and our nervous system.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Are there advantages and strategies to be the first to file for divorce? Is it a race to file?
Published in HER
Thursday, 28 August 2014 13:41

Hypnotherapy: A Cure for What Ails You?

Hypnosis has been shown to be very effective in addressing nicotine addiction, pain management, fears and phobias, depression, and weight loss.
Why is talking about infertility and IVF still so hush-hush?
Published in HER
Thursday, 28 August 2014 13:00

6 Ways to Organize Your Mind

You would rather be overwhelmed than under, right? The truth is, you may be spreading yourself too thin.
Published in HER
Wednesday, 27 August 2014 14:45

How to Positively Change Your Thought Process

Without even realizing it, you might be letting your thoughts rule your life.
Published in Mindful Medicine
The warning signs of chronic stress can be hard to pick up on when you're constantly surrounded by it.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Wednesday, 27 August 2014 11:45

6 Natural Ways to Ease Migraines

Migraines can be intensely painful and debilitating. Learn six steps to reduce your suffering.
Published in Naturally Savvy
40 weeks may seem like a long time to be pregnant, but do you know the health risks associated with an early elective delivery?
Published in Staying Well
Depression affects more than 350 million people, and all too often causes a loved one to take his or her own life.
Published in Staying Well
Tuesday, 12 August 2014 00:39

Finding Paradise in Gardens & Nature

Learn the very real connection between nature, spirituality and living peacefully.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Thursday, 07 August 2014 14:33

Can Hypnosis Help You Sleep Better?

Hypnosis has been used to relieve anxiety and gain control over undesired behaviors. But can it help you sleep?
PTLD occurs after a devastating love event, most likely a breakup, separation or divorce.
Published in HER
"Disability" doesn't just encompass people who are confined to a wheelchair.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Thursday, 31 July 2014 14:45

Drug-Free Management for Depression

Before accepting a prescription medication for depression, might there be effective drug-free options you can try?
Wednesday, 30 July 2014 14:11

Are You Creating Stress in Your Life?

Without you even realizing it, modern day stressors could be posing a serious health hazard.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Stress creates a dangerous domino effect causing physical, mental and emotional damage to your health.
Published in Staying Well
Even if you have a hard time with other types of meditation, Transcendental Meditation can be a very easy process to learn and practice.
Published in Naturally Savvy
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