Wednesday, 07 September 2022 00:00

Rewiring Your Smile

Your mouth is the gateway to a complex inner world where everything is connected.
Published in Rewiring Your Life
Wednesday, 18 May 2022 00:00

Rewiring Your Smile

Your mouth is the gateway to a complex inner world where everything is connected.
Published in Rewiring Your Life
Researchers have recently discovered how proteins produced by oral epithelial cells protect humans against viruses entering the body through the mouth.
Can you save your tooth's nerves and blood instead of having a root canal?
Published in Wellness for Life

Teeth that aren’t completely straight can look cute and quirky. However, that doesn’t mean people who have uneven smiles are necessarily happy with them. 

If you want to attain straight teeth, there are various dentistry options that can come through for you. Speak to an orthodontist or dentist who can explain them all to you in great detail.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Misalignment of the jaw can stimulate other physical and neurological conditions.
Published in Wellness for Life
Learn more about the connection between oral health and brain health with Dr. Isaac Bina.
Published in Your Brain Health
If you're neglecting your dental health, you may also be damaging your brain.
Published in Your Brain Health
Tuesday, 04 September 2018 00:00

EP 906B A Surprising Cause of Migraines

Dr. Martin Gorman discusses a surprising cause of head pain: temporomandibular disorder, commonly known as TMJ.

The words "root canal treatment" successfully instill fear in the bravest of us, to a point where people might choose living with the pain instead of going through the procedure.

A root canal is a treatment used to repair and save a badly decayed or infected tooth. During this procedure, the nerve and pulp are removed and the dentist cleans and seals the inside of the tooth. Without root canal treatment, the tissue surrounding the tooth will become infected and abscesses may form.

Here are a few symptoms and situations where you may need a root canal treatment.
Published in RadioMD Blog

Trying to get any child to lay off the candy and brush their teeth can be a challenge.

Yet, for parents of children with special healthcare needs, it can be even more problematic as there are variables that put them at a higher risk for dental problems.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Thursday, 08 February 2018 00:00

The Dental Diet: Key to Life-Changing Wellness?

Dental health has often been characterized as a reflection of our overall health. What if we thought about dental health as the foundation for our physical health as a whole?

The procedure of getting dental braces might seem daunting, but the benefits they offer make the entire process worth the trouble.

While most people associate the benefits of braces to cosmetic benefits, braces provide more than a beautiful smile.

Take a look at the various benefits braces have to offer.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Tuesday, 09 May 2017 00:00

How to Handle Dental Emergencies

Do you know how to deal with a dental emergency?
Published in Life's Too Short
Actress Yvette Nicole Brown on tips for those living with type-2 diabetes, the Laugh Out Loud Campaign, how to achieve greatness, and the one thing to make your life better today.
Published in Which Way is Life

Your tongue is unique to you, and you may be surprised to know that you can tell a lot about your health by looking at it. 

Head to the mirror and stick your tongue out. If you’re healthy, your tongue should be an even pink color and you should be able to see tiny bumps over the surface. These bumps are called papillae. There are four different types of papillae on the tongue.

Filiform papillae: This type covers most of the front of your tongue. Unlike the other papillae, they do not contain taste buds, but give your tongue its slightly abrasive surface.

Fungiform papillae: Found on the upper surface, the tip and sides of your tongue, these papillae have the ability to discern five tastes: bitter, sweet, sour, salty and umami.

Foliate papillae: These are found on the sides of your tongue in short vertical folds. They contain many taste buds.

Circumvallate papillae: Found at the back of your tongue, circumvallate papillae also contain taste buds.

What Your Tongue Reveals About Your Health

Your tongue is made up of a group of muscles, which you use all the time for speaking, eating, and swallowing. If you are having a problem with it, it can be very uncomfortable. Your dentist can tell a lot about your health by the condition of your tongue, from whether you drink a lot of soda to whether you have an eating disorder. 

Keep reading for a rundown on what the appearance of your tongue can tell you about your health.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Friday, 30 September 2016 06:00


Discover how you can relieve TMJ pain and improve joint function naturally.
Published in Talk Healthy Today
Why aren't dental and vision covered by medical insurance? Do you really need dental and vision insurance?
Published in GTL
Why aren't dental and vision covered by medical insurance? Do you really need dental and vision insurance?
Published in Health Radio
Dental health is linked to overall health. Biologic dentistry considers treating the whole patient.
Published in Health Radio
Tuesday, 23 February 2016 12:00

Happy Teeth, Happy Kids

In honor of National Children’s Dental Health Month, Dr. Darria and guest Dr. Praneetha Kumar discuss children’s dental health.
Published in Sharecare Radio
Wednesday, 17 February 2016 11:06

Good Dental Habits for Baby Teeth

What do you need to know about baby teeth?
Published in Healthy Children
?To be truly healthy, you have to consider your wellness from a holistic perspective.
Published in Rewired Radio
Friday, 18 December 2015 13:00

How Addiction Affects Your Mouth

Addiction, eating disorders, smoking, and other bad habits can affect your mouth in extremely negative ways.
Published in Rewired Radio
Friday, 18 December 2015 13:00

Happy Mouths, Happy Lives

Your mouth plays a vital role in your physical, mental, and emotional health.
Published in Rewired Radio
Wednesday, 02 December 2015 12:22

Toxic Teeth: Best Toothpaste Brands

Many conventional toothpastes contain toxic ingredients, some of which have been linked to cancer.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 02 December 2015 10:00

Tooth Loss & Mortality: What's the Link?

Your mouth is the gateway to your overall health. If your oral health declines, is that bad news for the rest of your health?
Wednesday, 18 November 2015 23:22

Never Brush Your Teeth Again

Dr. P. Piero is known as "the dentist who doesn't brush his teeth," and has been researching dental health and periodontal disease for many years.
Wednesday, 26 August 2015 12:00

What Your Tongue & Gums Say about Your Health

Your mouth can give you great clues as to what is happening in terms of your whole-body health.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
Wednesday, 17 June 2015 10:22

Alternatives to Mercury Dental Fillings

What are some safer alternatives to mercury fillings?
Wednesday, 17 June 2015 10:11

Are Mercury Fillings Really that Bad?

Mercury fillings have been used for decades, but are they safe?
Why is Botox now available at the dentist and with your primary care physician? What are the dangers of getting Botox at these locations?
Published in Health Radio
Brushing, flossing and rinsing is more important than achieving a bright and clean smile.
Published in HER
Tuesday, 07 April 2015 10:22

New Advances in Treating Gum Disease

Treatment for gum disease can vary depending on how severe your case is.
Tuesday, 07 April 2015 10:11

Gum Disease: The Silent Killer

Why is gum disease awareness so important?
Gum graft surgery is a procedure where tissue is taken from the roof of your mouth and used to help treat your infected gums.
Published in GTL
Wednesday, 11 February 2015 12:22

National Children’s Dental Health Month

Oral health is an integral part of the overall health of children.? Each child has different skills and needs that can guide parents in helping him or her brush.
Published in Healthy Children
Thursday, 18 December 2014 14:00

Should You Get Rid of Your Mercury Fillings?

Some doctors believe that mercury fillings cause hidden damage to your body.
Oral health is still very important while wearing braces or an expander.
Published in Healthy Children
Fluoride can strengthen tooth enamel and help prevent tooth decay.
Published in Healthy Children
Gum graft surgery is a procedure where tissue is taken from the roof of your mouth and used to help treat your infected gums.
Published in Staying Well
Triclosan is found in many of your home and personal care products. But studies have found this chemical is potentially hazardous.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Did you know that the physical withdrawals of quitting smoking truly will go away after a few days? You can get through this.
Published in HER
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