Each week, host Dr. Susanne Bennett shares her Nature's Secrets to a healthier body. This week: Can You Relieve Anxiety Naturally?
Published in Wellness for Life
Wednesday, 05 August 2015 10:00

The Power of Medicinal Flowers

Can you get benefits from eating flowers?
Each week, host Dr. Susanne Bennett shares with her listeners Nature's Secrets to a healthier body.
Published in Wellness for Life
How do you know which naturopathic doctor (ND) is best for you?
Published in Mindful Medicine
What is so damaging about taking OTC acid reflux medications?
Published in Mindful Medicine
Each week, host Dr. Susanne Bennett shares with her listeners Nature's Secrets to a healthier body.
Published in Wellness for Life
Wednesday, 08 July 2015 10:00

Managing Panic Attacks without Drugs

What are some ways you can manage your panic attacks without having to use medications?
Thursday, 02 July 2015 13:00

Natural Nail Care

What makes a nail polish vegan? Why should that be a consideration in your nail care products?
Published in HER
Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
Tuesday, 30 June 2015 11:34

4 Powerful Herbs from Around the World

What are the four herbs to always keep around your home?
Published in Mindful Medicine
Friday, 26 June 2015 11:06

Home Remedies for Arthritis

Eating raisins soaked in gin may help ease your aching joints.
Published in Health Radio
Friday, 26 June 2015 11:06

Home Remedies For Arthritis

Eating raisins soaked in gin may help ease your aching joints.
Published in GTL
What causes hyperactive libido?
Published in Health Radio
Standardized medicine isn't the ultimate answer for all health issues. Learn how you can incorporate natural methods as well.
Published in Naturally Savvy
What are the foods you should consider adding to your grocery list to boost your wellness?
Published in Mindful Medicine
Why is it so important to stay protected from the sun?
Wednesday, 10 June 2015 12:45

Are Beauty IVs for You?

The latest in holistic medicine: improve your skin health with a simple 1-3 minute IV injection.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Tuesday, 02 June 2015 11:34

6 Ways to Achieve Natural Allergy Relief

Stop your allergy symptoms from making you miserable.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Wednesday, 27 May 2015 14:22

8 Topical Uses for Castor Oil

Why should you consider using this ancient remedy?
Published in Mindful Medicine
Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
Listen in to hear the latest research on AMPK.
Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
When it comes to back pain, herbal medicine can be twice as effective as prescription medication.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Is a weekend "detox" enough to keep you healthy? The short answer is NO.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Each week, host Dr. Susanne Bennett shares with her listeners Nature's Secrets to a healthier body. This week: Non-Toxic Skin Protection
Published in Wellness for Life
Wednesday, 15 April 2015 11:22

Therapeutic Uses of Bentonite Clay

Clay, specifically bentonite clay, has some wonderful health benefits for both inside your body and out.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Even though there's no cure for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), you might be able to ease your symptoms with food.
Wednesday, 01 April 2015 14:22

How to Detox Daily & Naturally

You don't need to spend weeks detoxing your body and mind.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Earthing is the concept of healing your body (and soul) by getting closer to Mother Earth and connecting to nature.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 01 April 2015 10:22

Therapeutic Plants for Healthy Breasts

Are there specific nutrients in plants that can prevent breast cancer?
Wednesday, 01 April 2015 10:11

Healing Breast Cancer Naturally

If a woman has breast cancer and wants to heal her body with less toxic methods, what are some of her choices?
Friday, 27 March 2015 10:22

Treating Carpal Tunnel Naturally

By taking certain supplements, you may be able to relieve your carpal tunnel symptoms in a less invasive way.
Flower pollen has been used for years as a natural remedy for many health aliments.
Wednesday, 25 March 2015 14:33

Treating Vaginal Dryness Naturally

Vaginal dryness can be extremely uncomfortable to talk about, but it's the only way to find out natural treatment options available.
Published in Mindful Medicine
CoQ10 is known for easing numerous health ailments; most recently, arterial function.
Wednesday, 18 March 2015 11:33

Natural Options to Relieve Your Chronic Pain

One out of four Americans suffers unnecessarily with chronic pain. Are you one of them?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Natural treatments can help ease your asthma symptoms without all the side effects that can accompany medications.
Published in Mindful Medicine
From coconut water and coffee-infused food products to new turmeric supplements and green juices, the Natural Products Expo showcases new healthy eating options.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Friday, 06 March 2015 10:22

Why Is Your Blood Sugar SO Low?

If you're feeling weak, experiencing mood swings, and slurring your speech, you may have low blood sugar.
Friday, 06 March 2015 10:11

Treating Heart Failure Naturally

There are lifestyle changes and natural treatments that can reduce your heart failure symptoms.
Friday, 06 March 2015 10:00

Can CoQ10 Treat Gulf War Illness?

Doctors are still unsure what causes GWI, but natural treatments like CoQ10 have been shown to help.
Seabuckthorn is an herb that can help ease many symptoms of menopause, including vaginal dryness.
Making sure you're eating healthy fats and staying hydrated can help ease dryness down there.
Friday, 27 February 2015 12:44

Nature's Secrets: Brain Health

Each week, host Dr. Susanne Bennett shares with her listeners Nature's Secrets to a healthier body. This week: top natural approaches that support healthy brain function.
Published in Wellness for Life
Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
Wednesday, 25 February 2015 10:22

4 Supplements to Naturally Ease Muscle Soreness

What are four supplements that can help ease your DOMs (delayed onset muscle soreness) symptoms?
According to the National Institute of Health, at least 70 million Americans suffer from sleep troubles.
A recent study showed that daily curcumin consumption drastically lowered cholesterol levels.
Friday, 20 February 2015 10:11

Preventing Cancer Spread Post-Surgery

What are some natural ways to keep your body protected from cancer spread?
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