
Echinacea to Treat Anxiety?

Featuring: Cheryl Myers, RN
A new, natural way to cure anxiety? Yes please!

Do What You Always Do, Get What You've Always Gotten

Featuring: Ray Doustdar
Are you ready to finally change to be a healthier you?

Healing Cancer Naturally

Featuring: Tamara St. John, Author
Is it possible to heal yourself from cancer? Special guest, Tamara St. John, says she did just that.

Is Your Leaky Gut to Blame for Hot Flashes?

A common saying in Naturopathic Medicine is, "if you want to heal the person, heal the gut."

Sleep: The Best Medicine Around

Featuring: Jacob Teitelbaum, MD
Let's face it, your day really starts the night before.

Curcumin & Inflamation: Overweight Cats Provide Insight

Featuring: Cheryl Myers, RN
Inflammation due to excess fat can cause other health dangers. A recent study using overweight cats offers hope.

GMO-Free? What it Really Means

Featuring: Ray Doustdar
Never before in our history has food and the food supply been under such scrutiny.

5 Ways to Beat Holiday Stress

It's a great time to catch up with family members, but no one tells you about the increasing stress levels leading up to the holidays.

5 Best Brain Boosting Juices

Which juices work best to boost your brain health? Dr. Holly reveals them one by one.

Should You Be Getting a "Tune Up" Instead of a Checkup? Part 2

Featuring: Jacob Tietlbaum, MD
Learn why it's important for you and your loved ones to regularly get "tune ups" with your doctor.
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