
A Treatment Plan for Jet Lag

Returning home from a business trip or vacation can put a toll on your mood and sleep schedule.

Do You Know The Markers For Good Health?

When it comes to achieving optimal health or even improving your health, numbers can help you establish a baseline.

Balancing Science & Art to Make Positive Health Changes

Featuring: Rick Kirschner
There is science in medicine. But there is also art. Learn how you can use both to achieve happiness and healthfulness.

10 Tips to Avoid Colds & Flu

Cold and flu season is upon us. Learn tips to avoid sickness this winter.

Heart Health: Prevention & Treatment

Featuring: Jacob Tietlbaum
Are there certain heart medications you should avoid? Learn which treatments work the best for heart health.

Natural Relief for Sinus Congestion

Featuring: Cheryl Meyers
OTC sinus remedies like pseudoephedrine and synephrine can have debilitating side effects. So, do you have other options?

The Magic Formula for Better Health

Featuring: Ray Doustar
Amongst all the different diets, brands, programs, studios, books, articles... what is the magic formula for better health?

A Sauna a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Featuring: Connie Zack
Saunas have been shown to increase circulation, lower blood pressure and assist with detoxification; among many other benefits.

Estrogen Dominance: Too Much of a Good Thing Can Be BAD

Estrogen dominance has been linked to a wide range of health conditions. Are you at risk?

Low Testosterone: Effective Treatment Options

Featuring: Jacob Tietelbaum, MD
Low testosterone is associated with depression, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and erectile dysfunction.
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