
U.S. Senate Votes for Observance of Naturopathic Medicine Week

Featuring: Jud Richland
Alternative medicine often gets the short end of the stick when it comes to recognition. But a new initiative may change that.

Better Health for Your Children Includes Fat in their Diet

Do you want your child to have more advanced reading skills, better memory, higher test scores and good behavior? DHA may be the answer.

Omega-3s & Prostate Cancer

A recent study suggested a link between omega-3s and prostate cancer. Could you be at risk? Should you stop taking fish oil?

Reduce Urinary Frequency Effectively & Naturally

Featuring: Cherly Myers
An overactive bladder is one of the most frustrating and embarrassing problems anyone can endure.

Juicing 101: The What, How & Why

Featuring: Ray Doustdar
Juicing has become very popular over the past few years. But what is all the fuss about?

Is Your Food Really Gluten Free?

If you're someone who suffers from Celiac disease, gluten sensitivity or are simply interested in a gluten-free diet, new standards of food labeling can affect you.

Women, Stress & Anxiety: Natural Support

According to the National Institute for Health, women are 60% more likely to develop an anxiety disorder than men. Are you at risk?

5 Tips to Protect Yourself from Stress

A little bit of stress is normal and actually even healthy. But too much stress can cause wear and tear on your body... often beyond repair.

Natural Migraine Relief

Featuring: Jacob Tietelbaum, MD
Migraines can be very severe and last for several days, causing a decrease in quality of life if you suffer from them. Is relief even possible?

Can Juicing Keep You Off Medications?

Featuring: Ray Doustdar
Whether out of desperation or inspiration, a lifestyle change can make a huge difference in your health... even prevent deadly disease.
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