
Are You Skinny-Fat?

Featuring: Esther Blum MS, RD, CDN, CNS
You may be thin on the outside; but inside, you're fat. Just because you're "skinny," it does not mean you're healthy.

Got Milk? Maybe You Shouldn't

Featuring: Ray Doustdar, CEO Buiced INC
Milk has been proven to increase your insulin growth factor and also increase your risk of osteoporosis. So, why are you still drinking it?

Is Stress Stripping Your Body of Nutrients?

"Every stress leaves an indelible scar and the organism pays for its survival after a stressful situation by becoming a little older"- Hans Selye

The 7-Minute Stress Solution

Gently tapping your thymus gland stimulates energy, boosts your immune system, decreases stress and increases vitality.

MAN-o-pause: Low T & Testosterone Replacement

Featuring: Jacob Tietlbaum, MD
According to the National Institutes of Health, five million American men have low testosterone.

Arctic Angelica: Cure for Overactive Bladder

Featuring: Terry Lemerond, Founder Europharma
Arctic Angelica: a more natural and highly effective way to help treat your overactive bladder.

Juicing vs. Cleansing vs. Blending: What's the Difference?

Featuring: Ray Doustdar
Juicing, cleansing, blending: you've heard it all but have no idea how to maximize these health benefits.

The Pill Problem: Is Your Health at Risk?

Featuring: Ross Pelton, CCN
Over 12 million women in the U.S. and over 100 million women worldwide are taking birth control pills. Do you know your risks?

Proper Digestion Starts in Your Head

Can eating more beautiful, aromatic food be the answer to ending your digestive problems?

Treating Menopause

Featuring: Jacob Tietlbaum, MD
Is menopause something you simply have to "put up with"? Or can you actually treat it?
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