
31-Day Food Revolution

Featuring: Ocean Robbins
Learn how you can simply change your health for the better in just 31 days.

Patch Adams MD: Living a Healthy, Happy and Vibrant Life

Featuring: Dr. Patch Adams
The words connection, friendship, and laughter probably don't describe the relationship you have with your doctor.

Food Pharmacology: Addressing Thyroid Disease

Featuring: Izabella Wentz, PharmD, FASCP,
More than 35 million Americans currently suffer from Hashimoto’s—making it the country’s fastest-growing autoimmune disease.

Break the Chains of Dieting – Healthy Weight Loss Without Dieting

Featuring: David Medansky
73% of Americans are overweight or obese. We spend $71 billion annually on weight-loss products, programs, and gadgets, and another $35 billion on gym memberships.

Hidden Chemicals Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Goals

Featuring: Dr. David Friedman
Dr. Friedman exposes hidden chemicals that may be sabotaging your weight loss goals and he shares what you can do about it.

TMJ and Oral Health Care During The Pandemic and Beyond

Featuring: Dr. Sanda Moldovan
The temporomandibular joint, or TMJ for short connects your lower jaw to your skull. This is what opens and closes your mouth.

Sound the Alarm: Jay Leno Discusses "Bad" Cholesterol and Its Link to Heart Attack and Stroke

Featuring: Jay Leno
Jay is speaking publicly about his high LDL cholesterol.

There's Something Fishy Going On

Dr. Friedman debunks common fish myths.

The Dirty Truth About Wine

Featuring: Todd White
There’s a dark side of the wine industry.

The Secrets to Friendship and Marriage for 50+ Years with Renee Taylor

Featuring: Renée Taylor
Today we have with us special guest Renee Taylor, who stars in the new hit movie, Tango Shalom.
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