The most strict parts of the pandemic were just 2 and a half years ago now.
Published in HER
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month.
Published in Healthy Children
Tuesday, 04 January 2022 00:00

Biohacking Your Brain & COVID Long Haulers

 Kristen Willeumier, PhD, is a renowned neuroscientist with extensive research expertise in brain function, injury, and disorders.

Published in Mindful Medicine
Tuesday, 09 November 2021 00:00

Uptick in Kids’ Respiratory Infections (RSV)

By this time of year, our kids have gone back to school and most of them are now in person.
Published in Healthy Children
Tuesday, 02 November 2021 00:00

Digital Media and Virtual Schooling

It is an especially difficult time to be a parent, with all of the different forms of schooling going on during the pandemic. Whether you're homeschooling, helping with virtual lessons, or sending your kid to physical classrooms, learning is not what it used to be.

Published in Healthy Children
Dog mushers, sailers, Olympic runners. What do these athletes all have in common? Endurance. And today we're learning from them how to get through the rest of this ongoing pandemic.
Published in HER
A new dog or other family pet has brought so much joy to uprooted lives this pandemic. But with increased numbers of pet adoptions come more opportunities for bites, scratches, and other dog or pet woes.
Published in Healthy Children
This summer everyone is excited to make up for 2020 and get as many plans in as they can. But there is still so much that's unknown about the virus still. So, is sending your kid away to summer camp okay?
Published in Healthy Children
Because health is a resource for everyday life and not just the objective of living, the mission of The Women’s Fund is to provide Houston area women, and girls, with the tools they need to be advocates for their health.
Published in Mindful Medicine
COVID-19 vaccines recently opened up to kids ages 12 and up, so what does that mean for you and your children?
Published in Healthy Children

The pandemic has affected our children in so many ways, including their sleep patterns. With new school routines and quarantining, sleep has fallen to the waste side, and bedtimes are all over the place. 

Published in Healthy Children
Tuesday, 04 May 2021 00:00

Staying Fit & Active During A Pandemic

With all these lockdowns and businesses being closed, it's been difficult to stay fit during the pandemic, especially if going to the gym is part of your wellness routine.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Thursday, 29 April 2021 00:00

Making Dating Safe and Fun in a COVID World

Is it mission impossible to date in a COVID world? Our guest today says ABSOLUTELY NOT!
Published in HER

While your younger kids probably won't be vaccinated this summer, most adults in this country will have the option to be! This means we have a few more freedoms back this vacation season. 

Published in Healthy Children

It is an especially difficult time to be a parent, with all of the different forms of schooling going on during the pandemic. Whether you're homeschooling, helping with virtual lessons, or sending your kid to physical classrooms, learning is not what it used to be.

Published in Healthy Children
Tuesday, 13 April 2021 00:00

EP 1039B - A History Of The Human Brain

Just over 125,000 years ago, humanity nearly went extinct until a dramatic shift occurred--fossil records suggest that suddenly Homo sapiens displayed new behaviors like tracking the tides and eating the nearby oysters. Before long, they'd pulled themselves back from the brink of extinction.

Have you ever been around someone just so genuine? They're in their body, they know who they are all of the time, and they just radiate this vibe. Well, today we are talking all about authenticity, with our guest Ora Nadrich.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Dr. Jennifer Ashton—the Chief Medical Correspondent at ABC News covering breaking medical news for Good Morning America and GMA3: What You Need to Know—comes a doctor’s guide to finding resilience in the time of COVID while staying safe and sane in a rapidly changing world.
One of our favorite and more frequent guests is back again this week with another fabulous column from the Wall Street Journal.
Published in HER

 Kristen Willeumier, PhD, is a renowned neuroscientist with extensive research expertise in brain function, injury, and disorders.

Published in Mindful Medicine
Even with the pandemic going on, it's still important to catch up with well visits and routine vaccines in person.
Published in Healthy Children
Resiliency is so important to build in our children, but it's especially important during these winter COVID months when we're stuck indoors because of the cold and the pandemic.
Published in Healthy Children
Tuesday, 02 February 2021 00:00

Finding Gratitude and Hope in Trauma

How are you doing? It's a pretty heavy question to ask someone these days given the state of the world. Well, our guest today has an incredible story to share and loss, trauma, and resiliency.


Published in Mindful Medicine
Tuesday, 19 January 2021 00:00

Sports, Heart Health & COVID19

Among all the things canceled this year, school and other sports have all but been canceled. Some are missing out on whole seasons of training and competition.

Published in Healthy Children
Working from home is more popular and possible than ever because of the COVID-19 pandemic. But whether you were doing it before or forced to because of the virus, you're probably hunched over your laptop right now reading this with a sore back.
Published in Mindful Medicine

A lot of parents, including our host Melanie, are wondering about well visits for our children. Is it worth it to head to the doctor's office during COVID-19? 

Published in Healthy Children
Tuesday, 05 January 2021 00:00

Managing Stress in an Ayurvedic Way

Stress is so pervasive right now, even if we don't see it. Not only are there the obvious stressors of the pandemic but daily, passive ones as well.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Thursday, 31 December 2020 00:00

Living TOO Clean During COVID-19?

Scientific director of the International Probiotics Association, Jessica ter Haar, Ph.D., says many of us are living in that proverbial protected bubble that we previously condemned, and with good reason (due to COVID-19), but will all this clean living and social distancing cause future problems for our health?
We are all going through an unprecedented time and our stress levels are extremely high. For our kids, however, this can be magnified as they may be feeling the strains of social isolation and intense worry.
Published in Healthy Children

We've had months to learn it, but virtual learning just doesn't seem to get any easier - for parents of the kids! We're all homeschoolers at this point, and its driving some of us a little mad. 

Published in Healthy Children
Today we're talking all about forgiveness. In order to heal you must be willing to feel. The good, the bad, and all the experiences you encounter.
Published in Mindful Medicine
There is no better time than during this pandemic to get into mindfulness and meditation. Maybe it's a few minutes before you start your day or a moment of calm in the afternoon.
Published in Mindful Medicine

One of the hardest parts of this pandemic is not being able to see or hug our older loved ones. Whether it's parents or grandparents, we have to be extra careful to not get these people in our lives sick, and staying away is really the easiest way to do that, even when it hurts. 

Published in Healthy Children

The number of children who have tested positive for COVID-19 is expected to surpass 1,000,000 very soon. Which is scary for parents especially as we plan for school breaks and winter holidays. 

Published in Healthy Children
Tuesday, 01 December 2020 00:00

Staying Mentally Fit During Quarantine

Remember when we all thought quarantine was going to last 2 weeks? A month, tops? Well, as we enter a winter still in some form of quarantine, we're talking about how to stay mentally fit during this ongoing pandemic. 

Published in Mindful Medicine
Tuesday, 01 December 2020 00:00

COVID-19 And The Holiday Season

Getting through the holidays during COVID 19 is going to be difficult. With kids of any age, there will be a lot of saying no and changing plans and traditions.

Published in Healthy Children
Thursday, 26 November 2020 00:00

The Art of the Pandemic Meltdown

Listen, we've all probably had one by now - a pandemic meltdown. Whether it's lockdowns or stress about work or worrying about money, there is a lot happening right now to send you over the emotional edge!
Published in HER
Tuesday, 17 November 2020 00:00

How To Avoid Burnout At Your New Home Office

Almost a year into this pandemic now and a good chunk of us are still working from home. In fact, we may never go back to an office. 

Published in Mindful Medicine
Tuesday, 03 November 2020 00:00

Children, Reading and The Pandemic

Teaching our kids to enjoy reading can be difficult, but while we're spending more time at home with our families, now might be the perfect time to try and instill a passion for reading in our young ones.

Published in Healthy Children
Tuesday, 20 October 2020 00:00

Colleges & Universities In The Time of COVID

Today's episode is a bit personal for our host Melanie, as she kept her son home this semester instead of sending him back to college. He is miserable, but she thinks she made the best decision!
Published in Healthy Children
Tuesday, 13 October 2020 00:00

Digital Media and Virtual Schooling

It is an especially difficult time to be a parent, with all of the different forms of schooling going on during the pandemic. Whether you're homeschooling, helping with virtual lessons, or sending your kid to physical classrooms, learning is not what it used to be.

Published in Healthy Children
Tuesday, 06 October 2020 00:00

Testing For COVID-19

We've done a lot of shows about COVID-19, but today we're going to breakdown testing for the virus. The different kinds, antibody vs diagnostic, and other confusing parts of the process.

Published in Healthy Children

It's stressful already being a parent during this pandemic, but now we have an upcoming cold & flu season to worry about as well. 

Published in Healthy Children
Monday, 07 September 2020 00:00

Exercising In A Pandemic

The best place to be during this pandemic is outdoors (if you're doing it correctly).

Published in HER
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