One out of four women suffer from pelvic floor disorder but feel too embarrassed to do anything about it.
Post-graduation you may expect a huge paycheck and the best office in the building. Newsflash: you have to be more realistic.

Benefits of Sprouted Grains

Thursday, 07 November 2013
Sprouted grains contain all of the necessary nutrients for producing a whole new plant. These same nutrients are good for you as well.

Your Diabetes Action Plan

Thursday, 07 November 2013
Preventing the devastating consequences of diabetes requires a plan of action. Do you have one in place?
Dr. Ruth shares tactics and resources from her guide book for the Alzheimer's caregiver.

Is Sex Over after Menopause?

Thursday, 07 November 2013
Dr. Ruth Westheimer offers straight-to-the-point tips for staying sexually active after menopause.

The Lesser Known Thyroid Test

Thursday, 07 November 2013
Is your thyroid medication not working – even at higher doses? You might want to test your reverse T3 level.

Frustrations of a Celiac

Monday, 04 November 2013

Why is it that more places are offering gluten-free foods, but are recommending that people with Celiac Disease shouldn't eat there?

Doesn't that defeat the purpose?

It's been two years since my diagnoses of Celiac Disease. At first, I would overdramatize how much my life was ruined and that food would no longer mean the same. I recently became excited to hear of all the great options that were open to me. Little did I know, what restaurants really meant was their gluten free option is only for those who are going through yet another diet fad, not those who truly need it.

I've always had digestive problems, but thought it was just stress, or IBS. It seemed normal to me (and I as I type this I realize how this sounds) to throw up, have diarrhea, and get horrible abdominal pains, and constantly feel bloated immediately after eating.

I had just transferred to DePaul University in the fall of 2011, and was just getting used to living back on a college campus again. This was when I began noticing more and more issues with my gut. However, I ignored these symptoms and just thought I was stressed from school, as I tend to be during the quick ten-week quarter system DePaul has.

A few nights a week I would be up all night, death gripping the sides of my toilet while everything poured out of my mouth. My roommates would joke with me and say, "You're sick all the time. Maybe you have the gluten thing." Laughing, thinking that was not even possible, I ignored them and continued doing absolutely nothing about addressing the problem.

As time progressed, it started to become a hassle to eat. After every meal I would feel exhausted from throwing up, from the horrible pains I felt and all I wanted to do was lay down. Date nights I had with my boyfriend turned embarrassing, for I would need to quickly excuse myself to spend what seemed an eternity in the ladies room.

What Really Turns Women Off

Monday, 04 November 2013
Feeling more than irritated with your significant other lately? Your partner's habits can help determine when you're ready to throw in the towel.
When you're thinking of lying during a doctor appointment, consider this: does the lie outweigh the risk of a health consequence?
An estimated 22 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea, although 80 percent go undiagnosed. Women, particularly, face special concerns.
Estrogen dominance has been linked to a wide range of health conditions. Are you at risk?
Low testosterone is associated with depression, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and erectile dysfunction.
What is the best garlic supplement for cholesterol control? Dr. Holly has the answer.
Vitamins are essential, but do you know which type of vitamin to take?
Mercury poisoning is no joke. Learn which types of fish may be putting you and your family at risk.
More than 40,000 injuries and 1,550 deaths are caused by drowsy driving each year. It is even considered to be more dangerous than drunk driving.

Corset Diet: Don't Be Fooled

Monday, 28 October 2013
There's a reason why these garments were left behind. Wearing corsets can cause acid reflux, trouble breathing, and even bruise internal organs.
Every day, one in four Americans will visit some type of fast food restaurant. As a nation, we spend more than $110 billion annually on fast food.
Americans eat about 24 pounds of candy each year. But do you really know what you're eating?
Roughly 30 million Americans have an overactive bladder, and 40 percent are women. Are you one of them?

Exposing Hidden Food Toxins

Thursday, 31 October 2013
Learn about the most dangerous food toxins and how to protect against their toxic effects.

Navigating Your Medical Bills

Thursday, 31 October 2013
You can save hundreds -- even thousands of dollars on your medical bills by avoiding common "bill hiking" mistakes.

The Many Benefits of Detox

Thursday, 31 October 2013
Removing built-up toxins from your body is often the first step towards feeling better and living healthier.
If you can't properly digest food, absorb nutrients, and eliminate waste, you simply won't be optimally healthy.

Exposing Hidden Environmental Toxins

Thursday, 31 October 2013
Learn about two dangerous environmental toxins and how you can protect yourself and your loved ones from their damaging effects.

LASIK Surgery 101

Monday, 21 October 2013
LASIK surgery reduces the need to wear eyeglasses or contacts, but it's not for everyone.

Teeth as Tools: A BIG No-No

Monday, 21 October 2013
Using your teeth as tools may seem harmless, but can lead to chipping, tooth loss, root canals and permanent damage.

Women's Hair Loss Treatments

Monday, 21 October 2013
Most people lose 50 to 100 strands of hair every day. When should you start to panic?

Habits that Ruin a Relationship

Monday, 21 October 2013
Relationships aren't always about rainbows and butterflies, but are your bad habits the reason for the downfall?
Within the next three years, 60% of physicians say they will retire from medicine early. What is the true reason for this choice?
Stressed to the max? Learn some helpful tips to help you keep your cool.

The Real Reason You’re Always Cold

Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Always reaching for a sweater or an extra blanket? It might be because of an issue within your body
Could something as simple as passion turn your life around?

How Young Blood May Cure Cancer

Thursday, 17 October 2013
Transfusing cancer patients with blood from young, healthy individuals offers hope for a cure.
PQQ enhances cell energy by increasing the number of your cellular powerhouses.

Healthy Kid-Friendly Recipes

Thursday, 17 October 2013
Getting kids to cook and eat healthy is easy with ChopChop Magazine's kid-friendly recipes.
Teaching kids how to cook and helping them develop a healthy relationship with food are real solutions to childhood obesity.

Brain Tumor Treatment Breakthrough

Thursday, 17 October 2013
Treating brain cancer patients for a common viral infection significantly increases survival.
Depending on your oral care, your gums can be a reflection of your overall health.

Domestic Abuse: How to Get Away

Monday, 14 October 2013
One in four women have experienced some sort of domestic abuse in their lifetime. What is being done to lower that number?
Low nitric oxide results in arterial dysfunction and increases your risk of heart disease.
Fruit can be an excellent snack, but are you eating it the right way? Could you be doing more harm than good?
Compounds in cinnamon offer hope for millions of Alzheimer's patients.

Eating Green & Healthy for $5 a Day

Thursday, 10 October 2013
Go green for $5 a day (or less) with mostly organic or sustainably raised ingredients.

Dichloroacetate: A Cure for Cancer?

Thursday, 10 October 2013
A powerful anticancer drug, dichloroacetate, induces cancer cell death. The problem? It's too cheap for Big Pharma.

How Bad Breath Affects Your Health

Monday, 07 October 2013
Bad breath can be caused by your lifestyle, but sometimes there is a more serious reason why your breath has a terrible odor.
Intermittent explosive disorder affects 3-4 percent of people annually. Could it happen to you?

Facial Treatments For Aging Skin

Monday, 07 October 2013
There is no magic potion that can make your skin perfect, but there are certain treatments that can help your skin as you age.

Stretch Mark Minimizers

Monday, 07 October 2013
Getting rid of stretch marks can be a challenge, especially when there are so many products promising to do so. Do they really work?

Dietary Tips for Radiant Skin

Monday, 07 October 2013
The best remedy for radiant skin is not in beauty stores, but rather in your kitchen.
One in every three adults age 65 and older experiences a fall. Fortunately, this can be prevented by using ingredients like silica.

5 Tips for Nighttime Acid Reflux

Wednesday, 09 October 2013
Easy and effective ways to calm acid without harmful side effects of modern day medications.

4 Tips to Unwind from Technology

Wednesday, 09 October 2013
Technology can be a huge burden when it comes to allowing yourself time to relax. So, set yourself free!
Learn how to get all the nutrients you need when juicing.
Cancer affects almost everyone in some way. Why is the prevalence on the rise with all the fundraising efforts for "the cure"?

Fattening Foods to Avoid this Fall

Friday, 04 October 2013
Learn easy ways to dodge tempting foods that quickly add extra pounds.
Can spicy foods really boost your metabolism? Or is that a big myth?

Health Benefits of Raw Local Honey

Friday, 04 October 2013
Raw honey is a natural and beneficial way to cure allergies while building a stronger immune system.
If your eyes feel irritated, itchy or dry at the end of the day, your technological devices may be to blame.
Amongst the many advances in medicine, the science behind improving MS has fallen short.
Contrary to popular belief, indigestion and acid reflux is not caused by excess stomach acid, but rather by poor digestion
Depression is extremely common these days; but most medications cause side effects that make coping even more difficult.
Juicing has become a widespread trend, but are you really benefiting from it?
The truth about the low cost Low Dose Nalltrexone (LDN) treatment option.

Do Soft Drinks Cause Cancer?

Thursday, 03 October 2013
The bitter truth about sweet soft drinks is that they are linked to one of the most deadly cancers known to man.
Learn how to uncover the hidden truth of unhealthy "health food" pitfalls and avoid them altogether.

How to Conquer Your Chronic Stress

Thursday, 03 October 2013
Although the human body is relatively adept at managing acute stressors, chronic stress can produce a variety of harmful effects.

Avoiding Artificial Sweeteners

Thursday, 03 October 2013
Avoid artificial sweeteners at all cost – they have been linked to many adverse health effects.

Is Your Hair Dye Killing You?

Thursday, 03 October 2013
Permanent and semi-permanent hair dyes contain dangerous chemicals that have been linked to serious health problems — including cancer.

Phytoestrogens: Helpful or Harmful?

Wednesday, 25 September 2013
Some estrogen found in your body is absorbed from dangerous chemicals and detrimental to health. But phytoestrogens are plant-based and may actually be beneficial.
If you're on a statin medication but not taking CoQ10, you may be putting your health in severe danger.

5 Stress-Busting Benefits of Omega-3s

Wednesday, 25 September 2013
Do you have enough? Research reveals people who better resist the effects of stress also show high levels of omega-3s in their blood.

6 Effective Steps for Juicing

Wednesday, 25 September 2013
Whether you are trying to lose weight, get off your medication, or are simply curious about juicing, these tips will help you in your juicing journey.
Alternative medicine often gets the short end of the stick when it comes to recognition. But a new initiative may change that.

Why Women Are Freezing their Eggs

Monday, 23 September 2013
With fewer women having children in their 20s, there's a growing trend for women of all ages to freeze their eggs. Should you?
Observing how your parents interact could lead to an understanding of your own relationships
Learn how to avoid filling a linebacker's pant size but still enjoy yourself while tailgating at your favorite sporting event.
According to a recent study, one-third of women aged 18-59 suffer from low sex drive. Is it gone forever?

Peak Produce: Autumn Superfoods

Monday, 23 September 2013
Apples: one of the ubiquitous fall foods that should not be underestimated.
Do you want your child to have more advanced reading skills, better memory, higher test scores and good behavior? DHA may be the answer.

Omega-3s & Prostate Cancer

Wednesday, 18 September 2013
A recent study suggested a link between omega-3s and prostate cancer. Could you be at risk? Should you stop taking fish oil?
An overactive bladder is one of the most frustrating and embarrassing problems anyone can endure.

Juicing 101: The What, How & Why

Wednesday, 18 September 2013
Juicing has become very popular over the past few years. But what is all the fuss about?

Is Your Food Really Gluten Free?

Wednesday, 18 September 2013
If you're someone who suffers from Celiac disease, gluten sensitivity or are simply interested in a gluten-free diet, new standards of food labeling can affect you.

Workaholics: Signs You Are Burnt Out

Monday, 16 September 2013
Feeling like you're running on fumes? Your body and mind might be telling you that you've had enough.
Do you constantly feel like you have to justify to friends and family why you're still single? Guess what? You don't have to.

Panic Disorder: Get Your Life Back

Monday, 16 September 2013
If you're dealing with panic disorder, it may seem like you will never live a normal life. But you CAN learn how to take control when panic sets in.
Open enrollment for the Marketplace ends March 31, 2014, so it's important to learn about your options as soon as possible.

Women, Stress & Anxiety: Natural Support

Wednesday, 11 September 2013
According to the National Institute for Health, women are 60% more likely to develop an anxiety disorder than men. Are you at risk?

5 Tips to Protect Yourself from Stress

Wednesday, 11 September 2013
A little bit of stress is normal and actually even healthy. But too much stress can cause wear and tear on your body... often beyond repair.

Natural Migraine Relief

Wednesday, 11 September 2013
Migraines can be very severe and last for several days, causing a decrease in quality of life if you suffer from them. Is relief even possible?

Can Juicing Keep You Off Medications?

Wednesday, 11 September 2013
Whether out of desperation or inspiration, a lifestyle change can make a huge difference in your health... even prevent deadly disease.
If you're avoiding sugar there are a dizzying array of other sweeteners to choose from. Which ones are good? Bad? Even downright dangerous?

Is Your Metabolism Broken?

Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Do you have trouble losing weight, no matter how much you diet and exercise? You may be suffering from a broken metabolism.
Who says a fairytale ending has to be when you walk down the aisle?

Working with an Ex: How to Deal

Monday, 09 September 2013
Breakups are rough in general. But still having to work with your Ex makes it worse.

How to Overcome Your Fear of Flying

Monday, 09 September 2013
Nearly 1 in 3 adults are afraid of flying, suffering from aerophobia.

Cancer is Serious Business

Monday, 09 September 2013
What if there was a potential way to fight cancer without all the horrible side effects? Wouldn't you be interested?
Life Extension has published 130 protocols on disease prevention and treatment. Learn how you can make use of their discoveries.
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