
Using Infrared Light to Alleviate Pain

Featuring: Brendan McEvoy

There are so many companies and doctors claiming they can help ease your pain. But what options have the least harmful side effects? 

Shield Your Body: Protect Yourself from Wireless Radiation

Featuring: R Blank

5G is being touted as the next frontier in technology. But what does that even mean?!

Fear Traps: Escape the Triggers that Keep You Stuck

Featuring: Dr. Nancy Stella

Are you afraid of loneliness or failure, confrontation, or facing the unknown?

Biohacking Your Brain & COVID Long Haulers

Featuring: Dr. Kristen Willeumier

 Kristen Willeumier, PhD, is a renowned neuroscientist with extensive research expertise in brain function, injury, and disorders.

Nutrigenomics 101

Featuring: Yael Joffe Ph.D.
There are new fad diets every few months, but they don't work for every different body type. What if you could create a diet based on your own unique DNA?

Out of My Mind: (Not Quite a Memoir): A Conversation With Alan Arkin

Featuring: Alan Arkin

Our guest today is none other than the esteemed and beloved actor Alan Arkin!


Sugar Addiction and Detox: Its Not Just Drugs & Alcohol

Featuring: Michael Collins
After getting sober 36 years ago from drugs and alcohol, Michael Collins wanted to get healthy as well. So he got off flour, caffeine, and sugar as well.

Coping with Cancer: DBT Skills to Manage Your Emotions and Balance Uncertainty with Hope

Featuring: Elizabeth Cohn Stuntz
If you're a regular listener, you know Dr. Holly was diagnosed with breast cancer last year. 1 in 8 women will at some point in their life.

Breaking The Stigma Around Depression & Anxiety

Featuring: Matana Poupko Jacobs

After suffering from panic attacks, and battling anxiety & depression, Matana Jacobs decided it was time to help others. 


The Better Brain: Overcome Anxiety and Combat Depression With Nutrition

Featuring: Dr. Bonnie Kaplan
According to the CDC, 1 in 5 Americans suffer from some sort of mental illness, and antidepressant use has risen 65% since 1999. 

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