
Are Legumes Really Magic Beans?

Featuring: Ray Doustdar, CEO Buiced INC
Beans are delicious, packed with nutrients, and can be easily prepared for a healthy snack or meal.

Can Nutrition Treat & Reverse Vision Problems?

Featuring: Robert Abel Jr, MD
Studies haven shown the risk of developing cataracts can be decreased by more than half by eating fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C.

Find Hormonal Happiness: Natural Medicine to Help with Menopause

Featuring: Bev Maya, Medical Herbalist
When you're going through menopause, if one hormone becomes out of sync, your whole body becomes unbalanced.

Angina: Understanding & Naturally Treating Your Chest Pains

Featuring: Jacob Teitelbaum, MD
Angina isn't categorized as a disease, but as a symptom of a bigger health issue: coronary heart disease.

Natural Ways to Support Fertility

Featuring: Sarah Corey, AADP
Roughly 10% of couples in the U.S. have trouble conceiving.

Is Genetics to Blame for Your Inability to Lose Weight?

Featuring: Rebecca Scritchfield, MA, RD
The only way to successfully lose weight lies within your genetic makeup.

Healing with Clay: A Natural Way to Cure Modern Diseases

Featuring: Darryl Bosshard
Clay has been used for centuries as a natural remedy to heal many medical ailments.

Anemia: Not Just an Iron Deficiency

Featuring: Jacob Teitelbaum, MD
Do you chronically feel fatigued, have low energy and need time to catch your breath? You may be suffering from anemia.

Your Dairy-Free Guide to Calcium

Featuring: Sarah Corey, AADP
Did you know humans are the only species that continue to drink milk past infancy?

Vitamin D: The Flu-Busting Nutrient

Featuring: Ray Doustdar, CEO Buiced INC
A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found children who took vitamin D were 40 percent less likely to catch the flu.
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