The power of careful observation can let you see when someone is bluffing and when you've finally found your soul mate.
Thursday, 19 December 2013 13:45

Detox the Toxic People in Your Life

Toxic people cause a cascading effect of negativity in your both your professional and personal lives.
Published in HER
Thursday, 19 December 2013 13:33

Women & Alcohol Abuse: The Hidden Epidemic

Nearly one million American women are binge drinkers; and they aren’t just sorority girls.
Published in HER
Thursday, 19 December 2013 13:22

Do You Have a Harmless Addiction?

Dr. David Sackstates, “while men are more susceptible to substance abuse, women are more apt to become addicted to a behavior.” Are you?
Published in HER
Thursday, 19 December 2013 12:45

Coping with Grief During the Holidays

For many, the holidays bring sadness and grief from the loss of a loved one.
The holidays, as joyful as they are, can be very stressful and overwhelming. How can you overcome?
Thursday, 19 December 2013 12:22

The Heart of the Matter

Ever wonder if there was a class you could take or someone who could possibly help you from making the same mistakes in life over and over again?
Wednesday, 18 December 2013 12:33

New Year’s Resolutions for Kids

You make New Years resolutions, but do your children? Learn how you can help them make healthy, smart and attainable goals for the new year.
Published in Healthy Children
Thursday, 12 December 2013 13:45

How to Achieve Extraordinary Success

Fear of failure, rejection and the unknown may be holding you back from realizing your dreams.
Published in HER
Thursday, 12 December 2013 13:22

Single for the Holidays? You're Not Alone

There is no reason to be embarrassed by your single status; instead celebrate it.
Published in HER
Wednesday, 11 December 2013 14:00

5 Ways to Beat Holiday Stress

It's a great time to catch up with family members, but no one tells you about the increasing stress levels leading up to the holidays.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Bestselling, award winning author, Sandra Boynton, shares how to give your children a love of reading that will last a lifetime.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 11 December 2013 11:11

What Will Your Legacy Be?

What will be your legacy? How big of a footprint will you leave behind? It's never too late to change how you will be remembered.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Monday, 09 December 2013 12:00

Life Lessons from Your Furry Friend

From unconditional love to loyalty, dogs have always had your back.
Published in Staying Well
Want to stand out this year? Get a sneak peek at these ideas that will help you think outside the gift box.
Published in HER
Thursday, 05 December 2013 13:11

8 Rules: How to Not Be the Wicked Step-Parent

Eight rules to help you navigate through the role of a step-parent.
Published in HER
Thursday, 05 December 2013 13:00

Ladies: Should You Get a Prenup?

Prenuptial agreements are on the rise, and 46 percent of lawyers have noticed an increase in women requesting them. Should you get one?
Published in HER
Wednesday, 04 December 2013 12:11

Are Gifts More Important than the Holiday?

Does your child look forward to the gifts they will receive for the holidays all year long? Might this be an indication of a growing problem?
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 04 December 2013 11:11

Stop Beating Yourself Up & OWN Your Beauty

Learn how to embrace your own personal beauty and not let society's perceptions or expectations get you down.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 04 December 2013 11:00

Lose Your Blues with Yin Yoga

Yin yoga may be able to combat daily stress and help you beat the blues.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Thursday, 21 November 2013 14:33

B12 Deficiency: Epidemic of Misdiagnoses

When B12 is low, all sorts of symptoms and problems develop, from anxiety and depression to muscles spasms and memory loss.
There is science in medicine. But there is also art. Learn how you can use both to achieve happiness and healthfulness.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Wednesday, 13 November 2013 12:22

Instilling Gratitude in Children

How do you teach your children to be grateful for the things they have?
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 13 November 2013 11:11

The Amazing Power of Positivity

Are you a glass-half-full or glass-half-empty type of person? Your answer can make all the difference in your life and happiness.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Thursday, 07 November 2013 13:00

5 Relationship Red Flags

The problem with turning a blind eye to red flags in a relationship is that eventually those shortcomings may come back to haunt you.
Published in HER
Wednesday, 06 November 2013 11:00

The Benefits of Waking Energy

Wouldn't it be great if there was an antidote to the extreme "burn-out" you're constantly challenged by? There is.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Thursday, 31 October 2013 13:45

Women: Do You Hate Your Body?

According to a study commissioned by Dove, only four percent of women around the world describe themselves as beautiful.
Published in HER
Thursday, 31 October 2013 13:00

Are Hormones the Key to Zapping Fat?

Excess body fat isn’t just unattractive; it can increase your risk for serious health problems, such as heart disease and diabetes.
Published in HER
Wednesday, 30 October 2013 11:45

Using Technology to Manage Your Stress

Feeling stressed? Overwhelmed? Out of balance? Find out how you can use your heart rate to quickly get back on track.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Tuesday, 29 October 2013 12:11

Pets & Music: Heart Health Boosters

Pets and music may not sound like they go together. Surprisingly, they both hold enormous benefits for your heart.
Published in Train Your Body
Monday, 21 October 2013 12:11

Habits that Ruin a Relationship

Relationships aren't always about rainbows and butterflies, but are your bad habits the reason for the downfall?
Published in Staying Well
Thursday, 17 October 2013 13:45

Find Love Again After Divorce

If you are considering re-partnering, there are necessary prerequisites for a future successful relationship.
Published in HER
Thursday, 17 October 2013 13:33

Post Break-Up Blues? Rebuild Your Self-Esteem

Redefine who you are, post-divorce.
Published in HER
There are skills you can utilize to keep your relationship strong during difficult periods.
Published in HER
Discover how adversity can help you become a better, more resilient person.
Published in HER
Learn essential tips to ensure you have a successful and happy relationship.
Published in HER
Do you remember the old sign: NO SHIRT, NO SHOES, NO SERVICE? It was hung on gas stations, grocery stores and restaurants to convey a threat that you would not have access to that establishment's service if you hadn't shoes on, nor a shirt.

What I wouldn't give to have that sign hanging almost everywhere these days!

Well, ok...the shirt thing is questionable.

But having no shoes on, feeling the great earth and warm grass underneath my feet and having no service by not having access to the electronic blizzard and bings and dings and rings of our modern day?!

I would heed to that sign each time I saw it! 

Without me going on a vandalizing spree and hanging new signs everywhere, I have come up with some helpful tips to help me unplug from and enjoy having "no service".
Published in RadioMD Blog
Thursday, 10 October 2013 14:11

Eating Green & Healthy for $5 a Day

Go green for $5 a day (or less) with mostly organic or sustainably raised ingredients.
Are you constantly frazzled and fried? Learn important tips to avoid the chaos of daily life with Dr. Karuna Sabnani.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Thursday, 03 October 2013 14:22

How to Conquer Your Chronic Stress

Although the human body is relatively adept at managing acute stressors, chronic stress can produce a variety of harmful effects.
Wednesday, 02 October 2013 11:45

Body Image Survival Tips for You & Your Kids

In a day when young kids think they're "fat," you know there is a problem at hand. What can you do to change the pattern?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 25 September 2013 14:22

5 Stress-Busting Benefits of Omega-3s

Do you have enough? Research reveals people who better resist the effects of stress also show high levels of omega-3s in their blood.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Wednesday, 18 September 2013 11:11

Gentlemen: Want to Reboot Your Competitive Drive?

Men, have you lost your competitive drive as you've grown older? Learn how to reboot that drive, naturally.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Tuesday, 17 September 2013 23:48

5 Healthy Reasons to Take a Cruise

Cruises have been getting some negative press in the past year or two, with all the fires breaking out aboard, engine trouble, and let's not forget the fate of the Costa Concordia in Europe. But cruise enthusiasts like to think those occurrences are the exception to the rule (and being an enthusiast myself, I agree).

In fact, a cruise is a great venue for a get-away... not only from a vacation perspective, but also from a health perspective.

In the past, cruises have gotten a bad health rap for encouraging over-indulgence. I've been on plenty of cruises myself, and I can tell you that the five-course meals and midnight buffets can be a diet buster. But things are a'changing. These days, taking a cruise can be a truly healthy experience - for body and mind.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Monday, 16 September 2013 12:33

Workaholics: Signs You Are Burnt Out

Feeling like you're running on fumes? Your body and mind might be telling you that you've had enough.
Published in Staying Well
Wednesday, 11 September 2013 11:11

Tapping Into Your True Self

Learn how to tap into your true, authentic self.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Monday, 09 September 2013 12:33

Trend Alert: Fewer Women Getting Married

Who says a fairytale ending has to be when you walk down the aisle?
Published in Staying Well

If I had a quarter for every weird look I get when I tell people my husband and I live 2500 miles apart (by choice), I could buy myself a very nice handbag.

The usual responses are, “That must be SO hard!” or “How does that work?” Or, my favorite, “That’s interesting...” with a confused look.

It’s true. Our marriage is unconventional, to say the least. Joe and I have been married for 16 years and have known each other for over 20. We’ve been living apart for seven years. And yes, by choice.

Very few people truly understand the decision to live this way. But it’s a relevant topic... whether you live apart from your significant other by choice or by circumstance, it’s happening more and more in the world we live in. Military duties take spouses away for months – even years at a time. College or continuing education opportunities force couples to live apart. Careers often take precedence over living in the same household.

People generally understand (and accept) those “separated by circumstance” occurrences more than one by choice. Why would one consciously choose to live apart from the one they love?

Here’s my answer: two happy individuals make up a happy marriage, despite the distance.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Wednesday, 28 August 2013 11:22

Building Teen Esteem to Fight Bullying

Do you know a teen that is bullied or maybe is a bully? Learn how you can do something about it.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Tuesday, 27 August 2013 22:09

Mindful Eating for Weight Loss & Pleasure

Have you ever noticed that you eat while you watch TV, drive, work, talk on the telephone? That sometimes you just eat, mindlessly? Just shoveling food in with no real thought about whether it tastes good, feels good, IS good?

Are you one of the many of us? The people who eat too fast, too thoughtlessly, too unhealthily?  Are you so busy filling the next forkful that you don't even notice the wonderful bite of food already in your mouth?

YIKES! Right?

Since your brain can only really focus on one thing at a time, when you eat while doing something else you far too often miss the subtle signs of fullness that tell you to STOP! At least not until you feel uncomfortable or until you run out of food.

Published in RadioMD Blog
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