
Heart Healthy with the “Drugless Doctor”

Featuring: Robert DeMaria, DC
February is American Heart Month and Dr. Bob, "The Drugless Doctor," shares how to keep your heart happy and healthy by picking the right foods.

Our Nation is Suffering from FatFlammation

Featuring: Lori L. Shemek, PhD, CLC, NC
You probably have some idea of what causes you to gain a few pounds here and there. But could the bigger problem be FatFlammation?

The 4-Letter Word Kids Should Never Say

Featuring: Stacey Antine, MS, RD
As a parent, it can be a struggle to raise a finicky eater. Find out why "yuck" is a four-letter word kids should never utter.

Chew on This with Kim Barnouin

Featuring: Kim Barnouin
Our two powerhouse nutritionists cover the latest health and wellness headlines in order to help YOU live better.

Get Anxiety Free – Naturally

Featuring: Marcey Shapiro, MD
Dr. Marcey Shapiro shares tips on how to overcome anxiety using natural remedies.

Lower Your Cholesterol with Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Featuring: Barry Sears, PhD
The leading authority in anti-inflammatory nutrition, Dr. Barry Sears, explains how to lower your cholesterol without taking a bunch of prescription pills.

Combat Age-Related Macular Degeneration with Fish Oil Supplements

Featuring: Barry Sears, PhD
AMD is the leading cause of blindness in people over 50; but new research suggests it can be reversed.

New Year’s Solutions: The Secret to Achieving Your Goals

Featuring: David Friedman, DC
80% of New Year's Resolutions are broken by April. Perhaps it's time to remove the "RE" and focus on a solution.

Chew on This with Kim Barnouin

Featuring: Kim Barnouin
Our two powerhouse nutritionists cover the latest health and wellness headlines in order to help YOU live better.

Coping with Grief During the Holidays

Featuring: Mary M. McCambridge
For many, the holidays bring sadness and grief from the loss of a loved one.
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