
A Day Without Pain

Featuring: Mel Pohl, MD
You too can live with out pain. Learn about holistic approaches to pain management and how you can use them at home.

Stress Busters with Dr. Susan Smith Jones

Featuring: Susan Smith Jones, PhD
Learn how the food choices you make can help you live a more stress-free life.

Fit for Life with Harvey Diamond

Featuring: Harvey Diamond
Listen to Harvey Diamond as he spills the secrets of healthy eating and teaches you how you can look and feel your best without starving yourself.

Eat for Life with Harvey Diamond

Featuring: Harvey Diamond
Have you ever tried eating raw, live food? Find out why it might just be better for absorption in your body.

Chew on This with Kim Barnouin

Featuring: Kim Barnouin
Our two powerhouse nutritionists cover the latest health and wellness headlines in order to help YOU live better.

Chew on This with Kim Barnouin

Featuring: Kim Barnouin
Our two powerhouse nutritionists cover the latest health and wellness headlines, to help you live better.

Fit in a Flash with Denise Austin

Featuring: Denise Austin
Think you're too busy to add a workout into your day? Think again! Fitness expert Denise Austin helps you target your entire body in 7 minutes!

The Connection Between Food & Your Health

Featuring: Dr. Jerre Paquette, PhD and Gloria Askew, RRN
Instead of treating your disease symptoms, why not go right to the source?

Eat to Save Your Life

Featuring: Jerre Paquette, PhD and Gloria Askew, RRN
When planning this week's meals what should you focus on? Maybe you should learn to Eat to Save Your Life.

Emotional Eating: 6 Steps to Recovery

Featuring: Mary Pritchard, PhD
Do you wonder why you crave certain foods at specific times? Learn how to fight off those temptations, and grab the healthier options.
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