
21 Day Weight-Loss Kick-Start

Featuring: Dr. Neal Bernard, MD
Dr. Neal Barnard, MD, joins Dr. Friedman to speak about his 21 Day Kick-Start Weight-Loss Plan.

A Plant Based Diet With Flair!

Featuring: Chef Del Sroufe
A plant based diet doesn’t mean having to scrimp on flavors and choices.

Chew on This with Kim Barnouin

Featuring: Kim Barnouin
Our two powerhouse nutritionists cover the latest health and wellness headlines, to help you live better.

Dr. Friedman Answers Listener Questions

Featuring: David Friedman, DC
Dr. Friedman asnswers your questions on everything from microwaves to electric blankets, cellphone dangers and much more.

Diet Success: It's All In The Plan

Featuring: Alan Aronoff
Ever wonder what the real secret is to a healthy diet? Take the guess-work out of your weight-loss journey by creating a personalized plan for yourself.

Surprising Facts About The Foods You Love

Featuring: Robert J. Davis, PhD
If you're confused about what is and what isn't good for you when it comes to the foods you love, you're not alone.

Go Ahead & Eat It: Food Myths Busted

Featuring: Robert J. Davis, PhD
Coffee is actually good for you? Butter healthier than spreads?

Chew on This with Kim Barnouin

Featuring: Kim Barnouin
Our two powerhouse nutritionists cover the latest health and wellness headlines, to help you live better.
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