Sylvia Anderson

Sylvia Anderson

Originally from Minnesota, Sylvia moved to California for the sun, sand and warm temperatures. She graduated from the University of Minnesota with a degree in English and Communications, both of which she has put to good use in her work with RadioMD as Senior Editor.
Atherosclerosis is a slowly developing condition that can damage your arteries, eventually setting you up for a heart attack or stroke.
Smoothies are a great way to get tons of nutrients in an on-the-go snack.

Eating for Beauty & Health

Monday, 22 August 2016
The philosophy of naturopathic medicine is to use the most natural methods to achieve optimal health and beauty.

8 Tenets of Clean Eating

Monday, 22 August 2016
Clean eating encompasses more than just the foods you put into your body.
When you make the decision to start eating clean, you must start to think about what you put into your body and be more mindful of the choices you make.
Smoothies are a great way to get tons of nutrients in an on-the-go snack.
If your gut ecology is optimal, your overall health and wellness will follow, including weight loss.

Eating for Beauty & Health

Monday, 22 August 2016
The philosophy of naturopathic medicine is to use the most natural methods to achieve optimal health and beauty.

8 Tenets of Clean Eating

Monday, 22 August 2016
Clean eating encompasses more than just the foods you put into your body.
When you make the decision to start eating clean, you must start to think about what you put into your body and be more mindful of the choices you make.
Dr. Diane Angela Fong joins Dr. Jeff to share easy survival tips for parents as kids head back to school.

Back to School Naturally

Tuesday, 23 August 2016
It’s that time of year again when kids groan and parents secretly cheer.

The New Frontier of Fitness

Saturday, 20 August 2016
Have we been working out the wrong way for thousands of years?

Hidden Danger of Fake Foods

Saturday, 20 August 2016
Stop wasting your good money on bad (and potentially dangerous) food.

News of the week, toxic dangers, and helpful health tips. You don't want to miss this!

Join Dr. Roizen and his expert guests for the latest health news, wellness advice and most up-to-date research from around the world.

Self Care in the Age of Social Media

Thursday, 01 September 2016
How can you make sure your online relationships and behaviors are keeping you healthy and safe?

Getting to Know Your Inner Child

Monday, 29 August 2016
Regardless of age, we all have an inner child who needs love and attention.
The vast majority of premature deaths can be prevented through simple changes in diet and lifestyle.

Is Your Gut Making You Depressed?

Thursday, 18 August 2016
Your gut might be the reason you're feeling depressed.
What's taking place in your intestines is determining your risk for any number of brain-related conditions.
Air pollution encompasses much more than just smog and smoke. 

Fermented Foods vs. Probiotics

Wednesday, 17 August 2016
Fermented foods contain probiotics, but is that enough to keep your gut healthy?

Healing Power of Gardening

Wednesday, 17 August 2016
Boulder Crest Retreat, a wellness center for veterans, provides healing through gardening and other activities.

Don't Give Up! Victory is Near

Wednesday, 17 August 2016
If you're working towards a goal but thinking about giving up due to lack of success, keep this one thing in mind: you never know what's around the corner.

The Danish Way of Parenting

Wednesday, 17 August 2016
The Danish way of parenting is unique, and considering that Denmark is the country voted #1 for happiness, it seems to be working.

Maximize Your Memory

Tuesday, 16 August 2016
Memory lapses can occur at any age, but we tend to get more upset by them as we get older because we fear they’re a sign of dementia, or loss of mental acuity.

Senior Moment?

Tuesday, 16 August 2016
Are senior moments really part of the normal process of aging?
A healthy microbiome can change the genetic profiles associated with coronary artery disease.

Dairy-Free Milk Alternatives

Monday, 15 August 2016
A dairy sensitivity doesn't mean you have to give up the concept of milk altogether.

Root Cause of Inflammation

Monday, 15 August 2016
Are you are suffering from a chronic illness but not getting the results you want from conventional care alone?
If you're looking to get more fruits and vegetables into your diet, smoothies can be a wonderful option.
How much protein should you really be getting on a daily basis?

Root Cause of Inflammation

Monday, 15 August 2016
Are you are suffering from a chronic illness but not getting the results you want from conventional care alone?
A healthy microbiome can change the genetic profiles associated with coronary artery disease.
If you're looking to get more fruits and vegetables into your diet, smoothies can be a wonderful option.

Dairy-Free Milk Alternatives

Monday, 15 August 2016
A dairy sensitivity doesn't mean you have to give up the concept of milk altogether.
How much protein should you really be getting on a daily basis?

GERD: Tips for Relief

Saturday, 13 August 2016
What happens when a couple of antacids or a pill doesn't get rid of that burning feeling?

News of the week, toxic dangers, and helpful health tips. You don't want to miss this!

Join Dr. Roizen and his expert guests for the latest health news, wellness advice and most up-to-date research from around the world.

Mastering Your Own Life

Thursday, 25 August 2016
When you’re struggling with addiction or working hard on your recovery, you sometimes forget that you have the power to achieve and do anything you want.
External stimuli make it difficult to focus on our internal lives, which also need our time and attention.
Cannabis has been used as a medicinal agent for hundreds of years.

Get Busy: 411 on Orgasms

Wednesday, 10 August 2016
Orgasms are healthy expressions of the sexual experience, for both men and women.
You may think that you have to brew an entire pitcher of iced tea, but you can actually create unique flavors by the glass and create your own special recipes.

Adversity Is Your Greatest Ally

Wednesday, 10 August 2016
What if all the challenges in your life were really just stepping stones to living the life of your dreams?

Carol Alt: Best Raw Chocolates

Wednesday, 10 August 2016
What better food to contain antioxidants than chocolate?

Food-Beauty Connection

Monday, 08 August 2016
What if you could improve your physical appearance simply by tweaking the types of foods you eat?
Almond milk has a huge fan base, but there are many other "alternative" milks that can be created from foods like soy, seeds, grains and coconut.
From ADHD and autism to asthma and thyroid disorders, the GAPS Diet may be your answer.

Real Food vs. Fake Food

Monday, 08 August 2016
Is that really lobster in your lobster roll?
Certain nutrients can boost immunity, and you can find them in travel-friendly sizes.
Should pets and other animals have regular eye exams?

Out of Sight, Out of Mind?

Monday, 08 August 2016
There is a proven connection between vision, memory and emotional states.
Does your eye make-up contain something dangerous?
The Wizard of Eyes shares answers to his most frequently asked questions and interesting articles.

How Giving Back Enhances Our Lives

Thursday, 18 August 2016
An important part of a healthy life is being positively connected to the people and places that nourish your soul and spirit.

Reaching New Heights in Recovery

Monday, 15 August 2016
Recovery is a journey, with many twists, turns, and mountains to climb.

Food-Beauty Connection

Monday, 08 August 2016
What if you could improve your physical appearance simply by tweaking the types of foods you eat?
Almond milk has a huge fan base, but there are many other "alternative" milks that can be created from foods like soy, seeds, grains and coconut.
From ADHD and autism to asthma and thyroid disorders, the GAPS Diet may be your answer.

Real Food vs. Fake Food

Monday, 08 August 2016
Is that really lobster in your lobster roll?
Certain nutrients can boost immunity, and you can find them in travel-friendly sizes.
So, you’ve found out which foods are your enemy. Now what?

Was It Something I Ate?

Tuesday, 09 August 2016
Do you suffer from seemingly random gastrointestinal problems, skin outbreaks, headaches, joint pain, or mood swings?
Scammers are playing on the Zika fear by promising high hopes with bogus bug repellents.

News of the week, toxic dangers, and helpful health tips. You don't want to miss this!

Join Dr. Roizen and his expert guests for the latest health news, wellness advice and most up-to-date research from around the world.
Consumers are becoming increasingly concerned about the foods they buy and eat.
Your skin needs extra attention, especially during the summer when more of it is exposed and is susceptible to the sun’s damaging rays.
Manscaping has reached a whole new level.

5 Simple Steps to Great Beauty

Wednesday, 03 August 2016
You're not under the thumb of genetics when it comes to aging. You can actually take control of how you age.
Restoring good gut bacteria and gut communication can strengthen tight junctions, repair immune function, reverse fatigue, and reclaim mental clarity.

Foods that Ruin Your Sex Drive

Monday, 01 August 2016
Certain foods can impact your sex drive and even change the hormonal functions in both men's and women's bodies.
Lean, clean, green and alkaline is the key to curing your acid reflux.
Which foods can help prevent pre-diabetes and diabetes?
Packed with fat-burning nutrients, skin-tightening collagen components, and gut-healing properties, bone broth is the key to looking and feeling younger than ever before.

Local Farms & CSA Programs

Monday, 01 August 2016
A piece of the farmers' market puzzle includes CSA programs or "community supported agriculture."

Foods that Ruin Your Sex Drive

Monday, 01 August 2016
Certain foods can impact your sex drive and even change the hormonal functions in both men's and women's bodies.
Lean, clean, green and alkaline is the key to curing your acid reflux.
Which foods can help prevent pre-diabetes and diabetes?
Packed with fat-burning nutrients, skin-tightening collagen components, and gut-healing properties, bone broth is the key to looking and feeling younger than ever before.

Local Farms & CSA Programs

Monday, 01 August 2016
A piece of the farmers' market puzzle includes CSA programs or "community supported agriculture."

Is Your Drinking Water Safe?

Tuesday, 02 August 2016
Learn some easy tips for cleaning up your H2O.

Water Woes

Tuesday, 02 August 2016
What’s really in the water coming out of your tap?
As epic as traumatic life events are, they are part of the human experience.
There is tremendous value in life's struggles.

Myth of Positive Thinking

Wednesday, 27 July 2016
Positive thinking does not magically change your experience. You have to work for change.

How to Calm Your Anxious Child

Wednesday, 27 July 2016
It's estimated that 30 percent of all kids will be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder at some point in their young lives.

Designing Your Destiny

Wednesday, 27 July 2016
Trying to find your way in today's fast-paced world can seem overwhelming. It's time to design your own destiny.
Vitamin D is so essential for optimal health, but many individuals are simply not getting enough and are considered deficient.
Learn more about the natural, effective, and safe approach to conserving bone mass and building healthy bones.

Healthy Food Shopping 101

Monday, 25 July 2016
Learn some simple tips to make your healthy eating quest more doable.
If you have a sweet tooth, giving up your favorite tweaks for the sake of health may seem impossible.

The Kitchen Ecosystem

Monday, 25 July 2016
How can you create your own kitchen ecosystem?
Eating disorders can have a heavy impact on the atmosphere in your home.
After suffering from a bacterial infection which impacted his vision, Chris Panaro sought out stem cell treatment.
So you have an underactive thyroid... now what?

Is Your Thyroid Sluggish?

Tuesday, 26 July 2016
Waning energy, along with unexplained weight gain, feeling cold, and mood swings can be a sign of an underactive thyroid.
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