Thursday, 09 December 2021 00:00

Holidays Depression and the Blues

Published in PRISMA Health
How can you survive the holidays with your mental health intact?
Published in Healthy Children

We've had months to learn it, but virtual learning just doesn't seem to get any easier - for parents of the kids! We're all homeschoolers at this point, and its driving some of us a little mad. 

Published in Healthy Children

One of the hardest parts of this pandemic is not being able to see or hug our older loved ones. Whether it's parents or grandparents, we have to be extra careful to not get these people in our lives sick, and staying away is really the easiest way to do that, even when it hurts. 

Published in Healthy Children

The number of children who have tested positive for COVID-19 is expected to surpass 1,000,000 very soon. Which is scary for parents especially as we plan for school breaks and winter holidays. 

Published in Healthy Children
Tuesday, 01 December 2020 00:00

COVID-19 And The Holiday Season

Getting through the holidays during COVID 19 is going to be difficult. With kids of any age, there will be a lot of saying no and changing plans and traditions.

Published in Healthy Children
Tuesday, 24 December 2019 00:00

Encore Episode: Holiday Safety & Cheer

Have a happier holiday with these tips for your family.
Published in Healthy Children
The most wonderful time of the year can also be the most stressful. Get tips for reducing holiday burnout.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Tuesday, 26 November 2019 00:00

Encore Episode: Kid-Friendly Holidays

Make the most of your holidays while easing your stress and delighting your children.
Published in Healthy Children
Holidays are stressful. Help your brain guide you through the celebrations and challenges.
Published in Wellness for Life
Find out how to endure difficult and toxic people in time for the holidays.
Published in Life's Too Short
It’s the most wonderful time of the year... or is it? The holiday season can be a real challenge.
Published in Rewired Radio
Thursday, 13 December 2018 08:00

Healthy Holiday Tips

Published in Cayuga Medical Center
Tuesday, 11 December 2018 00:00

Non-Digital Gifts for Children

Develop your kid's motor skills or problem-solving ability with non-digital gifts.
Published in Healthy Children
Tuesday, 04 December 2018 00:00

Kid-Friendly Holidays

Make the most of your holidays while easing your stress and delighting your children.
Published in Healthy Children
Wednesday, 28 November 2018 13:15

Why Binge Holiday Drinking Is Anything But Merry

’Tis the season to eat, drink and be merry. Some of us, however, take those festive suggestions to dangerous lengths and end up binge drinking.

While one night of imbibing multiple drinks may only leave you with a hangover, using the holidays as an excuse to drink abusively from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Eve can lead to alcoholism and other negative brain/body effects.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Tuesday, 27 November 2018 00:00

Encore Episode: Holiday Safety & Cheer

Have a happier holiday with these tips for your family.
Published in Healthy Children
Gain strategies to smartly enjoy all the treats the holidays have to offer.
Published in Life's Too Short
Tuesday, 06 November 2018 00:00

Enduring Difficult & Toxic People

Find out how to endure difficult and toxic people in time for the holidays.
Published in Life's Too Short
Tuesday, 19 December 2017 00:00

Holiday Safety & Cheer

Have a happier holiday with these tips for your family.
Published in Healthy Children
Tuesday, 19 December 2017 00:00

Watch Out for Mistletoe: Kissing Diseases

It may be romantic to meet someone under the mistletoe. But, they may give you something you didn't want.
Published in Life's Too Short
Tuesday, 05 December 2017 12:47

Managing the Holidays with Dravet Syndrome

For many people, the holidays are a time of anticipation – anticipation of the joy of family gatherings, sharing gifts with our loved ones and celebrating. 

For our family, the holidays serve as a bittersweet reminder of how much our lives differ from those around us. 

The holidays bring extra stress and excitement that serves as yet another trigger for kids like our son. Imagine having to calm your child down on Christmas morning because the excitement of opening presents is causing their brain to be overloaded. You see them zoning out and you know a seizure is eminent. You try to intervene before the seizure strikes, fearing that this one could land them in the hospital again, or worse… 

This is Dravet syndrome.
Published in RadioMD Blog

With the holidays upon us it’s easy for us to get caught up in the rush of it all. 

While we may be cooking, shopping, enjoying holiday events, there are others, many of whom are in our very own circles, having a tougher time. 

Dr. Sanam Hafeez, a NYC based licensed clinical psychologist, teaching faculty member at the prestigious Columbia University Teacher’s College and the founder and Clinical Director of Comprehensive Consultation Psychological Services, reveals who are most likely to have the holiday blues and how we can help them make it through.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Monday, 26 December 2016 00:00

Challenges of the Holiday Season

It’s the most wonderful time of the year... or is it? The holiday season can be a real challenge.
Published in Rewired Radio
Tuesday, 20 December 2016 00:00

Holiday Eating: Make Smart Choices

Gain strategies to smartly enjoy all the treats the holidays have to offer.
Published in Life's Too Short
As fun and festive as the holidays are, they can tap you of energy.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Tuesday, 13 December 2016 00:00

Help for Those Holiday Blues

For many people, the pressure to be merry, the ache of lost loved ones, or financial problems can turn the holiday season blue.
Published in Talk Healthy Today

Every time the holidays come around, the hopeful eyes and ears of millions of people tune into the ocean of what media tells them to eat in order to avoid gaining weight.

Depending on the tips they have learned, folks start counting calories, restricting certain food groups, measuring out portions, or, what’s even worse, avoiding the holiday parties altogether.

In this article I propose to open up your minds to a paradigm shift: what if you abandon the holiday food vigilance and the New Year’s resolution?

Instead, what if you focus on your living before and after the holidays?
Published in RadioMD Blog

Sometime between Halloween and Thanksgiving, health goals go out the window to make room for treats galore. 

We start planning menus focused on traditional recipes, and even with the best of intentions, end up compromising on intake of sugar, unhealthy fats and artificial additives in order to enjoy some family time around the table. 

What if I told you that you can stay true to those flavors of the holiday without having to undo all the hard work you put in throughout the year to get healthier? 

By swapping a few ingredients here and there, you can still have your sweet potatoes, pumpkin, cranberries and all the other comfort foods this time of year brings to the table. A recipe with just the right pieces can not only deter you from making the wrong choices this holiday, but also add some much needed nutrients to your plate.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Wednesday, 13 January 2016 10:22

Post-Holiday Weight Gain: Tips for Recovery

How can you effectively lose the weight you gained over the holidays?
Wednesday, 13 January 2016 10:11

The Science Behind Holiday Weight Gain

Why are you more likely to gain weight around the holidays?
Tuesday, 22 December 2015 12:00

Holiday Mishaps: Avoid Ending Up in the ER

Dr. Ryan Stanton shares how to avoid holiday mishaps, what to do if you experience one, and when you really need to head to the ER.
Published in Sharecare Radio
Make a commitment to your health, not just as a New Year's resolution, but as a way of life.
Published in Health Radio
What are the most requested cosmetic procedures during this peak season?
Published in Health Radio
What are the most common injuries during the holiday season?
Friday, 18 December 2015 09:22

How to Find Fulfillment During the Holidays

Is it possible to avoid holiday stress altogether?
How can you avoid a setback in your diet this holiday season?
How is debt related to health?
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