Sunday, 16 August 2015 20:26

Overfed Yet Undernourished

Does being overfed and still undernourished sound like an oxymoron to you?

If so, you are not alone.

You could be overfed with nourishing food which is one step better, but sadly, many feed themselves more calories than needed with man-made nutrient-empty food. This past 4th of July holiday, I was once again discouraged with what I saw and heard from a community of well-educated American parents.

While walking through a grocery store, I couldn't help but notice baskets being filled with stacks of pure white deli potato salad, deli-made BBQ chicken wings, bags and bags of chips, stacks of packaged hot dogs and processed cheese slices, pounds of hamburger meat, bleached white buns, boxes of cookies and crackers, dyed popsicles, sodas, colorful energy drinks, ice cream, bags of candy, a few stalks of corn (yeah!) and some iceberg lettuce.

One cart was completely packed with cases of soda. (I should have taken a photo; I bet you've seen this with your own eyes.)

You say, "Okay, it's a holiday, so what?" I say, this grocery spree is repeated throughout the year.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Kat Carney, former Health News Anchor for CNN Headline News, provides tips on preparing for a trip; from what to pack to snack ideas for staying healthy while on the road.
Published in Sharecare Radio
Kat Carney, former Health News Anchor for CNN Headline News, provides tips on preparing for a trip; from what to pack to snack ideas for staying healthy while on the road.
Published in Sharecare Radio
Listen in as Dr. Mike provides the answers to a wealth of health and wellness questions.
Nneka Leiba explains how the Environmental Working Group’s Food Scores Database can tell people about the food they’re cooking and eating.
Published in Sharecare Radio
Nneka Leiba explains how the Environmental Working Group’s Food Scores Database can tell people about the food they’re cooking and eating.
Published in Sharecare Radio
Wednesday, 29 July 2015 10:33

3 Things to Expect when Eating a Paleo Diet

What are the top three things you can expect when eating a paleo diet?
Tuesday, 28 July 2015 11:18

3 Secrets to Healthier Eating

Eating healthier doesn't have to be as complicated as you previously thought.
Published in Train Your Body
Many people complain about the high cost of healthy food choices.

Just looking at the prices at Whole Foods and other well-known (as well as lesser known) food stores, you can feel overwhelmed by the high prices for food.

Yet, according to a USDA report, 14% of all deaths in the U.S. are related to poor diets and/or sedentary lifestyles. Eating a healthy diet can greatly reduce the risk of chronic disease and the associated healthcare costs.

So, we know the importance of healthy eating; but, do healthier foods truly cost more?
Published in RadioMD Blog
Wednesday, 22 July 2015 10:00

Why Counting Calories Doesn’t Always Work

Not all calories are created equal.
Tuesday, 21 July 2015 11:46

Blood Type Diets: The Lectin Connection

What are lectins and how do they play a role in the blood type diet?
Published in Mindful Medicine
How did this superfood turn deadly?
Published in Mindful Medicine
What makes the blood type diet effective?
Published in Health Radio
Saturday, 18 July 2015 23:00

Healthy Substitutes for Flour

Wanting to get rid of white flour in your diet? You probably know that most white flours and "all purpose" flours are bad for your waistline. But there's more to it. What makes the flour white, and how can you replace it in your diet?

Most all purpose and white flours on the market have been bleached, bromated, and enriched. 

What does that mean? 

Bleached flour is just what it sounds like – the flour has been chemically bleached to make it whiter. And bromated means that potassium bromate has been added to increase elasticity and improve the rise of baked goods. But, the chemicals used in this process pose potential health risks.
Published in RadioMD Blog
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

And, even though you know you should have had some oatmeal (or at least a piece of fruit) in the morning, instead, you run out the door and end up at your favorite coffee shop to buy a super-duper coffee latte loaded with sugar. Or, maybe you are morning soda drinker and just can’t stop. 

We all struggle with bad eating habits. Here’s the question: Which ones are causing the most harm and should be changed right away, and which ones can you gradually ease into reversing them into healthy eating routines?
Published in RadioMD Blog
Thursday, 16 July 2015 13:00

10 Greens Healthier than Kale

Why are greens so important to your health?
Published in HER
Thursday, 16 July 2015 11:34

11 Lies About Nutrition

What's trending in the nutrition world today, might be demonized tomorrow.
Published in Health Radio
Wednesday, 15 July 2015 12:11

Foods that Fight Pain

Before you reach for that OTC pain reliever, you may want to take a look at your diet.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 15 July 2015 10:00

Are B Vitamins Dependent on Omega-3 Fats?

Recent research suggests that B vitamins may only have benefit to those who have high levels of omega-3s.
Are there any foods you should be avoiding during the summer months?
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 07 July 2015 11:06

5 Summer Foods to Eat in July

What summer foods should you be adding to your grocery list?
Published in Train Your Body
Monday, 06 July 2015 11:06

5 Ways to Eat Clean on a Budget

What are the benefits of eating a clean diet?
Published in Health Radio
Whether you're trying to eat healthier, slim down, or bulk up, protein shakes can be a great nutritional option.
Published in HER
How can you prepare for the week ahead without getting overwhelmed?
Published in HER
When Vinnie Tortorich went in for a major shoulder surgery, his doctors didn't plan on his rapid recovery. What was his secret?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 01 July 2015 11:18

Preventing & Stopping Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity is a national health epidemic and doctors are calling for an emergency.
Published in Healthy Children
The obesity epidemic hasn't gotten any better, so the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has updated their guidelines.
Published in Healthy Children
Tuesday, 30 June 2015 12:00

How to Prepare a Healthy Barbecue

Chef Kevin Gillespie shares tips on how to “health-ify” your 4th of July Barbecue.
Published in Sharecare Radio
What are some key things to do if you have a food allergy and are attending a social BBQ?
Wednesday, 24 June 2015 11:34

Food for a Healthier Mind, Body & Soul

How can the right diet lead to stability in the mind?
Published in Health Radio
Wednesday, 24 June 2015 11:34

Food for a Healthier Mind, Body & Soul

How can the right diet lead to stability in the mind?
Published in GTL
Tuesday, 23 June 2015 23:00

Get your Greens in a Soup!

One of the top food trends in 2014 was kale: kale chips, kale smoothies, kale soups, kale everything started to show up on blogs, restaurants and grocery stores. 

This year kale is still going strong, and other greens are getting some attention as well such as spinach, arugula, mustard, collards and beet greens. They are powerful leafy vegetables rich in fiber, antioxidants, vitamin C and other vitamins and minerals making them an integral part of your diet to combat disease and aid in immune system health. 

The tricky part is how to eat them. They can be added to salads, but some can be quite bitter when raw. Another way is to steam and enjoy it with a little drizzle of olive oil and salt. The most popular way to consume them has become either in juices or smoothies. They are easy to add to the blender and with the right mix of fruits and sweeteners (honey, sugar, fruit juices) they can be quite delicious!
Published in RadioMD Blog
Katie Hayes, founder of Community Farmers Markets, provides a beginner’s guide to the farmer’s market experience and benefits of local produce.
Published in Sharecare Radio
The body dashboard is a way to fully ensure you're listening to your body's signals and addressing them in a nourishing way.
Published in Health Radio
What is "lifestyle medicine," and how can it prevent and reverse some of today's deadliest diseases?
What are some foods that can help heal your liver?
Orthorexia is an unhealthy fixation on eating only healthy or "pure" foods.
Published in Eat Right Radio
Wednesday, 17 June 2015 10:00

Can Ketogenic Diets Fight Cancer?

A ketogenic diet is high in fat, low in carbohydrates and has an average amount of protein. Could this combination help fight cancer?
What are the foods you should consider adding to your grocery list to boost your wellness?
Published in Mindful Medicine
Monday, 15 June 2015 11:34

5 Tips to Help You Age Gracefully

How does the food you eat affect your wellness?
Published in Health Radio
What are the small changes you can make to achieve a longer, healthier life?
Published in Health Radio
Why is it so important to stay protected from the sun?
A whopping 61 percent of your calories are coming from processed foods.
Published in Health Radio
Wednesday, 10 June 2015 10:22

Why You Should Eat More Wasabi

Wasabi is a root vegetable that's typically grounded into a paste and served with Japanese foods.
Are healthy grilling recipes attainable?
Published in Health Radio
Are there certain foods you should and shouldn't be eating on your wedding day?
Published in Health Radio
Mushrooms been used medicinally for for thousands of years. Which varieties are the most beneficial?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Chef Megan McCarthy explains how to make a healthy meal, straight from your garden.
Published in Sharecare Radio
You may not realize it, but juice has just as much sugar as soda pop.
Published in Train Your Body
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