Roughly 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with Parkinson's disease annually. Do you know the early symptoms?
There are many who need a kidney transplant, but there are simply not enough donors.
Prostate artery embolization is a new minimally invasive procedure designed to help men with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH).
The recent tragic suicide of Robin Williams highlights the national problem of depression and suicide.
Did you know that one teaspoon of powdered caffeine is equivalent to 30 cups of coffee?
According to a recent study, many older adults who visit the ER are either malnourished or at risk for malnutrition.

Should Your Kids Be Vaccinated?

Friday, 15 August 2014
August is National Immunization Month; the goal being to increase awareness as to the benefits of vaccines.
Ebola is one of the most deadly viruses in existence, with a fatality rate close to 90 percent.
Depression affects more than 350 million people, and all too often causes a loved one to take his or her own life.
Burns can vary from mild to severe. Do you know the best treatment for your burn?
There has been a lot of recent buzz surrounding probiotics, but do you really know what you're buying and consuming?
There might be a new option if you or your loved one is suffering from diabetes.
Did you know that one out of three women is abused at some point in her life?
PTLD occurs after a devastating love event, most likely a breakup, separation or divorce.
The earlier in life a woman starts dieting, the more long-term consequence it can have for her health, a study suggests.
What is the latest research and information on labeling laws pertaining to gluten in foods?
How do you eat SMART at the drive-thru?

Have Health Questions? Ask Dr. Mike

Thursday, 07 August 2014
Dr. Mike answers your personal health and wellness questions.

Can Hypnosis Help You Sleep Better?

Thursday, 07 August 2014
Hypnosis has been used to relieve anxiety and gain control over undesired behaviors. But can it help you sleep?

Kids & IBS: The Gut Solution

Thursday, 07 August 2014
Help your child cope with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) through stress management, education, exercise, diet and sleep.
What role does stress play in children developing symptoms of IBS?
A recent study published in Appetite found rats that were given omega-7 had a dramatically decreased appetite.
Before accepting a prescription medication for depression, might there be effective drug-free options you can try?
Is there a secret to living a long, vibrant life?
A man's hormones affect his virility, libido, physique and mental state. What happens when they become unbalanced?
If you're trying to improve your emotional, physical or mental health, it's never too late to make improvements.

Why You Need CoQ10 In Your Diet

Thursday, 31 July 2014
You may have heard the importance of incorporating CoQ10 into your diet, but what benefits result from doing so?
Are food allergies a recent phenomenon? Or are we finally noticing those who have been suffering quietly for decades?
Probiotics may be known for their gut healing powers, but do you know about their detox benefits?
Even though you might be feeling fine, it's still important to get annual blood work done.
Without you even realizing it, modern day stressors could be posing a serious health hazard.

5 Holistic Ways to Treat Acne

Wednesday, 30 July 2014
Acne is a skin condition affecting 50 million people in the U.S. Can a natural approach be the cure?
The recent 2012 fungal meningitis outbreak posed a new learning and treatment opportunity for doctors, researchers and patients.
Shunning the weight room could be keeping you from maximizing your health and fitness potential.

10 Everyday Detox Foods

Wednesday, 23 July 2014
Incorporating certain foods into your meals can help you naturally de-bloat, reduce inflammation and get your digestive tract back to normal.
Can you really live your own dream, despite what others might be telling you?

Sugar: Can You Become Addicted?

Wednesday, 23 July 2014
If you have crashes, cravings and can't wait until your next sweet treat, might that be an indication you're addicted to sugar?
Why are so many food additives banned in other countries but the not in the U.S.?
Stress creates a dangerous domino effect causing physical, mental and emotional damage to your health.
Studies have shown 12-step and abstinence treatments have low success rates.
Necrotizing fasciitis is a bacterial infection that can spread rapidly throughout your body and destroy its soft tissue.
Smallpox has officially been eradicated since 1979, but recently made national news when small amounts of live virus were found completely unprotected.
Whether you're in your home, taking a day trip or on an extended vacation, learn which first aid items you should always keep on hand.
A recent Annals of Emergency Medicine study says one in five girls and one in eight boys reported dating violence in the past year.
Many people take both Rx meds and supplements in hopes of improving health, but the potential interactions may make things worse.

Revitalize Your Aging Neck

Thursday, 17 July 2014
Most skin care regimens are formulated only for fighting the fine lines and wrinkles on the face. Your neck, however, is a dead giveaway of age.
Extracts from a Mediterranean tree have been shown to block a powerful inflammatory pathway associated with over 1.5 million deaths.

Omega-3s: Healthy or Unhealthy?

Thursday, 17 July 2014
Are omega-3 fatty acids really good for you?

A Big Fat Story

Thursday, 17 July 2014
The low-fat diet craze has given "fat" a bad rap. However, there are healthy sources of saturated fats that you should consider adding into your diet.
Shampoos, pesticides, drinking water, plastics, and vehicle emissions all contain cancer-causing toxins that you are exposed to on a daily basis.
With care from the time of your cancer diagnosis to the beginning of your acute treatment, prehab helps you prepare mentally, physically and emotionally.
Tourette Syndrome is typically noticed in the early stages of childhood and has an average onset between ages three and nine.

5 Top Skin Care Myths

Thursday, 10 July 2014
Myth: Toothpaste is a good spot treatment for a pimple.
For healthy, glowing skin, follow these six steps and leave little for your photographer to re-touch.
Why in the world is a size 4 considered to be fat?
Physiological changes as you age are hard to accept, especially for women, since many women identify themselves by how attractive they are.
There are five attention grabbing health consequences that could result from you not getting a good night's rest.

Influenza Pandemic Planning

Monday, 07 July 2014
An influenza pandemic virus spreads worldwide and infects a large amount of the human population. How can you make sure you're prepared?
It has been drilled into your heads that fat is the enemy and cutting fat is the key to losing weight. Is this true?
Diet drinks are linked to a 30 percent increased risk of heart attack and stroke.
Your thyroid and adrenals are like Jack and Jill -- so tightly bound together -- it's not effective to address one without the other.
What does the FDA have in store for the supplement industry?
Dispelling the myths and stating the facts about how the FDA regulates supplements.
Soap-based emulsifiers increase skin pH levels and can cause serious damage.
Have you noticed stressed is "desserts" spelled backwards? Think there might be some connection?
Instead of dreading life after 40, learn how you can embrace it.
Is there a way to turn your pain into positivity?
Why are there are so many sexual enhancement drugs available for men and zero for women?
What if your weight -- or your diabetes -- is affecting your ability to have an orgasm?
While your kidney stones may be small and pass unnoticed via the urinary tract, they may also cause extreme pain.
Dr. Mehmet Oz, is known for his syndicated daily talk show, The Dr. Oz Show, has come under intense scrutiny from Congress.
Instead of adding more beauty products to your face, it's time to take them off.
Are you a slave or a master to your money?

The Lost Art of Dress

Thursday, 19 June 2014
Are more mature women trying to follow the trend of dressing too young for their age?
Every day, one in four Americans will visit some type of fast food restaurant. As a nation, we spend more than $110 billion annually on fast food.
More than just a spice, compounds in curry provide protection against Alzheimer's disease.
Try to remember, the scale is NOT your enemy.
One of the oldest known medicines, apple cider vinegar, is an all-natural diabetes treatment.
Antioxidants from peaches can prevent the spreadof cancer cells.
Do you have a positive relationship with food? Or a negative one? Let's fix that.
There isn't a cure for Alzheimer's. However, the MIND protocol works to slow down the deteriorating process.
Omega-3 fatty acids are important for optimal health. Do you know which form is best for optimal health?
Juicing is a great way for your body to absorb nutrients faster and more optimally, rather than simply eating your fruits and veggies.
Do you ever take time to really appreciate the food you're eating? Doing so can actually help you lose weight.
Is your stress the reason for your dreadful headache?
What makes dating in your 50s so difficult and challenging?

Sex: What is the Right Amount?

Thursday, 12 June 2014
What is a "healthy" amount of sex for couples to be having?
You many not view activities like sex, eating or gambling as a dependency. But they definitely can have potential for habitual problems.
Andrea Caesar offers specific and unique advice on Lyme disease as someone who has lived with it for majority of her life.
Did you know that the physical withdrawals of quitting smoking truly will go away after a few days? You can get through this.

Can Marijuana Prevent Seizures?

Thursday, 12 June 2014
Recent research confirms that compounds found in marijuana calm excited brain cells, preventing seizures.

7 Steps to Improve Your Brain

Thursday, 12 June 2014
The concept that intelligence is entirely inherited and fixed is no longer valid.

6 Healthy Reasons to Eat Kale

Thursday, 12 June 2014
More than just a health fad, kale has earned its healthy reputation for several reasons. Now there's scientific proof of kale’s health benefits.
If you’re pregnant, think twice before taking acetaminophen as it could increase the risk of ADHD.
Despite past reports, a study fails to show an increased risk of heart disease in women taking calcium supplements.
Even though the symptoms are the same in men and women, they often experience depression in different ways.
Could a new study on autism using video games change the way the disorder is treated?

How to Approach Your Phobia

Monday, 09 June 2014
Currently, there are 19 million, or 6.8 percent of people who are dealing with a specific phobia.
The first principle of digital health is to have access to your own data. But what about other people being able to access your data and private information?

Natural Asthma Relief

Thursday, 05 June 2014
Can you control your asthma with the right nutrients?
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