Are you holding your breath, even just slightly?
Published in HER
Dr. Pam is crazy about meditation these days. But she wasn't always this way!
Published in HER
Thursday, 17 February 2022 00:00

The Profound Value of Meditation

Everyday at 7 am (8:30 on the weekend) Dr. Pam logs into zoom for a 20 minute guided transcendental meditation session.
Published in HER
Thursday, 09 December 2021 00:00

What is Reiki

Wednesday, 23 September 2020 00:00

Mindfulness Meditation

Published in MarinHealth
Thursday, 16 July 2020 00:00

Guided Mediation

Published in MarinHealth
Thursday, 20 February 2020 00:00

Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental meditation may help you find calm and work through trauma.
Published in HER
Learn how to use mindful practices to overcome some of the symptoms associated with Lyme disease.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Saturday, 23 February 2019 08:00

Audio Relaxation Exercise

Published in MarinHealth
Learn how you can begin to apply meditation in your own life.
Published in Your Brain Health
Bob Roth is one of the most foremost experts in the field of meditation.
Published in Your Brain Health
Tuesday, 05 February 2019 00:00

Turn Off Your Job and Turn On Your Life

Dr. Bryan E. Robinson discusses how to take control of your life and achieve a #CHILL work/life balance.
Published in Mindful Medicine
All too often, we yearn for a more spiritual life but tell ourselves it's too difficult. But, the smallest prayer is heard and answered.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Tuesday, 27 March 2018 00:00

The Heart of Wellness

Find inner peace and harness your healing power.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Tuesday, 30 January 2018 00:00

Detoxing the Mind

Your brain can easily get overloaded and overwhelmed in today's society. Is it time for a mind detox?
Published in Talk Healthy Today
When properly understood and practiced, meditation should feel easy, calming, and comfortable.
Tuesday, 28 November 2017 00:00

Finding Peace in Troubling Times

Reconnect with yourself and weather the troubling times we face.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Monday, 27 November 2017 00:00

Cultivating a Fierce Heart

it’s when life is at its most challenging that we are getting our mind, body, and spirit ready to take on anything.
Published in Rewired Radio
Tuesday, 07 November 2017 00:00

Learning from Life's Lessons

All too often, we yearn for a more spiritual life but tell ourselves it's too difficult. But, the smallest prayer is heard and answered.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Most of us believe that we live in only three states of consciousness: wakefulness, sleep, and dreaming. But there is so much more.
Published in Talk Healthy Today
Learn practical advice for approaching life in a more balanced, spiritually informed manner.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Tuesday, 30 May 2017 00:00

Why Letting Go Is the Worst Advice

Discover why “letting go” is the worst advice for healing, and how to really move on.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Thursday, 19 January 2017 00:00

Ep29 - How to Meditate: Yunha Kim

How to mediate, the benefits of meditation, and how you can become more mindful in five minutes a day with Yuhna Kim.
Published in Which Way is Life
Tuesday, 06 December 2016 00:00

Mindfulness: How it Works

How can you be more present in daily life?
Published in Life's Too Short
Learn how you can integrate the disparate aspects of your life into a harmonious whole.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Do you ever look at those people that just seem naturally happy and peaceful and think “How do they do it?”
Published in Sharecare Radio
Tuesday, 03 May 2016 11:46

Afraid of Meditation?

Are you afraid of meditation? It may be able to help you.
Published in Mindful Medicine
“Now more than ever in our frenetic, divided, 21st Century lives, it’s time to find a way to de-stress and calm our minds." -Dr. Norman Rosenthal
Published in Naturally Savvy
When there’s a conflict in a relationship and a solution seems impossible, people often isolate themselves and assume there’s a problem with the relationship as a whole.
Published in Rewired Radio
Tuesday, 29 March 2016 12:00

Meditate the Weight Away

Yoga teacher and meditation expert, Tiffany Cruikshank, discusses a new approach to weight loss: through meditation.
Published in Sharecare Radio
Listen in as Pam and Michelle answer your personal health questions.
Published in HER
Monday, 07 March 2016 10:00

The Mindful Mind's Eye

Listen in to learn ways to be more mindful and balanced, even if you suffer from something like vertigo.
Published in The Wizard of Eyes
How can mindfulness help with weight loss and recovery from food addiction?
Published in HER
Why should you meditate?
Wednesday, 16 September 2015 12:45

Meditation Tips for Beginners

Meditation can have many health benefits, both physical and mental.
Published in Naturally Savvy
What is the biggest benefit of meditation?
Published in Health Radio
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