Neurofeedback for ADD/ADHD

Friday, 12 January 2018
Learn how the brain can be retrained to improve focus for those with ADD and ADHD.
How does an autoimmune disease seem to appear overnight?

Using Nutrition to Battle Cancer

Friday, 22 December 2017
When cancer takes hold, take control of what you can: your nutrition.

Cells Are the New Cure

Friday, 15 December 2017
The cure for what ails you may just be inside you.

Encore Episode: Culinary CPR: Porchetta

Wednesday, 13 December 2017
Chef Luca Paris joins Dr. Mike to discuss his latest savory recipe.
Chef Luca Paris joins Dr. Mike to discuss his latest savory recipe.
Cholesterol isn't bad for your heart, contrary to what you may have heard.
Do you know a little one who isn't as talkative as you'd expected?

Could You Get Pregnant Right Now?

Thursday, 21 December 2017
How fertile are you really? Find out more about yourself so you know if you might need some fertility help.

Skin Care 101

Monday, 18 December 2017
It's not too late to develop great skin care habits.
Learn more about sexual health clinics and how they can help you.
Take your sexual safety into your own hands.

Culinary CPR: Duck Confit

Wednesday, 24 January 2018
Chef Luca Paris joins Dr. Mike to discuss his latest savory recipe.
Make cooking enjoyable.
Chef Luca Paris joins Dr. Mike to discuss his latest savory recipe.
Industrial food contributes to chronic illness in children. Find out how.
Learn more about preventing and managing type-2 diabetes.
No one likes yelling in the workplace! How can you resolve conflicts and get the job done without raised voices?
Your 2018 health and fitness goals can be attainable with smart, achievable steps.
Transform your mind and body. Five changes in five weeks with Dr. William Sears and Erin Sears Basile.

Ep84 - Live Like a Star: Tim Federle

Wednesday, 06 December 2017
You are the star of your own movie - how to live, love and lead like a star with Tim Federle.

Flu Shots: The Scoop for the Season

Tuesday, 05 December 2017
What's the scoop on flu shots this season?

Preventing Holiday Weight Gain

Tuesday, 05 December 2017
How can you survive holiday festivities without gaining weight?

GBM Alternative Treatments

Tuesday, 12 December 2017
Quality and duration of life can be improved with alternative treatments.

Just a Normal Tuesday

Tuesday, 05 December 2017
How can you help the teens in your life feel less alone?
How living a life of “maybe” can stop worrying and negative thoughts in their tracks, how it can get you into the moment, and why we need to embrace uncertainty with author Allison Carmen.

Ep83 - Functional Fitness: Joshua Kozak

Wednesday, 22 November 2017
How functional fitness is better than a “get skinny” mindset and how to future-proof your body with personal trainer Joshua Kozak.

Finding Peace in Troubling Times

Tuesday, 28 November 2017
Reconnect with yourself and weather the troubling times we face.

6 Facts About Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Tuesday, 21 November 2017
Find out how important vitamin B12 is for your body and how to replenish it.
Your body produces a protein that helps with healing. But, if it gets out of control, it can lead to inflammation.
Have a great idea up your sleeve? Find out how to take your invention to market.
What guides your emotions? How can you manage your emotions?
Should you enroll your child in martial arts classes?
How should you deal with norovirus and prevent the rest of your family from getting it?
Chef Luca Paris joins Dr. Mike to discuss his latest savory recipe.
Learn about improving your bone health.
Do you have to eat organic to get the most out of your food? The farmer's daughter will tell you.
Find out the most prevalent toxins that affect the human body and how to properly detox.

The Empowered Mama

Monday, 27 November 2017
Take care of yourself so you are capable of creating a happy, healthy family.

Encore Episode: Declutter Your Life

Tuesday, 21 November 2017
That's it! It's time to deal with your stuff.
Ah-choo! What's behind your child's sudden sinus issues?
Make fitness an adventure through hiking.
Learn some tips for detoxification and how it can improve your health.

The Parkinson's Playbook

Friday, 01 December 2017
How can you be your best coach and reduce symptoms of Parkinson's disease?

Nutrition for Best Brain Health

Friday, 24 November 2017
Your diet can be your best defense against dementia.
Which diet is actually right for your body and lifestyle?

Cleaning Up Your Genes

Friday, 05 January 2018
Your genes take care of you. It's time to take care of them.

Eliminating Hepatitis C

Friday, 10 November 2017
Find out about how hepatitis C is being eliminated.
Lyme disease is cruel to your immune system. Start your path to overcoming Lyme.

Pay Attention to Your Body Clock

Thursday, 04 January 2018
Get the sleep you need and be more productive in your life.

On the Road: Foot Care While Traveling

Thursday, 23 November 2017
Take care of your traveling tootsies!
Keep your nutrition on track by swapping for smarter ingredients.

Ending Female Genital Mutilation

Thursday, 16 November 2017
Learn how you can help end female genital mutilation.

Why Women Avoid Sex As They Age

Monday, 13 November 2017
Why do women avoid sex as they grow older?
Physical therapy can help you return to daily function after breast cancer surgery.

Post-Breakup Makeover

Monday, 06 November 2017
Celebrate who you are and realize a look that works for you as you embrace a life change.
The holidays and current events are a great opportunity to teach your child empathy and compassion.

Maximize Your Next Doctor's Visit

Tuesday, 07 November 2017
Many factors contribute to depression.
Many factors contribute to depression.
Nip those expectations in the bud before your child becomes spoiled.

Culinary CPR: Port Wine Poached Pears

Wednesday, 01 November 2017
Chef Luca Paris joins Dr. Mike to discuss his latest delicious recipe.

Culinary CPR: Veal Chop Valdostana

Wednesday, 08 November 2017
Chef Luca Paris joins Dr. Mike to discuss his latest savory recipe.

Lifestyle Medicine

Wednesday, 22 November 2017
Prevent or treat your chronic disease with lifestyle medicine.

Diabetes Reversal: Type-2 Nutrition

Wednesday, 15 November 2017
Changing your diet can improve your type-2 diabetes symptoms.

Halloween & Fall Festival Safety

Tuesday, 31 October 2017
Keep your child safe with these tips for autumn events.
Get the sleep you need for optimal health.
What should you eat when you want to get fit?
Should your child watch 13 Reasons Why?
What kinds of stress are good for you? How can you improve your response to the stress that isn't good for you?

Ep82 - Choose Joy: Douglas Abrams

Wednesday, 15 November 2017
How to use the Book Of Joy Journal, a companion piece to The Book of Joy with author Doug Abrams.

Women, Porn & Sex Addiction

Thursday, 02 November 2017
Women are not immune to pornography and sex addiction.
What happens when a woman has a miscarriage?

Infidelity: When He Cheats

Thursday, 26 October 2017
What does a woman expect after a man steps out on her?
Arm yourself for modern dating with these dating safety tips.
You may be able to arrest health symptoms with the GAPS diet.
Grow your own food and join the farm-to-table movement.

Are Vitamins Worth the Spend?

Tuesday, 17 October 2017
Are the vitamins you buy worth the money? Are they actually helping?

Plans for When Hunger Strikes

Tuesday, 17 October 2017
Make smart food choices when life has other plans.
Prevent the spread of infectious disease in your child's sports program.
In a conundrum about what to eat before you workout? We've got answers.
You can be a cool parent by knowing what to do if your child wants a tattoo or piercing.

Emotions & Chronic Symptoms

Tuesday, 10 October 2017
How are emotions tied to chronic symptoms?

Probiotics & Leaky Gut

Wednesday, 11 October 2017
Find out how your gut protects you and how you can protect your gut.
What you need to know about plastic surgery with Dr. Babak Dadvand.

Rush Hour Pollution Toxicity

Friday, 20 October 2017
How does driving affect your lungs?
Your chronic fatigue may be the result of an infection.
Find out how to treat acid reflux naturally.

Disaster Preparedness

Tuesday, 03 October 2017
Prepare yourself and your family for potential disasters in your area.
Do you know a little one who isn't as talkative as you'd expected?
Stress can be devastating to your child's health. Learn how to help your little one become more resilient.
Learn how your genes impact your choices and how to manipulate them for great health with Dr. Sharad Paul.
Learn about the relationship between turmeric and curcumin.

Best Diets for Health & Weight Loss

Wednesday, 04 October 2017
Finally! An answer to the question, "Which diet is the best?"

Encore Episode: Juice Consumption

Tuesday, 26 September 2017
Should you give your child juice?
Will working out today help your future health?
Ask the important questions before sending your child on a playdate.

Fixing the One You Love

Thursday, 19 October 2017
How can you push your partner toward accomplishment while still being loving and safe?
Take ten: five easy steps to take charge of your eating and five more steps to take charge of your fitness.

Mindful Aging

Thursday, 12 October 2017
Today is the first day of the rest of your life, no matter how many years remain.
Want to get pregnant but it hasn't happened yet? Find out when you should see a fertility specialist.
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