Tuesday, 03 February 2015 10:00

3 Hormones to Control for Weight Loss

Keeping your hormones balanced can make your weight loss progress more successful.
Friday, 30 January 2015 12:00

Introduction to the Paleo Diet

Ever wonder about the science behind the Paleo diet? Does it really work and is it right for you?
Published in Wellness for Life
Research confirms that it's harder for women to reach weight goals.
Published in HER
Thursday, 29 January 2015 13:22

What Happens to Your Fat When You Lose Weight?

If fat doesn't turn into heat or energy (which is what scientists and doctors previously thought happened), what does happen to it?
Published in HER
Each week host Dr. Susanne Bennett shares with her listeners Nature's Secrets to a healthier body.
Published in Wellness for Life
Friday, 23 January 2015 12:33

Have You Been Sticking to Your Diet?

You may know how important it is to stay at a healthy weight, you also know how hard it can be to stay on track when dieting.
Published in Wellness for Life
You have a friend in your battle with weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight; it's called your metabolism.
Published in Wellness for Life
Obesity has become an epidemic in the United States. Learn why one doctor doesn't think willpower is the problem.
Published in Wellness for Life
Thursday, 22 January 2015 13:22

10 Things You Need to Know About Your Thyroid

January is Thyroid Awareness Month. Do you know the important role your thyroid plays in your health?
Published in HER
If you're under the assumption that being skinny is the only way you can be healthy, think again.
If you have a hard time figuring out how to lose that belly fat, it's time for the "Belly Fat Diet for Dummies" approach.
The only way to successfully lose weight lies within your genetic makeup.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Tuesday, 20 January 2015 12:11

Fad Diets Come & Go: Did Yours?

Fad diets come and go. Have you tried one, only to fail?
Published in Train Your Body
Friday, 16 January 2015 12:22

Do You Really Want that Super-Sized?

Alex Jamieson, of the Oscar-nominated documentary Super Size Me, explains why you don't want to do that... ever.
Published in Wellness for Life
Thursday, 15 January 2015 13:11

Healthy Fast Foods: Tips, Strategies & Ideas

Americans alone spend over 110 billion dollars on various types of fast food.
Published in HER
Wednesday, 14 January 2015 11:22

Struggling to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions?

Did you know that only 8% of people actually stick to their New Year's resolutions throughout the entire year?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Saturday, 10 January 2015 16:25

Meat-Free and Flavorful

After losing family members to cancer, award winning author Karen Page discovered a whole new take on life by going vegetarian.
Have you made healthy New Year's resolutions in the past, only to fall short?
Published in Eat Right Radio
Tuesday, 06 January 2015 11:33

REAL Resolutions for Fitness

Almost 50% of all New Year's Resolutions have a health component, so why do we give up so quickly?
Published in Sharecare Radio
It's time to talk about poop -- but not in the way you might think.
No, beer is not the secret to losing weight. One ingredient may certainly help, however.
Is it really possible to become addicted to food?
Published in HER
An increasing number of scientific studies suggest that food, like drugs or alcohol, can have addictive qualities.
Published in HER
Wednesday, 10 December 2014 14:33

A Sauna a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

By using a sauna, you're sweating out the toxins in your body while boosting your immune system.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Wednesday, 10 December 2014 14:11

Tips & Tricks to NOT Pack on Pounds this Winter

Your couch may be looking extra comfy these days... how can you resist and keep those pounds from creeping on?
Published in Mindful Medicine
Looking to lose weight and improve your overall wellness? This 10-day cleanse might be the secret to your success.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Wednesday, 10 December 2014 11:00

Carol Alt Dishes on Her Exercise Routine

They may seem naturally toned and slim, but even supermodels have to work out.
Published in Naturally Savvy
How can you enjoy the holidays without gaining that holiday weight?
Did you know that 75% of Americans' weight gain takes place during the holiday season?
Published in HER
Wednesday, 03 December 2014 14:11

Weight Loss: Diet Foods You Should Avoid

What if the healthy alternatives that are suggested to you are actually causing you harm?
Published in Mindful Medicine
Will you be falling off the New Year's Resolution wagon once again? Or overcome past failures and actually stick with your goals?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Coconut oil has gone though quite a metamorphosis over the last 15 years... all for the better.
Published in Naturally Savvy
While dieting, a slow and steady approach does not always win the race.
Published in Train Your Body
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, there were 111,986 tummy tucks performed in 2013.
Published in HER
Patients who have lost over 100 pounds have a higher risk of complications if they undergo a body contouring surgery.
Published in HER
Wednesday, 12 November 2014 14:22

Why Diets DON'T Work & What to Do About It

Have you ever considered not dieting? It may be the solution to your weight loss goals.
Published in Mindful Medicine
A three-day juicing cleanse can seem appealing after a week of binge eating. But is it healthy?
Published in Mindful Medicine
Wednesday, 12 November 2014 14:00

Refined Sugars vs. High Fructose Corn Syrup

A whopping 80 percent of food items sold in America have added sugar. Yup, 80 percent.
Published in Mindful Medicine
What does it take to really lose weight?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Tuesday, 11 November 2014 12:22

How to Get Those 6-Pack Abs

The number one exercise for six-pack abs? Push away. As in, push away from the table.
Published in Train Your Body
There are plenty of ways your health and happiness isn't correlated with what the numbers read on the scale.
Published in HER
Which fats you should be including more of in your daily diet, and which should you pass on?
Published in Mindful Medicine
Wednesday, 22 October 2014 11:22

The Pizza Trap

With the accessibility of junk food, fast food and processed food, it's hard to instill good eating habits -- not just in your children, but in yourself as well.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Saturday, 18 October 2014 16:25

Simple Tips to Stay Slim

Did you know that a woman who leaves a cereal box on her counter weighs about 21 pounds more than her neighbor who doesn't?
What if you could give your fat "last rites," and be rid of it once and for all?
Published in Naturally Savvy
Tuesday, 07 October 2014 12:11

5 Best Energy Boosting Foods

With so many great energy foods, do you really need to add a controversial energy drink to your regimen?
Published in Train Your Body
Tuesday, 07 October 2014 12:00

Carbs on Trial: Some Good, Some Bad?

While carbohydrates have recently gotten a bad rap, they are actually essential to your diet.
Published in Train Your Body
There are a lot of benefits of feeling healthy as a mom; a job you need a lot of stamina and patience for.
Published in HER
Can you think yourself thin?
Published in HER
Is it possible to speed up your metabolism with training?
Published in Train Your Body
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