Monday, 08 February 2021 00:00

COVID and Obesity: Why Weight

Published in WakeMed
Wednesday, 27 January 2021 00:00

Weight Loss

Published in Upland Hills Health

Dr. Friedman exposes hidden chemicals that may be sabotaging your weight loss goals and he shares what you can do about it.

Saturday, 02 January 2021 00:00

Why 10,000 Steps?

Published in BayCare Health System
Wednesday, 09 December 2020 00:00

High Blood Pressure and Obesity

Published in BayCare Health System
If you're having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn't you. The problem actually is your system.
The COVID-19 pandemic is a challenging time to stay on top of your health and weight. How can you make sure you don't come out of these weeks ten (or more) pounds heavier?
Published in HER
Thursday, 02 April 2020 00:00

Find Your Path to Health and Longevity

Learn the secret to living a longer, healthier, and more fulfilled life.
What you eat may hold the answer to restoring your good health.
Wednesday, 04 March 2020 00:00

Robotics: The Future of Surgery

Published in WakeMed
Tuesday, 03 March 2020 00:00

Living the Keto Lifestyle

When Dr. Harlan Kilstein was diagnosed with metabolic syndrome and told he would virtually never be able to lose weight, he discovered the Keto lifestyle and it changed everything for him.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Dr. Neal Barnard's newest book, Your Body in Balance: The New Science of Food, Hormones and Health, serves as a guide to achieving pain relief, weight control, and a lifetime of good health.
We have more trendy diet fads than ever in history, yet obesity rates continue to rise.
Tuesday, 04 February 2020 00:00

Exercise Is Medicine

Investigative health journalist Judy Foreman suggests that the key element to extending a healthy lifespan is exercise.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Author and journalist Judy Foreman has done extensive research on exactly why exercise is so powerful for whole-body health and longevity.
Tuesday, 28 January 2020 00:00

Encore Episode: Weight Loss for Women

What's getting in the way of your weight loss goals?
Published in Mindful Medicine
Dr. Steven Masley, author of The Mediterranean Method, joins Dr. Friedman to discuss how to lose weight, prevent disease, and extend your life.
Monday, 20 January 2020 00:00

Is Keto Safe for Kids?

Published in Children's Health
Dr. Friedman visits with Chef AJ, who is at the forefront of plant-based nutrition.
Tuesday, 24 December 2019 00:00

Encore Episode: Managing Holiday Feasts

Be smart with your holiday eating and carry those habits throughout the year.
Published in Mindful Medicine
The secret to attaining permanent weight loss isn't achieved by drinking fat-burning shakes or following the latest fad diet.
Dr. Friedman exposes hidden chemicals that may be sabotaging your weight loss goals and he shares what you can do about it.
Thursday, 03 October 2019 08:00

Healthy is the New Wealthy

Published in WakeMed
Dr. Friedman covers the 10 most common obstacles that are keeping people from achieving permanent weight loss.
Self-guilt can turn into a vicious cycle that's hard to break.
Published in Naturally Savvy
Tuesday, 04 June 2019 00:00

Easy Sugar Breakup

Learn how hypnosis can reduce cravings and help people make healthier choices.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Are your weight loss efforts in vain?
Your liver is actually the key to a healthy metabolism.
Learn how to alter your inner state and train yourself to make healthy choices.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Thursday, 14 March 2019 00:00

MealEnders: Changing Dessert Habits

Enjoy the sweet after a meal without regret.
Published in HER
Thursday, 07 March 2019 00:00

The Wellness Roadmap

In his book, The Wellness Roadmap, certified personal trainer Allan Misner provides powerful tools for middle-agers who want to live happier, healthier, and more fit lives.
Learn how to stop binge eating and make healthy decisions about the food you choose to put in your body.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Tuesday, 12 February 2019 00:00

The Setpoint Diet

Stop yo-yo dieting and lose weight permanently with tips from the Setpoint Diet.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Our over-stressed, over-scheduled lifestyles don't always allow for us to follow through with our best intentions.
Tuesday, 08 January 2019 00:00

Mastering Your Metabolism

Learn what kind of weight you want to lose and how to boost your metabolism.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Thursday, 29 November 2018 00:00

Encore Episode: The Longevity Diet

Eat well and fast occasionally for optimal health.
Published in HER
Tuesday, 27 November 2018 00:00

Managing Holiday Feasts

Be smart with your holiday eating and carry those habits throughout the year.
Published in Mindful Medicine
Cravings are bound to happen, but it's how you manage them that dictates your outcome.
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